Some suggested that it isn't a good idea to
play in mixed games, arguing that Mixed games are to give each
player a chance to play a game (s)he is good at. I want to play
a game I am good and and not games other people are good at. Thereby
increasing my EV. I think this argument is ultimately flawed
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This is exactly why I became a fan of Omaha. I think most of the people I play with have more or less caught up with me but I still love the game.
I also am a big fan of mixed games - but hate mixing NL and Limit games. Sure, the variance for the levels may be the same over time but it is a very difficult mental shift within a single session.
Finally... get me back on the list!
I'm going to need a bit of these winnings amigo. I hear the Wed night game is good as well.
Also, I did reply to the first message - just not on LJ. I sent a private email. A fairly lengthy one, actually.
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