Title: Four Hundred Years of Angst: Takaya and Naoe - Mirage of Blaze
Author: snaphappy_fma
E-mail: snaphappy[underscore]fma[at]yahoo[dot]com
Fandom: Mirage of Blaze
Pairing: Takaya and Naoe
Disclaimer: Mirage of Blaze was written by Mizuna Kuwabara; I am not making any money from this.
Warnings: Spoilers for the entire anime series and OVA
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From what a friend told me of the ending I can't blame the Japanese fangirls. Think of how it feels to get that ending after readin 40(?) novels and all the money you spent on them!
I don't suppose we'll ever get that memorial book. *sighs*
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I think Naoe is probably the favorite, although many love Takaya as well. Surprisingly, the fics aren't all dark; they cover the range of funny/light/dark/tragic about as much as fics in other fandoms. MoB is a fairly small fandom, though: after you go through a few of the fanfic lists, you really have to kind of dig to find more stories. Thanks for reading!
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