Here's another one of these. I am only even considering I made a
mistake because the player in question was extremely tight.
In a $1/$2 NL HE $200 Max online, 10 players, the hijack seat limps,
cutoff raises all-in for $8.50. I reraise to $25-to-go (having started
the hand with $250) from the SB with K
. An Ultra-Tight player in the BB
(who has me covered) smooth-calls and the limper folds. I have
Ultra-Tight on QQ or AA, maybe AKs, but he probably folds even the latter
90% of the time in that spot.
The flop is A
. I check with the intention
of raising, since I know he probably flopped a set. He bets $20, I
raise to $100, and he goes all in and I call immediately, expecting
to either see a set of queens or of aces. It's aces.
I should never, ever consider just betting out and being done with the
hand if he stays in the pot, right? I should try to get the money in,
Man, playing poker this many hours yields set-over-set too often. :)