Title: Matching Outfits for Him and Him: The Blink/Mush Manifesto
queenitsy, AKA B, AKA studentnumber24601
The RefugeFandom: Newsies
Pairing: Blink/Mush
Spoilers: The movie (but in no detail)
Notes: Thanks to
poisonivory and
second_batgirl for making me do this. I apologize for the pictures; I got a bit silly.
Matching Outfits for Him and Him )
Comments 20
Excellent job hon. And I LOVE the graphics.
Hee, they made me giggle and killed time when I didn't want to pack. Yay procrastination!
Now, see, you should write some Blush, so I can rec it, since it's pretty much a given that I'll rec anything you write at any point ever. :)
(The comment has been removed)
I know, I know... I've gone months without writing Blush and the two epics I'm writing/cowriting are Javid and Sprace, but I always always come back to them. They're just too... Perfect.
And hott. :)
Your essay does the pairing justice. All the very bestest moments. I just have to wildly say "EYC! EYC! Everyone go out and love EYC!" for a moment. *does so* Okay, I'm good.
*has been pimped in every newsies essay, if only for PORN*
*is clearly a dirty old woman herself*
Now everyone go out and read the essay author's stories! (Linked in an above comment)
Aha, well, you write fantastic porn. You write fantastic everything, but porn stands out for some reason... ::hopes that isn't super dirty::
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