(no subject)

Apr 06, 2010 21:00

- Once again it has been forever since I've done an entry. I just don't think my life is that interesting day to day, so I think I sort of save stuff up until I have a lot of stuff to write about that is actually worth while. In the end though I think the journal entries are pretty boring. I don't know how many people read them, but I feel like it may be only about 2 or so people. Still I think that's sort of what an LJ is for. Either you're a well known person writing about your current projects for your fans, or your all the other people who are writing for their friends, but mostly themselves. Writers are pretty selfish. Even when they're writing something for someone else, they're still doing it to amuse themselves.

- I went to Florida in March and spent most of the month there. It was awesome because I got to see ispeaktroll and stay with her! We did pretty normal stuff mostly like go out to eat, and read and go to book stores, but that's sort of the stuff I like best so it was awesome. We also went to Down Town Disney (which is near Disney, but not actually in the park and mostly has stores and lots of people) for our 5 month anniversary, and went into the biggest Disney store in the world! ispeaktroll got micky ears, which look pretty spiffy, and we went to the Lego store which was pretty boss. I also realized that books in Florida are dangerously cheap. They have places where new hard back YA is like $3.00. If I moved there I would have to get a job at Disney just so I could pay my book addiction. And for food and rent and stuff. When I was leaving I was really sad. I think I sat in the little airport chair for like 45 minutes (my plane was delayed as per usual)just staring at the wall. When I went back to New York nothing was the same. I still like New York but everything seems sort of dull. I do all the same stuff here all the time, and even though I love it maybe it's time for a change. even Gregory Corso lived other places in his life, and he loved New York more then anything. Whenever I tell people this I always either get them going 'You should do it!' or that weird, half turn of the head and silence people do when they don't want to say what they're thinking. I just think people can't stay in the same place forever, especially not the place they were born. Gregory Corso was born in New York, but in death he lays in Rome. I don't know. All I know is I miss ispeaktroll like hell every day even with phone calls and texting and it sucks, and being with her is pretty much the most awesome thing ever.

- Saw Kyra and Liz yesterday. Liz got girl scout cookies and then we went to eat. I think we had mistakenly made ourselves invisible because the waitress didn't come until 30 minutes after we had been there. After that we went to The Strand and Liz was bored while Kyra and I looked at graphic novels. She wants to start reading them, and I have to say I was sort of at a loss as to what she should start with. Maybe Calvin and Hobbes? What do you think, flist and other epople who read this? Then we walked Kyra to rehearsal and met her actor friends, who make all the writer friend I have look a bit scruffy and too small for their clothes. Liz and I went from there to this weird new goth shop down town and looked at hair dyes. So far the possible ideas are red, dark, almost black blue and maybe green again. Also some people have said purple but I don't know. This is a hard choice. Harder then all the choices Solomon ever had to make! Remember when he had to figure out which women that baby belonged to? That was nothing compared to what colour to dye my hair! I just know I don't want it pink. As much as I like pink hair, I just don't think it's me. I also don't really want green or blue again. I just don't know what would be good for me. Maybe I should just go back to black. I just don't want it to be blond anymore!

- I started my new writing project. It's gonna be a horror story, but I'm slowly building it up to it and starting it as pretty normal. I'm doing it all over LJ, so it should be an interesting exercise. Either way I just don't want it to be super repetitive of all the other horror stuff I'm reading right now. It will be interesting to write an all, or mostly, girl cast, which I've never done before. The last girl I wrote was Shakti Jones in the Torchwood 4 thing I wrote, but that was a while ago. If it doesn't come out well I guess I can just take it all down and it's not like anyone will see it anyway so whatever.

- I saw Alice In Wonderland. Sucked. Saw Avatar. Sucked more. What the hell is up with movie now adays? You know it's bad when Diary Of A Wimpy Kid is the only movie I want to see that's coming out (though that movie does look awesome). I'm sort of afraid to see the Runaways movie as I'm afraid something in my mind will snap and I'll run out of the movie thearter and into traffic. And I'd rather do that in the privacy of my own home.

- And now because I have to do it, my thoughts on the new Doctor Who. A cut to protect you from spoilers!

1. Amy Pond when she's little reminds me of my friend Elaine which was a little weird but also kind of awesome. Seriously as I was watching it I was enthralled because I was like 'Holy shit, it's Elaine eating ice cream right out of the tub!' It was awesome. In all seriousness though I like it that Moffat is bringing back the idea of children interacting with The Doctor. In England kids are pretty mad for Doctor Who, and I know I was when I was little. I like the idea of Moffat writing for them. The idea that the Doctor may come visit you if you're in trouble. That the Doctor won't talk down to you. The Doctor is so old he's kind of a grown up to everyone, so it's interesting to see him interact with kids.

2. I actually liked the alien plot. The whole idea of the interdemtional creature skulking around through a rip in space. Also at the end when they do the scan of earth and show all the old Doctors and he walks through the orb. I freaked out. It was awesome and as an old Who fan I was really excited. Anyway the writing was strong and made me realize how shitastic a writer RTD is when compared to people who are actually good.

3. Bow ties are awesome. I'm glad the Doctor wears one. Maybe this means I can wear my bow ties again.

4. I don't know how I feel about Amy Pond's wedding. I'm not that keen on people running out on things like that. Just like how I wasn't keen on Gwen cheating on Rhys. I really don't want Amy and the Doctor to be romantic and feel like this is what they're gearing up for and it annoys me. I don't want to Amy to be another Rose. I like Rose, but I don't want another Rose. I guess I just got spoiled with Donna, the most kick ass companion of all time.

5. Is that Picasso I saw in the preview for the next episodes? If so then that may top the Queen Victoria episode. Maybe. I'm still wait for Tesla to make an appearance. Now that would be an awesome team up!

- I tried to make a Bunka doll the other day. It didn't turn out very well. I may need to get a doll making book of some kind. I feel like it would be easier if I had a sewing machine, but oh well. Any way it's good to be making things again. Even if making them takes a long time. Though not as long as writing this entry did.
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