Title: So A Detective And A Sorceress Walk Into A Classroom...
windtearFandom: Magic Kaito and Detective Conan (aka Case Closed)
Pairing: Koizumi Akako and Hakuba Saguru
Spoilers: For all the currently-published Magic Kaito manga
So A Detective And A Sorceress Walk Into A Classroom... )
Comments 5
Minor correction, Magic Kaito first started coming out in 1987 and was serialized in 1988, while I don't know the first date of Yaiba, it was serialized in 1989.
They both have a fondness for cosplay.
*dies laughing*
He may possibly be bisexual or merely gay for the Kid,
*HOWLS* totally not my fault! XD
... y'know, I had totally forgotten about that Mistletoe fic. ^^;; And Koizumi turning people in animals. Hmm... Should prolly write more crack like that...
Anyway! Good essay, enjoyed reading it muchly. ^__^
-Odd question if you don't mind. Would it be possible for me to use your plot summary of MK on the Kaitou Kid Reference Page? Credited to you, of course.
They both have a fondness for cosplay.
*dies laughing*
Well, how would you describe it? ;)
He may possibly be bisexual or merely gay for the Kid,
*HOWLS* totally not my fault! XD
No, but you can't deny that you (along with several others, to be fair) have taken and run with it!
I'm glad you enjoyed the essay. And of course you can use the summary, I'm honoured you want to!
But...that's probably because not many people watch it anymore.
Well, it was a really good manifesto. Short, very short, but very amusing. I like the cosplay one and the fact that they both might be bi. (or Hakuba might just be gay for Kaitou...)
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