Star Wars: Han/Leia
“Laser Brain and Her Highness-ness”
I can remember watching Star Wars on HBO and on copied VHS tapes since I was tiny. My favorite movie in the trilogy was always The Empire Strikes Back, because that was where Han and Leia kissed for the first time. So, Han and Leia were my very first OTP.
It’s a little difficult to look back now and figure out what first drew me into the couple, but I suspect it was probably the tension and the bickering. Obviously, I have some strange attraction for bickering. Plus, there were whole reams of things we never got to know about. There is a complete change in interactions between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, and I want to know what happened!
I’m going to stick only to the trilogy here, and not get into much of the Extended Universe. Mainly because I haven’t read any of the books in years, and never did read much of the recent stuff. And the stuff I did read, like Courtship of Princess Leia, pretty much stole my characters’ names and gave them brand new personalities (Han Solo, the Heroic Whuffa Grabber?!).
“Wonderful girl! Either I’m gonna kill her, or I’m beginning to like her!” - Han Solo
Princess Leia Organa is a member of the royal family of Alderaan and a member of the Imperial Senate. She was adopted when she was very young by Bail Organa (although we still don’t know all the details of how, when, why, etc..). She is also a member of the Rebel Alliance, working to fight back against the injustice of the Empire. She is spirited, stubborn, and beautiful. While she was a member of the Senate, she fought from the inside, but once the Senate is dissolved (not to mention that Aldaraan is destroyed), she joins the Rebellian full time as a leader.
Her true parents are Padme Amidala, the former queen of Naboo, and Anakin Skywalker, who becomes Darth Vader. She is unaware of these relationships, as well as her relationship to Luke Skywalker, her twin brother.
She is captured by Darth Vader while she is transporting the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s new secret weapon, to the Rebels. Her ship is boarded by the Empire, but she manages to install the blueprints in a small droid, R2D2. She is then taken prisoner and tortured to tell about the plans, as well as the location of the Rebel Base. She resists the torture and refuses to tell the Empire anything.
The droid escapes to the planet of Tattooine, where it and its counterpart, C3PO, are eventually picked up by Luke Skywalker. Luke locates the Princess’s message, and becomes intrigued by the beautiful girl. He and Obi-Won Kenobi, the person Leia was trying to contact, get the rest of the message and discover about the plans for the Death Star.
Luke and Obi-Won hire a smuggler, Han Solo to take them to Alderaan to speak to Bail Organa.
Han is a cocky, swaggering braggart who claims to have one of the fastest ships in the galaxy. Han is a skilled pilot from Corellia, and not much is known about him. He was a student at the Imperial Academy when he was younger, but got kicked out and stripped of his rank when he stopped a superior officer from beating a Wookie slave. That Wookie, Chewbacca, declared a life dept to Han, and has been with him ever since. Together, they pilot the Millennium Falcon, a very battered, highly modified, cantankerous cargo ship. They also owe a crime lord named Jabba the Hutt a significant amount of money after being forced to drop their illegal cargo when they are boarded by the Empire. Han is hoping to pay Jabba back from what he earns transporting Luke, Obi-Won, C3PO and R2D2.
Han, Luke and Obi-Won arrive in the Alderaan system not long after Grand Moff Tarkin used the Death Star to destroy the planet. Tarkin was attempting to strong arm the Princess into talking and revealing the location of the Rebel base by threatening her peaceful home world. Leia relented and gives them a rebel target so Aldaraan won’t be destroyed. Tarkin obliterates Alderaan anyway. When Tarkin discovers Leia’s duplicity, he orders her terminated.
The Falcon gets caught in the Death Star tractor beam and pulled onto the station. While Obi-Won goes off to disable the tractor beam so they can escape, R2D2 discovers Princess Leia’s holding cell number and termination schedule. Luke manages to talk Han and Chewie into helping him rescue the princess by promising him more wealth than he can imagine.
Of course, all bets are off when Leia and Han actually encounter one another while trying to escape! Even though Luke is the one who released Leia from her cell, it is Han who gets the benefit of Leia’s sharp tongue.
Leia and Han clash frequently over escape plans, the attack of the Empire, and his claims that he is just in it for the money. Han does leave after returning Luke and Leia to the Rebel Alliance, but returns just in time to save Luke’s life so Luke can destroy the Death Star. He and Leia seem to have come to a truce, and she even seems a little charmed by his roguish ways.
The Empire Strikes Back opens up sometime after A New Hope ends, but we have never gotten a firm answer as to the time between the movies. The details of what has happened during this time are also hazy, but we do know that Jabba the Hutt got tired of waiting for Han to repay him, and put a price on Han’s head. At some point, a bounty hunter caught up with Han on Ord Mantell, but we have never gotten any details.
However, Han’s reactions and interactions with Leia have taken on a different tone. He decides to leave the Rebellion for good this time, to pay off Jabba and get the price off of his head. There are some significant looks between the two, and Han comes fairly close to telling Leia..something about his feelings, and tries to get her to admit to how she feels. Leia, however, denies having any feelings for him whatsoever, except for how important he is to the Rebels. They have some heated words and part ways angrily.
Han ends up unable to leave due to the concern of the Empire seeing ships leaving the surface and locating their base. Han provokes Leia, claiming that she just couldn’t stand to see him go. He brags to Luke and Chewie that Leia revealed her true feelings for him. To put him in his place, Leia suddenly kisses Luke (which is gross once we find out they are twins), which obviously ruffles Han’s feathers.
The base is attacked, and Han refuses to leave until he gets the Princess to her transport. He is forced to take her out on the Falcon when the cave collapses before they get to her ship. They escape (with Chewie and 3PO), and get caught in a firefight with the Empire. Han gets the bright idea to fly into an asteroid field, and manages to land them in one of the larger asteroids to make repairs to the hyperdrive.
And finally! We get to my favorite sequence of scenes in the whole trilogy!
Leia is obviously affected by Han, as we find out when she is knocked into his lap and reacts strongly to his closeness. Han, who loves getting under her skin, makes some insinuations that embarrass and anger her, and their next encounter is all set up.
While Leia is working on a piece of hardware on the Falcon, Han comes up and tries to help her. When she rebuffs his help, he gets a little defensive. They start to bond, admitting that they both could be a little nicer to each other. Han puts some moves on her, backing her up against a wall where she cant run from him or the situation. Leia is obviously attracted, but very unsure. When he kisses her, she kisses back, and things are going swimmingly until 3PO interrupts. While Han is dealing with the droid, Leia flees back to the cockpit.
This kiss does seem to shake things loose, as Leia drops a casual kiss on his cheek as they move away from the Empire and plan their next move. They will be headed to Bespin, a small gas mine that Han’s possible friend or enemy Lando runs. Again, we have no clue how long it takes to get to Bespin, but it does seem like it must be a while, as Luke is training on Dagobah at the same time, and comes out of that pretty buff.
When Han and Leia land on Bespin, it is obvious they are in a fairly established relationship. There are frequent casual touches and several small kisses on the forehead. Again, I just want to know what happened on the trip! There are so many possibilities!
Of course, Bespin is a trap, and they all get captured by Vader. Han is given to the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, and is frozen in carbonite for his trip to Jabba the Hutt. Before he is frozen, he and Leia share a desperate kiss, and Han tells Chewie that it is Chewie’s responsibility to watch over Leia now.
They do not take their eyes off of each other as he is lowered into the carbon chamber. Just as he is dropping in, Leia blurts out that she loves him. “I know.” Han replies. Squees of joy are heard round the world, even as fangirls are crying over losing Han.
The Empire Strikes Back ends with Han frozen in carbonite, Luke injured, and Lando and Chewie going off in the Falcon to look for Han. Again, time lapse with no idea of the length! Lucas enjoys tormenting us.
Return of the Jedi opens on Tattooine, in the middle of a rescue attempt. The druids are sent into Jabba’s Palace, where we find out that Chewie is missing, and that Lando never returned from the place. A bounty hunter brings in Chewbacca, and we find out that Han (still frozen) has a place of honor on the wall. Later, the bounty hunter releases Han from the carbonite, and we find out that it is Leia in disguise. Naturally, they get captured by Jabba, Han gets thrown in jail with Chewie, Leia gets a really cool metal bikini and the chance to be chained to the fabulous Jabba.
Luke arrives, they escape, there is much rejoicing! And hopefully, kisses, but we don’t get to see many of those.
When they return, Han makes a formal commitment to the Alliance, becoming a General and taking on a completely insane mission to deactivate the generator shield of the second Death Star. Leia, Han, and Luke go and meet some Ewoks on Ender, get the tables turned on them, escape, and then Han tells Leia he loves her! She, being the lovely smart ass, replies “I know.”
Somewhere in all this, Luke drops the fact of their twinhood (and who their father is) on Leia and then allows himself to be taken by Vader and confronts the Emperor about all this Dark Side stuff. Han gets it in his head that Leia is truly in love with Luke, and offers to step aside for him. Leia calls him an idiot, kisses him, and all is right with the universe!
This ship is full of so many missing moments, it’s enough to make you crazy! Ord Mandell, the trip to Bespin, what happens after Han is rescued from Jabba…we don’t get any of that! So the fans have been forced to fill things in for themselves. And I think that is why there are so very many people involved in this couple. They got from complete antagonism to hints of feelings, to arguing to Leia kissing her brother and all the way back to feelings. It is exhausting, its exhilarating, its enough to make me squee everytime I watch the asteroid scene in ESB.
I love this couple because of the snark, when it comes right down to it. Han is a pain in the ass, and enjoys it. He loves setting the princess off, and goes out of his way to make her angry. The Princess is the master of the back-handed compliment. “You came in that? You’re braver than I thought.” But underneath the snark and the annoyance and the tendency to call each other names (Nerfherder, Flyboy, Laser Brain, Highness-ness, Your Royalness) are some real feelings that neither is very prepared to deal with. Leia recently lost her entire PLANET, and is the leader of the Rebel Alliance. Han has no family besides Chewie, and prides himself on his independence. How are these two people ever going to figure out how to deal with their feelings?
So, for the missing moments, and all the questions that are unanswered, fandom steps in. And there is some fabulous, fabulous stuff out there.
The Correllian Embassy ( is run by Carolyn Golledge, and it is still frequently updated. This site is all Harrison Ford characters, but it is dominated by Star Wars: Han Solo fiction. There are many Han/Leia stories on here, and I recommend anything by Carolyn herself, as she writes very well. Carolyn also produces Bloodstripe, which is a zine collection of Han centric stories. We are on number 5, I believe.
Of particular goodness on the Embassy:
Mud, Chains, and Underwear - by Carolyn Golledge,, - not completely a Han/Leia story, but gives hints, and fills in some nice back story for Han.
Solo’s Bedside Manner - by Augusta Downey-Hovey and Carolyn Golledge - Han tries to deal with a cranky, over reactive, feverish princess. Hee!
Point of No Return - by Skye Rutherford - The rescue from the Death Star goes a little differently, and Han, Chewie, Leia, and Luke don’t head back to Yavin 4 immediately. Again, not pure H/L, but a nicely plotted story all the way around.
Difficult Sometimes - by Cindy Olson - Han sure does make things difficult for Leia. Most of the time, he is downright impossible. LOVE THIS STORY.
You Could Use a Good Kiss! ( was a Han/Leia dedicated zine run by Susan Zahn. We only got two issues, but they are wonderful! Most of the stories have been put online, and they are all worth a read.
Alliance Avant-Garde - by Susan Zahn - Leia helps Han out with some repairs on the Falcon after the Battle of Yavin.
Full Circle - by Susan Zahn - The Alliance celebrates Luke’s 18th birthday, but only Han knows its Leia’s too.
The Portside Girl - by Susan Zahn - a darker look at Leia’s life after the Alliance.
Id give more from Kiss, but I cant get into the main pages right now!
Organa-Zation ( is dedicated to Leia, and has several stories there.
There are other very worthy authors out there, but has tons of junk to wade through to find the good stuff. As I come across the most fabulous, I will add links to this post.
Ice - Leela Starsky - Han and Leia get trapped in a cave-in on Hoth.