Title: Under the Same Sky: Sasuke and Sakura (Naruto) Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Uchiha Sasuke/Haruno Sakura Spoilers: Through chapter 476 of the manga Words: Approx. 8,900 Beta'd by the amazing
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Thank you for commenting! I've also noticed the difficulty of explaining the pairing without summarizing all its development. There's just so much that changes as their relationship develops, and there's no clear point of "Sakura fell in love with Sasuke here" or "Sasuke stopped disliking Sakura here". You can point out moments that show those things, but the changes still took place over time, and if you don't remember them then it seems like Sakura's confession chapter 181 came out of the blue and was doomed to fail.
Recent chapters (474 in particular) have definitely shown that Sasuke's desire for revenge is the main obstacle to the pairing now. I found myself almost laughing while reading that chapter from the sheer number of times they fit, "she loves him," or some variant in a few pages. Of course, the desire to laugh was mixed with a great deal of squeeing.
As you said, the fact that Sakura has continued to love Sasuke through so much already is enough to tell me that Kishimoto has _something_ planned for the pairing. If she still loves him while thinking that he's so far lost that he has to be killed in order to save him, then I don't see her falling out of love with him over anything mundane.
Recent chapters (474 in particular) have definitely shown that Sasuke's desire for revenge is the main obstacle to the pairing now. I found myself almost laughing while reading that chapter from the sheer number of times they fit, "she loves him," or some variant in a few pages. Of course, the desire to laugh was mixed with a great deal of squeeing.
As you said, the fact that Sakura has continued to love Sasuke through so much already is enough to tell me that Kishimoto has _something_ planned for the pairing. If she still loves him while thinking that he's so far lost that he has to be killed in order to save him, then I don't see her falling out of love with him over anything mundane.
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