Undying Devotion -- Bankotsu x Jakotsu (InuYasha)

Jun 23, 2005 02:12

Title: Undying Devotion
Author: Jennie V.M. aka. TailFluffGirl (tailfluff)
Email: tailfluffgirl[@]gmail.com
'Ship: Bankotsu x Jakotsu
Fandom: InuYasha
Spoilers: Spoilers for episodes 102 - 123 of the anime and chapters 234 - 277 of the manga.
Thanks: A big thanks to cowgirled for looking this over for me ^^

~* Undying Devotion *~
Bankotsu x Jakotsu

Words to Know: [Glossary]

Sengoku Jidai (or "warring-states" period): a period of long civil war in the History of Japan that spans through the middle 15th to the early 17th centuries. It started in the late Muromachi period in 1467 with the Onin War (Onin no Ran 1467-1478), lasting through the entire Azuchi-Momoyama period, until final peace and order was achieved in 1615 of the Edo period.

Hanyou: Half demon

Youkai: demon

Shikon no Tama: Jewel of the four souls

Ushitora: Simply meaning Northeast, this is the direction in which the Monkey God (of Episode 88) told the InuYasha-tachi a large evil aura settled then mysteriously disappeared. This leads them to suspect it is Naraku, so they go there in search of him.

Aniki: Since the Shichinin-tai is an extremely close group of mercenaries, they refer to each other as "Aniki (Brother)" and to Bankotsu, their leader, as "Oo-aniki (Respected Elder Brother)." This use of familial terms shows their closeness and hierarchy but does not make them related by blood.

Daimyou: The feudal lords of the time, they were military and political leaders of the areas they dominated.

Zombie Crush: [Introduction]

It all started for me about three years ago. I'd finished watching what I had of the Rumiko Takahashi anime series, InuYasha and I didn't, at the time, have access to more. So, I turned to the manga to pick up where I'd left off and continue the story. Not many chapters after where I'd started reading, was the beginning of the Shichinin-tai arc of the series.

This arc, has since that day, been something I hold near and dear to my heart. I fell immediately in love with the seven-man army, the Shichinin-tai, and with Jakotsu and Bankotsu. After getting to chapter 267, I found myself falling for the pairing of those two characters as well.

While the Shichinin-tai as a whole only appear in one tiny little part of the larger story of InuYasha, I couldn't help but become rather fond of them all. There was something specifically about Jakotsu and Bankotsu's relationship that really had me hooked. On January 1st, 2003, I opened the first English shrine to the pairing and have maintained it since that day. Over these three years, I've devoted many fanworks to them, cosplayed both of them, and collected countless doujinshi and merchandise for them. Much like the devotion these two share, I've been devoted to them since that day I was first introduced to them.

And now, it's my sincerest hope that this essay will pass on my love of this pairing to other fans.

Pretty in Pink: [Jakotsu]

Name: Jakotsu
Name Meaning: Snake bone
Age: 20
Rank: 3rd in Command
Birthplace: Kanto Province
Weapon: Jakotsutou

Personality: Depending on his mood, Jakotsu's personality can range from child-like and innocent-acting to seductive, twisted and sadistic. He's openly homosexual, and seems to at least slightly flaunt that with his pink yukata worn hiked-up, red lipstick and teasing dialogue.

Bio: Jakotsu's a very unique individual, who loves the fight for different reasons than most. Namely, he loves fighting against attractive males and watching them bleed, since to Jakotsu- that's a big turn on. During his appearance in the animanga, InuYasha, he develops a unrequited crush on the title character- InuYasha, and is often seeking out to battle the hanyou again.

Reckless Courage: [Bankotsu]

Name: Bankotsu
Name Meaning: barbarian bone or brute/reckless courage
Age: 17
Rank: Leader
Birthplace: Kanto Province
Weapon: Banryuu

Personality: Very skilled at fighting, Bankotsu's actually very child-like and emotional around his friends. He cares a lot about his comrades, and is more like an equal to them at times than their leader.

Bio: Very similar to his opponent, InuYasha, Bankotsu is very strong and full of pride- yet naive and innocent underneath. Even though he's a human, he's acquired amazing strength and is able to lift Banryuu with ease (a sword that took three of the daimyou's best men to even carry). Wanting to live each moment to the fullest, Bankotsu seems rather laid back when not on the battlefield- but if someone betrays him, he won't hesitate to seek revenge.

Just You and Me: [Beginnings]

Prior to the formation of the Shichinin-tai, there were two young men named Bankotsu and Jakotsu who traveled together.

We aren't sure how they met or under what circumstances they were brought together, but somehow- they were destined to cross paths and be the original two members of the legendary Shichinin-tai. At this first glance into their past, we can see that there's definitely a level of deep friendship between the two.

Bankotsu, who had gone into the forest to confront the rumored ferocious youkai that lived there, ends up encountering Naraku. In this time prior to Kagome's appearance in Sengoku Jidai, the monkey-pelt wearing youkai was still seeking the Shikon no Tama. Before the two can talk further, Jakotsu calls out from nearby and Naraku leaves.

On seeing the dead youkai next to Bankotsu, Jakotsu sighs as remarks that wishes he'd at least let him kill one now and then. Walking over, he stands closely besides Bankotsu and asks if he's hungry. Lost in his thoughts, Bankotsu then casually says, "Jakotsu, let's go to war."

The two discuss the matter further- Bankotsu reassuring Jakotsu that he doesn't want to become a samurai, but that the idea of being a leader of an mercenary army is something he's interested in. Curious as to where this is going, Jakotsu asks if it will only be the two of them and Bankotsu face-faults on realizing that they might need others.

This is the moment the idea of the Shichinin-tai first came to be. At first, Jakotsu suggests getting attractive men to fill their ranks, while Bankotsu notes that strong men would be a better idea. Jakotsu replies in agreement, noting that if they were all attractive, he'd just cut them up. As the two walk off into the forest side by side, we can hear them laughing together as the scene fades away.

The rest they say- is history.

Legend: [The Life and Times of the Shichinin-tai]

From that day forth, Bankotsu and Jakotsu gathered together a group of strong men who would come to be known as the Shichinin-tai. This deadly group of seven started in the Eastern provinces and moved to Ushitora, taking jobs from daimyou and fighting against any enemy they were hired to fight.

These men, while all human, were considered to be strong as one-hundred men and their abilities were unmatched at the time. Their tactics were fatal and any village they were assigned to destroy would become nothing but flames, ashes and corpses once they were finished with it.

Amongst the group itself, the seven become good friends; working together well and laughing and joking when the battles were over. The Shichinin-tai become an unstoppable force, and the daimyou of the area began to get nervous.

Afraid that the Shichinin-tai would someday turn against them, all the daimyou joined together and set up a trap for the seven men. Hiring them out like normal, the daimyou waited for the seven to finish their job before springing the trap.

As the Shichinin-tai rested at the base of a cliff, the head samurai of the daimyou who employed them appeared on the cliff above. Before the group knew it, they were surrounded by several armies. Running for their lives, the seven men dodged the arrows and fought back against the armies. Heavily outnumbered, they fled into the mountains. There, in an abandoned northern village, the Shichinin-tai were surrounded and killed.

In hopes that their deceased spirits wouldn't come back to haunt them, the people erected the Shichinin Grave to appease the evil souls of the Shichinin-tai. Ten years passed without any trouble...

Rebirth and Reunion: [Something Different]

Years later, Naraku came into the area and used seven shikon shards to resurrect the Shichinin-tai. He made a deal with Bankotsu that in return for killing off Naraku's enemies, they would get to keep their shikon shards and have a second life.

As the InuYasha-tachi approaches the area of Ushitora, they begin to hear rumors of zombies (bourei).

The first two, Kyoukotsu and Mukotsu, fight and are killed by Kouga and Sesshoumaru respectively. Jakotsu fights InuYasha, getting a crush on the young hanyou boy, and Renkotsu and Ginkotsu almost kill Kagome, Miroku and Sango after the three fall prey to Mukotsu's poison. After these battles, the three Shichinin-tai members go and pick up Suikotsu before heading off to meet up with their leader, Bankotsu.

As the three ride up the hill on Ginkotsu's new tank-form, Jakotsu happily waves and calls out to Bankotsu.

Waving back, Bankotsu calls out to the group. Once they're all there, Bankotsu explains his plans to seek revenge on the castle of the daimyou who betrayed them ten years earlier. Jakotsu gets really excited about this, and asks, "We're going for revenge? " as he walks up behind Bankotsu.

The group then goes to the castle; killing off the daimyou, his guards and his entire army. After they've defeated everyone, Bankotsu takes the sake out on the pouch and sits drinking with Jakotsu while the other members keep a look out.

As they sit there, Kouga approaches asking about Naraku:

Kouga: I know you bastards have been hanging out with Naraku. Where is Naraku!?

[Bankotsu scratches his head in surprise a bit.]

Bankotsu: Naraku sure does have a bunch of people who hate him.

[Bankotsu turns to Jakotsu.]

Bankotsu: I got a bad feeling about this. Do you think we can trust him?

Jakotsu: No good asking me. You're the only one who's met him, Bankotsu no aniki.

This conversation shows that even now, nothing's really changed much in the dynamics between Bankotsu and Jakotsu. Even though it's ten years later, they're zombies, and he's still the leader over Jakotsu's 3rd rank position- he still addresses and treats Jakotsu just like his best friend.

As the group begins to fight against Kouga, the InuYasha-tachi shows up and it turns into a battle between the two groups. When InuYasha unleashes a Kaze no Kizu on Bankotsu, Jakotsu even turns away from his fight to yell out to Bankotsu in concern.

By this point, it's obvious that there's clearly something different and unique about the relationship between Bankotsu and Jakotsu in comparison to their friendship with the other members of the Shichinin-tai. But there's more to come that solidifies that belief...

Following the Leader: [Love and Jealousy]

During the battle, a saimyoushou tells Bankotsu that they are to retreat. Bankotsu ignores this until the Kaze no Kizu leaves a scar in his Banryuu.

Making their retreat, the group goes near Mount Hakurei to make use of it's protective holy barrier.

As they near the mountain, Bankotsu and Jakotsu get off Ginkotsu-tank and walk ahead of the others. Once again, even though the whole group is there- Bankotsu and Jakotsu just speak to each other casually.

Jakotsu: We can see it now, Bankotsu no aniki. It's Mount Hakurei. Anyhow, what's with this atmosphere? It feels bad like the last time we were here though.

Bankotsu: Perhaps the sacred barrier has been strengthened. With this, neither Inuyasha nor Kouga should be able to come here.

Jakotsu: Though, it's intense enough for us. Even though we're human.

Up ahead, Bankotsu spots Kohaku and Kanna approaching and the group stops to speak with them. They're instructed by Naraku's two minions that they are now to add Sesshoumaru to the "to be killed" list, and Bankotsu and Jakotsu look into Kanna's mirror at the inu-youkai. Angered that this order was the only reason they were asked to retreat, Bankotsu yells at the two of them. Kanna speaks up, telling him that he shouldn't be so certain about their victory with Banryuu damaged like that. She then points out that Renkotsu has been keeping the three shards he took from Kagome to himself.

Bankotsu takes the jar of shards from Renkotsu and warns him not to do things behind his back again. Then, he turns to Suikotsu and Jakotsu and tells them they are to go and fight Sesshoumaru.

Jakotsu gets upset, saying he wants to go fight InuYasha instead. Bankotsu levels him with a stern gaze, and crushes the jar of shards saying, "It's gotta be an unrequited love. Give it up."

The two then part ways, Jakotsu going off with Suikotsu to battle Sesshoumaru while Bankotsu goes to battle InuYasha.

The Only One: [Trust and Devotion]

Later that afternoon, Jakotsu walks along a pathway complaining about how cold it is. On seeing a passing merchant and his men, he quickly kills them and goes to pick out a yukata from their goods.

Coming up the pathway, finished with his battle as well, Bankotsu calls out to Jakotsu and waves, saying, "I've been looking for you," as he approaches.

The two then go and sit down on a nearby building's steps to talk. Some time passes and as the sun begins to set, Bankotsu brings up what the saimyoushou had told him. The following conversation leading up to an important moment between the two:

Bankotsu: I heard from the insects, that Suikotsu is also dead.

Jakotsu: Yeah... He had a miserable ending.

[Jakotsu reaches into his yukata]

Jakotsu: Ah, that's right. Bankotsu no oo-aniki

[Jakotsu holds out a Shikon shard]

Jakotsu: Here, a souvenir from Suikotsu... A shikon shard.

[Bankotsu looks to him in shock]

Bankotsu: You're giving it... to me?

Jakotsu: It was you who told us to hand any over, wasn't it, oo-aniki?

[Bankotsu is deeply touched, there are even tears in his eyes]

Bankotsu: Jakotsu, you're... (*effect sound- "Be emotionally touched"*)

[Bankotsu puts an arm around a surprised Jakotsu's shoulder, and tugs him towards him]

Bankotsu: a good guy!

Jakotsu: Huh?

[They talk happily, Bankotsu's arm still around Jakotsu's shoulders]

Bankotsu: You're the only one in the world I can really rely on. Even if you're a bit weird.

Jakotsu: Really?

[The two laugh together as the scene fades out]

We aren't really sure what it was they talked about prior to the subject of Suikotsu being brought up, but their conversation does end on a rather emotional and touching note. Bankotsu's tears along with his profession of "you're the only one I can really trust" are both very important elements to these characters and what little time they appear in the series as a whole. Not long after this conversation, they part ways for the final time, this scene being their unsaid goodbye...

Unsaid Goodbyes: [The Lone Hairpin]

After their final meeting at sunset, Jakotsu goes towards Mount Hakurei where he is tipped off by Renkotsu that InuYasha is human and inside the mountain's caves. Going in after him, Jakotsu fights his last battle.

When the holy barrier on the mountain is broken by Miroku, InuYasha regains his hanyou powers and he unleashes a Kaze no Kizu directly at Jakotsu, wounding him severely. Leaving Jakotsu there, InuYasha rushes ahead to find Naraku.

Laying there, Jakotsu thinks over his second life- flashing back to images of his fights with InuYasha, his fight with Sesshoumaru and a few of his interactions with Bankotsu (the siege on the castle from 110, sitting on the porch drinking sake together, and their conversation from 118). He then remarks:

"Well I guess it's okay. At least I had a lot of fun."

It's then that Renkotsu approaches and takes Jakotsu's shard for himself. As Renkotsu walks away, we see a Saimyoushou picking up Jakotsu's hairpin and flying off with it.

When Renkotsu walks outside the cave, he's surprised to see Bankotsu sitting there. The young leader seems to be very somber, his expression seeming to be almost lost. We find soon, that this is because he's been told by the Saimyoushou that Jakotsu was killed.

Before Renkotsu can follow through with his plan to attack Bankotsu, Bankotsu reaches back and pulls out two of the three shards Renkotsu has. At this, he panics.

Renkotsu: You... intend to kill me huh.

[Closeup of Bankotsu, holding the hairpin and looking rather distraught.]

Bankotsu: You killed Jakotsu didn't you? Desiring the fragment.

Renkotsu: Compared to what you're doing now, how's that different?

[Bankotsu looks on sadly, then removes the final shard.]

Bankotsu: It is different. I never betrayed my friends.

Throughout their entire conversation, Bankotsu's voice seems very modulated and cold. But gauging by the somber expression he'd just had, he's probably going through a lot of emotional turmoil at the moment due to not only losing Jakotsu but at having such a loss be because of one of his other friends.

In the anime version, the fight between the two was slightly extended. During this, there was a bit of an ironic twist, when Bankotsu used Jakotsu's hairpin to dislodge the shard in Renkotsu's shoulder.

After Renkotsu dies, Bankotsu sighs to himself and remarks: "How lonely...In the end, I'm alone now."

In the last episodes of the arc, Bankotsu goes on to fight a final battle with InuYasha as revenge for the lives of his comrades, and dies when Naraku removes his final shard. Therefore, bringing the story of Bankotsu and Jakotsu to it's tragic ending.

Reading In, Out, and Between the Lines: [Subtext]

It's interesting to note that out of the three years I've shipped this pairing, this is the first time I actively decided to pick apart each scene for any subtext that might be hiding underneath. One of the scenes noted here has something I've totally missed every time I watched the episode until very recently when I was rewatching for these essays. While to me, the pairing doesn't need this excess subtext to make it shippable, it does give a kindly nudge in the right direction.

Jakotsu's Taste in Men: [Handsome]

Throughout his appearance, we get a pretty good idea of what it is Jakotsu likes in men. Looking at each of those comments, they seem to be pointing to someone he's already rather close to:

During his first encounter with InuYasha he calls him "cute" and remarks on his sword, "Ooh, that's an interesting sword you have there."

--- Bankotsu is a tough-guy, but he does fall under the "cute" category as well. And his sword, is something that would be admirable to a fellow swordsman.

When asked about the person who killed Mukotsu (Sesshoumaru), Jakotsu elaborates more on his personal tastes:

"Somehow, he seemed cold to me. He definitely seemed handsome though. In the end, I prefer types like InuYasha who are a bit naive..."

--- Jakotsu doesn't like men who are withdrawn in their emotions, but likes them handsome and naive. Once again- all those traits are something that Bankotsu has.

Episode 121: [Just a Fool]

This flashback, which we actually get towards the end of the arc, is the only example we have of Bankotsu and Jakotsu's interactions prior to the formation of the Shichinin-tai. The scene we're shown is when Bankotsu gets the idea to gather together a bunch of guys and make an army of it. The dialogue (with annotations) is as follows:

Bankotsu: We shall join the battle as mercenaries and slaughter everybody we fight. I wouldn’t mind being the leader of an army of skilled mercenaries.

Jakotsu: Will it only be you and I?

[Note: Jakotsu seems skeptical of the idea of it just being them, but doesn't immediately suggest that they need anyone else]

Bankotsu: It would be better if we had more allies, wouldn’t it?

[Note: Bankotsu, on now thinking it over, realizes that having more people would probably be a good idea. But it's implied that up until this moment- he had intended it to just be him and Jakotsu.]

Jakotsu: Wait up, Aniki. Are you serious?

Bankotsu: I wonder how many men would be sufficient.

Jakotsu: Well, if you’re serious- there’s nothing I can do. Well then, let’s get together some good looking guys.

Bankotsu: Silly, what we need are strong guys.

Jakotsu: That’s true. If we got good looking guys, I’d just cut them up. I’m such a fool.

[Note: The final part "I'm such a fool" can be looked at in another angle than just the fact he was agreeing that his suggestion was a bad idea. Bankotsu's saying they need strong men, while Jakotsu wants attractive men. Some speculation was made that his line actually referred to the fact he already has both a strong and attractive man with him and that he's foolish to ask for more. Almost an element of "I'm such a fool not to see what I already have with me."]

This scene also suggests that Bankotsu and Jakotsu had been traveling together for awhile before the Shichinin-tai was even formed. This in turn brings up a few facts we can infer based on that alone.

-- Bankotsu is comfortable traveling alone with an openly gay man. And did so for awhile without any qualms about it.

While it could be in part to his very naive and innocent nature, Bankotsu doesn't seem to have any problem with traveling alone with Jakotsu. Given Jakotsu's choice of attire and appearance, it's very possible that many people would see the two in passing and assume they were a couple. This assumption would only further be strengthened when they did work as mercenaries, since it would appear to many that they were practicing in shudo, an apprentice-to-master status used by many samurai at the time that also meant the two were lovers.

-- There was something about Bankotsu, as a person, that made Jakotsu want to join up and travel with him.

Looking once again to Jakotsu's "wants" in a man, Bankotsu matches up pretty well. When it was brought up that they were forming an army, Jakotsu's first instinct was to get men he found visibly attractive, so it can be assumed that part of the reason he teamed up with Bankotsu in the first place was due to his attraction to Bankotsu's appearance.

Episode 110: [I Like the Sound of That]

During one of the other flashbacks we are given about the group, we see the Shichinin-tai conversing after a battle. Amidst the dialogue, Jakotsu seductively makes a very implicative pass at Bankotsu.

Bankotsu: (talking about helping Renkotsu become a daimyou) Well, let me know if you want to try and I’ll lend you a hand. Who knows how many we’d have to kill? Makes me shiver just thinking about it.

Jakotsu: Sounds good~ I like shivering...

Jakotsu's vocal tone when saying this is very seductive, drawing out the sounds of the words and looking very pleased at the prospect of it. If you note, Bankotsu remarks that it "makes me shiver" not that the soldiers they're going to fight will be the ones shivering. Therefore, Jakotsu's line can only be directed at Bankotsu and Bankotsu alone.

The fact Jakotsu makes such a blatant comment towards Bankotsu in front of the group gives us the impression that the group knows there's some special relationship between the two since no one comments on it or reprimands Jakotsu for speaking to their leader in that manner.

Episode 111: [The Cut Scene (Manga Volume 26, chapter 254)]

This scene, which was altered in the anime, is another choice example of how deep their relationship must be:

Bankotsu: All right. Okay, Suikotsu and Jakotsu, you two go finish off this Sesshoumaru guy.

Jakotsu: Eh~h~h!?

Bankotsu: You object? You like the lady-killer type, don't you?

Jakotsu: How many times do I have to say that Inuyasha is the one I like?

[Bankotsu crushes the bottle with his bare hand.]

Bankotsu: It's gotta be an unrequited love.

*sound effect: "bottle crunch"*

Bankotsu: Give it up.

We get the impression, even from the flashback in 121, that Jakotsu has always gone after anyone he felt was attractive while in battle. But, it seems that his constant mentions of InuYasha are just too much for Bankotsu to take quietly. Unlike Renkotsu, who just reprimands Jakotsu on a level of "think of the tactics and the best way to win, not that you want to fight a specific guy," Bankotsu outright tells him that's it's unrequited and that Jakotsu should get over it. Both of these comments are very stern and serious, two emotions we rarely see out of Bankotsu amongst his friends. This gives us the impression that for some reason, Jakotsu's infatuation with InuYasha has majorly gotten under his skin.

Up until their job to fight the InuYasha-tachi, the Shichinin-tai have never failed in their jobs before. Using that fact, we can surmise that Jakotsu's previous infatuations probably died the same day he met them, maybe a day later if the battle somehow lasted that long. But in the current situation, Bankotsu's having to deal with the fact that InuYasha is still alive after a few days, and Jakotsu is still head-over-heels for him. So like any person in his position would, Bankotsu becomes jealous and tells Jakotsu to "give it up." The added emphasis on this whole scene is the fact that Bankotsu crushes the jar when he says it, almost an added outlet for his anger and jealousy that Jakotsu's hung up on some other man.

Episode 118: [Tears and Embraces]

Throughout the series of InuYasha, there are very few times that a teen-to-older male actually sheds tears. One, is Hiten at the death of his brother Manten. Two, is InuYasha when he thinks Kagome and the others have died. And three, and most unique of them, is this scene with Bankotsu.

While the other events are triggered by the death of someone very close to them, Bankotsu's tears are triggered only by Jakotsu's devotion and trust in him. In context, Bankotsu is somewhat upset at the time on hearing that they'd lost another member (Suikotsu) and he'd already had to deal with a member not handing over the shards to him (Renkotsu). But also, he's been friends with Jakotsu longer than the others, so he already trusted in Jakotsu.

But when Jakotsu hands over the shard, Bankotsu looks deeply touched, and to reinforce that, there's even a sound effect in the manga for *be's emotionally touched* that you can see beside him. He then happily embraces Jakotsu, telling him "You're the only one in the world I can really rely on."

Another thing to note about this scene is the mood of it. Up until this point, all the manga-canon scenes of the Shichinin-tai have been more comedic or battle-related. But this is the first time we see some of the Shichinin-tai members interacting outside of that. The issue of trust is something very important in the series InuYasha as a whole, and so for Rumiko Takahashi to make an entire scene devoted to the trust between two side characters, it has to be something she wanted to be noted as very important to them as characters.

Also, the way Bankotsu embraces Jakotsu is very intimate, putting his arm around his shoulders and tugging him towards him.

In the manga version of the same scene, we can even see that Bankotsu still has tears in his eyes and there's a sound effect for the "tug" when he pulls Jakotsu towards him.

This scene especially seems to indicate that there is some deep relationship between the two that we don't really get to see into due to their minimal screentime and role in the show. And it has come to be "the scene" for most fans of the pairing.

Fandom Voices and Love: [Why Jakotsu x Bankotsu?]

I hope this essay has given some insights into Bankotsu and Jakotsu's relationship, but I also gathered together a few words from some of the fans of the pairing to further express why these two work as a couple:

"Bankotsu and Jakotsu have the one thing I find key in a relationship, which is a very close and devoted friendship. They seem quite comfortable around each other, and the only thing about Jakotsu's sexual preference that seems to bother Bankotsu is that he's looking at other men (jealous, much?) Had they lived longer, I'm sure Jakotsu would've started seeing his leader in a whole new light (especially after the "you're the only one I can really rely on" comment.) These two could work together just perfectly, granted Jakotsu realizes he's already got a cute guy right by his side. ;)" -- sonkikyo

"Bank/Jak was actually the first yaoi pairing I was drawn to. I've found it's not a relationship you can easily put into words; there is just an overwhelming feeling of trust and acceptance between the two that make it work, and oh-so loveable." -- jennybenz

"The relationship between Bankotsu and Jakotsu is my favorite out of all the anime I've seen. They are so natural together and are totally accepting of one another even if Jakotsu is "a little weird" (though even that is said with a smile and both laugh afterwards). They have a perfect friendship which could have evolved into a sweet romance if they had been granted the chance. Moreover, they look very cute together!" -- mermaid_emotion

"I've been a Bankotsu/Jakotsu shipper for - let's see - over two years now. To be honest, I never expected to like this pairing as much as I do now, as I've never really been that "into" yaoi. I'll also admit that I was a bit of a canon nazi back in the day, so I wasn't quite sure whether or not I was "allowed" to like it. XD

However, once I finally made my mind up, I discovered that there was a good deal to like. One of the things that I particularly like about this pairing is the fact that they're very versatile; there's no set seme/uke roles (something that tends to bug me in a lot of yaoi pairings) and they offer plenty of opportunities for all kinds of genres of fic.

I think the thing that appeals to me most about the pairing though is that it has a very strong foundation in trust and friendship, two things that I consider to be key ingredients in a successful romantic relationship. Shipping aside, you can tell that these two characters have been the best of friends for years. If they ever did get together in the series, I feel that given their bond of trust and devotion a romantic relationship would only serve to deepen their friendship rather than detract from it. Sometimes the best friends really do make the best lovers. ;)" -- kitsunenohikage

Forever and a Day: [In Conclusion]

If there's one thing undeniable about this relationship, it's that these two men share a very deep bond of friendship that has survived over the years.

They laugh together, drink sake together, and worry about each other. They're the best of friends through it all, and even if they didn't get to live forever, they both enjoyed every moment of their second life together to the fullest.

Friendship is the best foundation for love, and I feel that whether they shared a loving relationship before their deaths or whether it was something that never had chance to blossom fully, Bankotsu and Jakotsu cared about each other very much.

This essay is a culmination of three years of my love for this pairing. The depth of their friendship, their devotion and trust, and the fact that they're just "a little weird" are all things that made me fall in love with these two and it's now my hope that in reading this, other people will find them just as lovable.

"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Love is content with the present, it hopes for the future, and it does not brood over the past. It's the day-in and day-out chronicle of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories and working toward common goals. If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things that are missing. If you don't have love in your life, no matter what else there is, it's not enough."
-- Ann Landers

On the Road Again: [Links and Sources]

-- Chris Rijk's Online Manga Translations (Quotes)
-- Anime Forever (Fansubs from years ago)

Other Essays of Interest:
-- Reckless Courage -- A Bankotsu Reflection Essay
-- More Than Meets the Eyes -- A Jakotsu Reflection Essay
-- Glory of the Seven -- A Shichinin-tai Group Dynamics Essay

-- Undying Devotion (The Jakotsu x Bankotsu Shrine)
-- Shichinin-tai Chaos (General Shichinin-tai site)

Clubs and Lists:
-- Jakotsu x Bankotsu Deviant Art Club
-- Jakotsu x Bankotsu Fanlisting
-- Jakotsu x Bankotsu Mailing List

On Livejournal:
-- bankotsujakotsu
-- shichinintai

-- Jakotsu x Bankotsu C2 Community
-- UD's Fanfiction Section

Other Goodies:

-- Adopt a Sprite

Bankotsu/Jakotsu-- An Undying Devotion.

#anime/animation, inuyasha, #manga/comic

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