Title: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Pairing: Bom/Yuri
Genre: drama, romance
Length: Chaptered
Rating: PG-13
Inspiration: Renard - Terminal (remastered)
Disclaimer: Okay, amateur 12-year-old writer here. Don't judge me. I decided to make the characters live in America because I don't feel like making sure I use 'Unnie' and 'Oppa' and all that in the right sense.
Chapter 1: Official
"What made them want to adopt me?" Bom finally gained control of her breath, and she ignored the pain in her chest.
"Well, I showed them you're profile. They like how you're the same age as their daughter, and they think that you're very pretty." Mr.Lee began walking to his desk, Bom following. Mr.Lee handed Bom an opened vanilla folder. "This is what they saw."
Bom skimmed over it, scrunching up her face. She didn't like her profile and, even though it was all true, it made her seem like she had psychological problems. She closed it and plopped it on the desk, huffing and folding her arms. "I want to stay here."
"I don't want to be adopted. I like being an orphan. I don't have to live by rules."
Mr.Lee sighed in frustration. He shook his head and sat behind his desk. He sorted some things out, putting everything where it belonged, while the silence between him and the younger girl grew. Finally it was broken when Mr.Lee leaned back in his seat, sighing once more. "Go over and let them meet you. They're very nice people. You'll like their daughter." He flashed a smile, knowing that this always put Bom in ease. Bom hesitated, but she eventually unfolded her arms walked towards the family. It was a long walk, so Bom walked fast, her hair flowing. She plastered her best smile across her face when she was pretty close to the three.
"Hi, my name is Park Bom. I am the one you want to adopt." Bom bent down and shook each of their hands, well all except for the young girl. She just stayed on her phone, texting and chewing her bubble gum. Bom frowned a bit when she rejected her greeting, but she continued talking, making a conversation and a good impression.
"Hello, Ms.Park. I am Mrs.Kwon, and that is my husband, Mr.Kwon."
Bom bowed again, saying, "Nice to meet you."
There was an awkward moment of silence, and the three just stared at each with dumb looks for about 4 seconds. "This is our daughter, Yuri." Mrs.Kwon pointed out. "Hello, Yuri!" Bom bowed, even though the girl wasn't even looking. Bom frowned a bit once more. "May I sit down?"
Bom chose to sit beside Mrs.Kwon, since she was becoming warmed up to her. That's when Yuri finally decided to take a glance at Bom without the others knowing it. Yuri looked Bom up and down. I like this girl's style. She's very pretty, too...
"What kind of music do you like to listen to?" Mr.Kwon spoke up. Bom bit her lip, debating if she should lie and say she liked jazz and classical because they seemed so elegant, or if she should just tell the truth to avoid having to be asked questions about artist who did the genres of music she lied about. "I listen to Renard a lot. Oh, and I like listening to Rchetype, too."
"Renard as in fox?"
"No, Renard as in the Canadian guy who does electronic music."
Score point for Bom.
Yuri smiled. She liked this girl. Her style, her voice, how she could make smart comebacks and how she was still polite. She also like her name. But most all, Yuri liked Bom's body. She was kind of thick and she seemed to have curves, and those skinnies really complimented the shape of her legs. Yuri sighed and looked away before Bom could turn her head in her direction.
After a long process of talking and signing forms and things of that nature, the Kwon family finally took Bom home. Bom found herself uncomfortable in the car, having to sit by Yuri whom she didn't even get to know. Bom shifted in her seat multiple times, trying to find a positions that would keep her comfortable in the leather seats. After a click of the seatbelt, Mr.Kwon spoke up. "You're going to have to decorate your room, so do you want to go shopping now? Everything is on me."
Bom thought back to her bags filled with her clothes and personal belongings that sat in the trunk. None of them held furniture. Bom nodded her head. "Yes, I would like to go to IKEA."
With that, the family drove off. Bom pulled out her phone, popped on her headphones and selected the album It's Murder. She closed her eyes and relaxed her body that became tense, trying not to think of the orphanage and about leaving Mr.Lee.
A/N: Crappy first chapter, I know. Can't believe I made almost the entire chapter about her conversation with Yuri's family.