Title: Subtle Looks and Sarcasm
Author: Smartyshortie
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Catherine Willows/Sara Sidle
Spoilers: A few minor spoilers episodes from every season of CSI except 4&6...major spoilers for season 7 finale and 8 premier
Disclaimer: All scenarios and characters referred to in this manifesto belong to CBS. I am merely using the stuff they have
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And it was in season four he calls Cath his wife, hehe -- "Jackpot" is the one. (See what a G/C nerd I am? They're amazing).
But like you, I also acknowledge pretty much any CSI ship except for the canon ones because of the fact that there is no real spark. Did you see the Griss/Sara kiss? Most awkward thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Grissom didn't move, didn't really shut his eyes until the end of the kiss, and it was just a closed-lip kiss that lingered -- Sara was all into it and he wasn't. You can tell that Billy's not a Griss/Sara fan though, because he STILL played it as awkward right up until she left. I LOVED THAT.
I actually really appreciate that you read this since you don't ship them! Well, I pseudo-quasi ship them, I guess you could say, haha. I started writing a couple Cath/Sara fics a few years ago (haven't watched a full episode since the end of season six just because I don't care to), but they just never came to fruition. Hee.
Haha that episode made me giggle XD...they are cute together...I just tend to think Catherine would end up killing Grissom if he wasn't careful XD
GAH that kiss was the most freakin awkward thing ever! I hated it! It made me gag! (there was definitely more of a spark in the kiss between Marg and Billy on the set of E! XD) From what I hear, Billy and Jorja actually both do ship G/S...but I don't care how good of actors they are, it just doesn't appear in the show at all...
lmao yea after season 6 they kinda liked to force the whole gsr issue in like every ep..and the eps really just started to slowly go downhill...by 8 it just sucked altogether...but you missed a totally awkward, zero chemistry moment of YoBling! at the end of season 8 XD it was sooo forced it was funny XD
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