Title: Of Water and Ice: Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser [Fairy Tail] - Part II
x_darkhope_xFandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Gray Fullbuster x Juvia Lockser (Gruvia)
Spoilers: Chapters 1-416 (Current chapter as of 1/19/15)
This is Part II of the Gruvia Manifesto.
See Part I for the introduction. Part III is linked at the bottom.
Of Water and Ice (Part II) )
The 4th one is, maybe Gray is to scared to acknowledge his feelings towards her. Why scared? Just think about it, everyone that Gray finds to be important in his life (parents, Ur, even Lyon for a bit) disappears. I mean for Ur and his parents they both sadly died. Lyon left him in a far different manner but he still walked away for a long period of time. Maybe in the back of Gray's mind he is scared that if he did grow feelings for her, or whatever you may believe, he fears that she might leave him.
it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I feel that it that has something to do with his answer...
Also I'm not sure if you ever say this interview with Mashima-senpai but I thought it was interesting when he starts talking about Juvia (you can skip to 1:46 if you like...):
Thank you for linking that interview! I like how Mashima states that Juvia falling in love with Gray was a twist instead of it being fight after fight, and that she is now a very formidable character and has a lot of fans in Japan as well.
And thanks for your input! It's funny, I've heard that reasoning before. At first I thought it sounded like it belonged in fanfiction, not going to lie. Though it does make sense because it's true; Gray lost the ones he really loved. I do think it could be that, or he does have feelings and doesn't know what to do. OR he doesn't know how he feels yet and waits to give Juvia an answer because deep down, he doesn't want to reject her and deep down, he does want to give her a positive response. I just can't see the reasoning behind this argument "Gray just doesn't like her that way and he avoids the situation" because the relationship is only growing stronger, not weaker!
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