A blog, as originally conceptualized back before most people in the
industrialized world had Internet access, was a regular post by someone
about things they were reading online. That's why I've always called this
an online journal, not a blog.
Anyway, occasionally, I act blog-ish. Today, I'm going to.
Miller wrote an excellent entry on Sunday regarding his analysis of
whether or not poker games are getting tougher (
can also go to the non-livejournal-syndicate version). If you
haven't read this entry, I believe it's an absolute must-read. I
agree with every one of his sentiments, and it basically renders
pointless a number of journal entries I had under development.
I think we really don't know what will happen to online poker. Having
done the low-limit multi-table thing, I believe he's right about
multi-tablers being glorified “bots” that make it
extremely difficult to win. I find myself that my edge is better
playing only two tables right at the top of my stakes threshold, in
part because I can get a nice edge against the rock multi-tablers in
orphaned pots. (Frankly, massive-multi-tablers rarely notice when
pots are orphaned.)
I also absolutely love the fact that he makes reference to my day-job
politics. I find it wonderful that Ed Miller turns out to be someone
who believes, as I do, that generally useful technical information
should be free as in freedom.