How many Skater of my list squee over the sight of this?
Okay... but this is not an ordinary kiss. This freaking thing has been pimped over two months and it was a secret 'till ABC pimp it like Jack will be doing with his next girl in order to score some money to get his oxy. The same promotion and hype Jate scenes from SNBH go it... wait... NO!
It wasn't the media boys(Though TV guide seems to love Skate). It was by the freaking Damon and Carlton. Yeah, those two little mean bitches can be cruel. BUT they know where the real deal is. I am so no making this shit up. I won't direct all the quotes, but I can search for the links if someone doubt it.
- On Lost magazine the writers said that on the finale it would have a spectacular kiss. People freak out. Jaters entitled this kiss to be theirs;
- People flood Kirstin with questions and got a note from the writers saying that the kiss would happen and it would still be spectacular, but it wouldn't be on island (Oh those freaking kids).
- Then we got this quote:"I hereby promise you one of the most spectacular kisses you've ever seen on the show in this year's finale". Damon Lindelof
- The Carlton say it: "I can disclose no more details other than to say it's one of my favorite moments of the whole series so far"
- Then on a interview says their kiss will pwn Meredith and Derek kiss.
- Then Aussielo say that he got from a reliable source that: "Not only is the kiss spectacular, it's the kind of liplock that "stops f---ing time" and "makes the entire world vanish in the moment."
So yeah, I am washed by the happinees of this glorious ship moment. Jate is a loser ship who didn't get one single scene with decent build up. So much for an obstacle ship... since SK got some attention that Jate don't.