More Than Normal: Aang/Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

May 18, 2007 17:29

Title: More Than Normal
Author: debacul
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Aang/Katara
Spoilers: Explicit spoilers up until the season two finale.
Notes: Just over the word count (around 5,400 words). Most screencaps from AvatarSpirit.Net or Iroh.Org. Thanks to mysterykar and a-white-rain for beta, and rawles for the title.

Avatar: The Last Airbender is a show that premiered on February 21, 2005 on Nickelodeon, a creation of Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. It follows Aang in his quest to bring peace to his world--a world divided up into four nations based on the elements, a world that includes benders--people who can manipulate their element--and a world that is currently at war.

I discovered it over the summer and I was immediately in love. After catching a couple reruns, I watched the whole series on Youtube and became enamored with what is definitely my favorite show on TV right now. Though they are definitely set up to be the canon Our Love is True and Epic OTP, Aang/Katara love didn't hit me until mid-season; ironically, in the episode that made most ship Zuko/Katara, 'The Waterbending Scroll'. Something about the moment they first waterbend together made me giddy and full of love. And from there, I felt more and more intrigued in each episode, and these two have basically usurped the "Real OTP Forever" position in my heart.

However, the ship gets less love in fandom than you'd expect and, actually, a lot of hate. To each his or her own, of course, but I think it is a huge fallacy to pass these two off as boring because they get along, are canon, and are friends. They're more multi-layered than almost any other ship I've enjoyed to this point; their development is paced perfectly and their relationship multi-faceted and has its own hardships. It's easy to brush the ship off as a typical ship classified under the "BFF-to-lovers" cliche and, as such, completely boring, but what I'm out to prove to you is that it is anything but.


in the end it is beauty that is gonna save the world, now

Aang is the token "Chosen One" in your epic fantasy story. He, as the Avatar, is the spirit of the world incarnate, the only one who can master all four elements, the bridge between the physical and spirit worlds, the one who has to restore and keep harmony between the nations.

Despite his role in the story, he is far from the archetype.

He lacks most to all of the angst that comes with the role; he only has a handful of "I WANT TO BE NORMAL" moments near the beginning of the series. But after an initial adjustment period, he accepts not only his duty but the genocide of his entire race and is just trying to figure out how the hell he's supposed to accomplish the whole saving the world thing. Also, he is such a kid and it's so lovely and refreshing. A lot of his free spirit comes from the fact that he is incredibly mature, but he still acts his age much of the time. He makes jewelry and likes to take mini vacations and go penguin sledding.

He isn't without his issues, though; his major character flaw is running from his problems. He is almost painfully nonconfrontational at points--this led to him ultimately being out of commission for a hundred years, leaving a world dependent on the Avatar without one when the Fire Nation attacked. He makes stupid decisions and sometimes lets his insecurities get the best of him. He is impatient and doesn't think things through a lot of the time, which often leads to him inadvertently hurting people he cares about with his huge earth-shattering power.

He is Aang and so ridiculously twelve most of the time and I love it. He's mature and zen and calm but also such a kid and it's just so perfect.

no one's gonna take us alive; the time has come to make things right

Katara is fiery and idealistic. She has an incredible amount of raw power for waterbending, but, before Aang comes into her life, that gets thrust aside for more important things, namely survival.

This is because she's a member of the Southern Water Tribe, which was basically annihilated by the Fire Nation early on in the war. She lost her mother at age eight to a Fire Nation raid and her father left to fight in the war four years after. She and her brother, Sokka, were thrust into the matriarchal and patriarchal positions in the tribe, which now basically consists of women and children. Mothering has become instinct for her; it makes her both loving and responsible, but doesn't take away her temper or the fact that she can definitely be immature at pointes.

Because she is idealistic, she is also incredibly open and trusting. This faith in people has been shaken at various points during the series, most notably in her experiences with Zuko in 'The Crossroads of Destiny' (2x20). She is becoming more aware of the world and both its negative and positive aspects.

Her flaws are her strengths, which makes her incredibly fascinating and even more human. Her character is dynamic in the way that she can go from bitchy to motherly, but it never seems inappropriate. She, like everyone else on the show, is just incredibly well-developed and ridiculously realistic in the first place.


It would, quite frankly, just be impossible to document the entirety of Aang and Katara's canon time together here. Their "romance" is "in the DNA of the [show]" (Interview with Mike and Bryan); it's an integral part in the show and there is more or less always some development of their relationship within basically every episode. So, instead, I'm going to detail the different facets of their relationship and important canonical developments relevant to those areas.

desiring a new life...i am born again

They meet by chance. Katara and Sokka are out fishing in a canoe and get stuck in a current; Katara, angry, accidentally cracks open a massive iceberg, which allows the underwater portion that contains Aang, stuck in a state of suspended animation, to bob to the surface. After Katara breaks open the iceberg, Aang falls into her arms and wakes up.

Within moments of meeting her, Aang appears to already be developing a crush on Katara. He stares at her with a smile while giving them a ride on Appa; when she asks him why he was smiling at her, he reacts as if he hadn't been doing it on purpose. On Katara's end, she is fascinated with him and his foreign ways and airbending powers, openly gawking at him more than once within the first two episodes (my friends and I joke that she thinks his tattoos are hot). Later, she even is willing to leave her entire world behind to go with Aang when the village rejects him.

At this stage of the game, I do believe that Aang's feelings are nothing more complex than a schoolboy crush, sure. She rescued him from the iceberg, trusts him, is pretty, thinks he's funny, etc; a crush is natural in that situation. That doesn't mean it can't develop into something deeper (which it clearly does). If nothing else, Katara and Aang click immediately.

And they never look back.

Katara and Aang spend a lot of time together during his day in the village; they go penguin sledding and Aang offers to take her to the North Pole to learn waterbending from a master. After realizing that Aang has probably been stuck in the iceberg for a hundred years, Katara comforts him, already taking the role of his rock/protector, and Aang decides that the bright side to this is that he "did get to meet [Katara]".

I am not denying these are just the initial stages of their relationship; Aang is crushing on a pretty girl, Katara is acting on her natural inclination to mother everything around her. However, they do mutually care for each other, despite only knowing each other for a couple days, and their relationship is already beneficial to both of them--Aang teaches Katara how to have fun, and that it's okay to act your age; Katara is there for Aang when he wakes up in a completely different world than he fell asleep in. They're laying the foundations for what will become a huge and epic relationship that is integral to the show itself.

I trust the moon; I know its love’s divine

Something I really love about these two is that they were friends first, even with Aang's crush. He likes Katara Like That, sure, but they are best friends first and foremost. Their relationship isn't based entirely in physical attraction. It's about trust and understanding and I think that springs from the fact that they are also each other's best friends and family.

Katara and Aang's relationship has its foundation in mutual respect and complete faith in each other. It's even hammered into you in the opening when Katara says "I believe Aang can save the world." Their trust in each other is incredibly explicit throughout the show.

This is addressed directly in 'The Southern Air Temple' (01x03). The first place the recently set out group decides to visit is the Southern Air Temple, Aang's former home. When they get there, Katara makes the decision to hide evidence of the firebender attack on Aang's people for as long as possible; she doesn't want to hurt him. However, despite her efforts, Aang discovers Gyatso's, his mentor, skeleton and this triggers the Avatar State.

Katara's faith in Aang is insane; when faced with this incredible, destructive power that is within him, she still believes that she can calm him down without resorting to violence, and that he is even capable of being calmed down. She remains completely cool and collected throughout the whole event, knowing exactly what to do. She struggles to get closer to him, and when she can't go any further, yells to him, completely calm:

Katara: Aang, I know you're upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom. Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family. Sokka and I, we're your family now.

(1x03: The Southern Air Temple)

And it reaches him. He returns to himself and exits the Avatar State; when he comes back down to the ground, he falls into Katara's arms and says that he has realized that he is, in fact, the last Airbender. Katara embraces him, seeming to know exactly what he needs.

This is the first of three times she calms him down in the Avatar State; in fact, she is the only one who seems to be able to, and the fact that she can even this early in their relationship says something about how deep their bond is. My favorite is in 'The Desert' (2x11), which deals with the aftermath of Appa, his last link to his life before, being taken from him. He's blindly raging at the offenders and his erratic emotions trigger the Avatar State; Katara, once again, completely sure of Aang and Aang's humanity, isn't the least bit terrified, despite the fact that everyone else has run away. She stands there with nothing but sorrow and love and, this time, pulls him into a hug while he is still in the Avatar State. This brings him, crying, back to himself.

Aang's trust in Katara isn't quite as stressed as Katara's in him, but it's still present; he confides in her regularly, especially about his insecurities. He admits his massive failure to her in 'The Storm' (1x12): how the fact that he ran away from his responsibility directly resulted in him not being there for the world or his people when they need him. She's his rock, his anchor--this is also explored within the Avatar State storyline. She reassures him when he needs it, and is one of the few people who treat him as Aang, not the Avatar. This makes him completely comfortable around her, and allows him to relax when he's with her; she has complete faith in his ability to save the world, but it isn't the only thing about him that she loves. Not at all.

Also, in discussing the "comfort" factor--these two are completely at ease around each other. They hug constantly, have no reservations about touching each other, joke, and splash around half-naked in rivers together. I really enjoy that aspect of their interaction; they just act so naturally together.

Another element of the more familial facet of their relationship is that they are each other's Most Important Person. They put each other first and they, currently, are each other's priorities. Katara wants more than anything to help Aang save the world. It is explicitly stated that she turned away from helping the earthbenders in 'Imprisoned' (1x11) so that she can assist Aang in getting to the North Pole to learn waterbending.

Katara for Aang is so many things. She is, quite frankly, what is keeping him sane. He can deal with the death of his entire civilization and the burden of the entire world because she is there, supporting him. It's when she is almost taken away from him in 'The Avatar State' (2x01) that he teeters off the edge and triggers the Avatar State. The whole scene is completely traumatizing; in order to force him into the Avatar State, an Earth Kingdom general is pretending to drown Katara in mud, and Aang is pleading and screaming and in incredible pain at the prospect of losing Katara.

On the flip side of them being the "our love saves the world" pairing of the series, they have this element of normality that really sells the pairing to me. They bicker every once in a while, Aang's attempts to show off to Katara sometimes make her angry, and she gets jealous because bending comes more easily to him. But, in the end, they talk about and work through it together in a completely realistic way, and their conflicts always help one or both parties grow. Saying these two are completely without their problems is silly--they argue in 'The Warriors of Kyoshi', 'The Waterbending Scroll', and 'The Avatar State', among others. In 'The Avatar State', I love when Katara knows she should be there for him but she can't because she cares too much and can't see him hurt himself. Sometimes even the strength of their bond is an issue.

And, ultimately, these two just push each other to grow, mature, and reach their full potential. Avatar is, after all, a coming of age story for both of them, so this is an essential element of their relationship and the show on the whole. They complement each other perfectly; Aang is peaceable and painfully nonconfrontational and playful while Katara is brash and passionate and unrelenting and more serious. Katara is often the one to push Aang to be more assertive, something important to being the Avatar, or ground him if he's being a little too silly when it's inappropriate. Aang frequently acts as Katara's mediator--just two examples are with Master Pakku in 'The Waterbending Master' (1x18) and Toph in 'The Chase' (2x09), and helps her lighten up a little and have fun.

What also is great about this is that it isn't coming from one side; they're both helping each other develop. Because it's reciprocal, it won't become co-dependent or unhealthy.

goodbye until I recall breathe,
and I have been waiting, I have been waiting for you

Aang's crush on Katara is pretty blatant throughout the entirety of the show. He blushes and giggles and generally mass amounts of cute hijinks ensue. It goes back to the duality I mentioned previously; while their relationship is epic and deep, they still have these great awkwardly adolescent moments that are nothing short of completely adorable.

Katara's feelings about Aang are far more open for debate. Many people claim she returns no romantic feelings for him whatsoever, instead looking at him as more of a son than anything. I would definitely disagree with this.

Firstly, their interaction is hardly that of a parent to a child. The defining factor in a parent-child relationship is the fact that the parent is an authority figure. Katara and Aang are very much on equal footing; more often, she is the one looking up to him. She gushes openly about him to her grandmother within the first episode, wants him to be the leader in 'Jet', and, of course, bickers with him in 'The Warriors of Kyoshi' (1x04). That list bit is the ultimate example of this for me, especially because it was so early on in the series that their dynamic could have gone either way.

They bicker, get huffy, and snip at each other throughout the episode because Aang's ego gets a little overblown by his resident fan club in Kyoshi. The reason Katara gets angry at Aang is a reason a mother would be frustrated with her son, but she hardly deals with it in a manner appropriate in handling what would be her surrogate child. She snaps at him and they have a very juvenile argument near the end of the episode ("I'm glad you know." "I'm glad you're glad." "Good!" "Fine!"). They're obviously on level playing ground.

As for Katara returning his feelings; I would not say, at this point, she returns them consciously on a romantic level, no. But she certainly is being set up to and is developing romantic feelings.

The first instance of this is, obviously, 'The Fortuneteller' (1x14).

Aunt Wu, a fortuneteller Katara eagerly asks for her future multiple times, tells Katara she is going to marry a "very powerful bender". Then this exchange happens whilst Aang is saving the town from volcanic doom:

Sokka: Man, sometimes I forget what powerful bender that kid is.
Katara: Wait, what did you just say?
Sokka: Nothing, just that Aang is one powerful bender.
Katara: I suppose... he is...
(1x14: The Fortuneteller)

I think it's more than a little obvious that this moment is important--there is a huge, sweeping dramatic camera move, and she has the expression of someone having an epiphany. She's beginning to think of Aang in That Way.

Then there is 'The Cave of Two Lovers', in which Aang and Katara get trapped in a labyrinth created by the first two earthbenders, who were lovers from opposite sides of a war. Katara suggests they kiss, because they've been told that the way out is to "let love lead the way". They do (or almost do) kiss, eventually, just as their torch is burning out. It is hugely dramatic, with close ups on their faces and appropriate music and the light dies just as they lean in.

It's often said that Katara brought up the kissing out of desperation, but she does look abashed and maybe even curious when she's talking about it. If anything, she definitely isn't apathetic. I have always interpreted her incentive more of "I am slightly curious about maybe liking my best friend as more than that." Of course, this is simply my opinion, but I doubt, in a show as well executed and deliberate as Avatar, that they'd have two major characters almost-maybe-kiss just for the heck of it.

Also, it's been brought up that she brushes him off when he attempts to talk to her about it. Maybe she hates him and thinks his kissing sucks, maybe she's conflicted and doesn't want to talk about it just then, but I tend to favor her just not hearing Aang. He's cut off pretty quickly, and Katara is genuinely distracted, and it's a typical situation for our hero-who-crushes-on-girl-but-hasn't-confessed-yet. I would definitely not favor the first explanation as, not only does she continue to hold his hand for far longer than necessary and is perfectly willing to hug him in the immediate aftermath of the maybe-kiss, but she glances at Aang and blushes with a smile while the hippies featured in the episode sing about love. Those actions are hardly indicative of her being disgusted by Aang's ability to kiss or regretful that the kiss occurred at all.

After this, there isn't much more romantic development from Katara's side, but they are also immediately forced to confront the fact that Omashu has been taken by the Fire Nation, and then a chain of events is set off that leaves little time for the pondering of almost-maybe romantic feelings. Moments followed that continue to highlight the importance of Aang and Katara's relationship, they are just never quite explicitly romantic in nature from Katara's side. Though it should be noted that Aang's crush continues to grow as misadventures resulting from it still ensue, including when he blushes at the sight of her in formal attire and tries and fails once again to confess his feelings.

It is also important to note that neither of them have any other major romantic interests. Aang has a couple girls who crush on him, but he doesn't show any indication of returning any of their feelings. Katara's other major romantic subplot included Jet, with whom she was obviously infatuated. However, he ends up manipulating and betraying her, and when they meet again, she immediately attacks him and never explicitly forgives him before he is killed. Not very much potential there.

Basically, the creative team is lovingly developing their romantic relationship to the exclusion of almost any other prospects for the two. I think that's very telling.

There are so many dreams I need to see with you...
There are so many years I need to be with you...
I will never be complete, I will never be alive,
I will never change the world until I do

The Katara/Aang relationship is set up to be nothing short of completely epic. Katara has been waiting for the Avatar all her life; she has always had complete faith in his return and his ability to save the world. He happens to fall, literally, into her lap. After this, she constantly tells Aang that his hundred year displacement was meant to be and Aang tells her he's happy he got to meet her. Aang has to save the world, and Katara, time and time again, saves him.

Aang represents to Katara everything she's ever had faith in. He is her hope. He also took her away from the South Pole and allowed her to reach her full potential, in waterbending and character. She supports him unwaveringly and makes him feel like he can do anything.

What about their relationship isn't epic?

And then there is the season 2 finale.

In 'The Guru' (2x19), the idea that the love of Aang's entire civilization was reborn in his bond with Katara is introduced while Aang is visiting with a guru who is going to help him master the Avatar State. While not an inherently romantic idea, it certainly gives a new insight into the depth of their relationship, and hardly allows for anyone to brush their bond off as "shallow" or anything similar. This point is reinforced with the imagery at the end of 'Crossroads of Destiny' (2x20). While Aang is waking up after being raised from the dead by Katara, the blocking and camera work of the moment clearly parallels that of their first meeting in episode one. He wakes up and they love each other, with the love that Aang shared with all the Air Nomads. The strength of their bond is that powerful.

But, going back to 'The Guru', Aang's ability to master the Avatar State is, according to the Guru, hinged on his ability to open his chakras, spiritual pools of energy in his body. On the last chakra, it is revealed that his attachment to Katara is hindering him from mastering the Avatar State, as he must let go of all earthly attachments.

Aang reacts vehemently to the idea of giving up Katara at first, but concedes eventually--until he has a vision of her in danger. Maybe foolishly and maybe selfishly, he rushes to her side, abandoning the Guru and his opportunity to master the Avatar State.

Katara has been taken prisoner by Azula in the Fire Nation coup to overtake the Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se. After herding up Sokka and Toph, Aang ends up teaming up with Iroh to find Katara. They have a discussion in which Iroh, the Wise Old Man of Avatar, tells Aang that love is more important than power and he was right in his choice. As Iroh is the "conscience" of the series, I wouldn't dismiss his views on the subject.

They end up discovering Katara in a cave with Zuko. Katara and Aang leave to go fight Azula, and they end up being vastly outnumbered and very nearly defeated. Aang, in order to save Katara, attempts to open his last chakra and trigger the fully-mastered Avatar State.

This moment, more than any other, just kills me with an overload of "THEIR LOVE IS TRUE AND EPIC, OMG" feelings. Aang is making the ultimate sacrifice for Katara--giving her up. She is the Most Important Thing to him, the thing keeping him sane, his anchor. He gives her a very heartfelt "I'm sorry Katara" before enclosing himself and meditating. However, while the Avatar State is being activated, he gets struck down by Azula's lightning.

Katara's reaction is absolutely devastating to watch. Her grief is raw and powerful and angry. She immediately begins to cry, and her rage empowers her as she creates a Tidal Wave of Love that allows her to get over everyone in her path and catch Aang before he hits the ground.

Then there is this shot, which is just...I don't know how to describe how heartwrenching it is to me. It's blocked a la the Pietà, a traditional pose of suffering in media (which is actually more appropriate than it usually is, as Aang is a Messiah figure who has just died). Here, her grief is so raw and she's hurting so bad because Aang is very possibly dead and he is the Most Important Thing in her life, too. It's just so powerful.

Iroh fights with Azula and her army to buy Katara time to allow her and Aang to escape. When safely on Appa, she revives him with the water she was given that is taken from the Spirit Oasis in the Northern Water Tribe. It works, Aang hazily opens his eyes and smiles at her before dropping off again, and she couldn't look more elated by the fact that he's alive.

I don't know what's more epic than the fact that her love brought him back from the dead.

And this leaves us at where they are now, as season three has yet to air. What does the future hold for them? I am honestly completely sure a romantic relationship between the two of them is going to be established before the end of the series. They have been painstakingly and perfectly developed from the first episode into something beautiful and true and epic and amazing.

This is just my speculation, but I also think that Aang's death was a bit of a wakeup call for Katara. She very nearly lost her person, the one for whom she has been nursing implied fledgling romantic feelings. I'm sure there will be much more development from her side in the upcoming season, and I think the possibility of losing Aang may have opened her eyes a bit.

Many people are claiming the fact that it's now "forbidden" in a sense, a romantic relationship between the two won't happen, or Katara gets in the way of Aang doing his duty, but, honestly, if Iroh validates Aang...he is the moral mouthpiece of the show. And when has a forbidden love story not ended in the lovers getting together?

I don't know how anybody survives in this life
Without someone like you

Why do I love this pairing so much? For one, it is potentially one of the most well-developed relationships I've ever seen done in any sort of media. The show in general is so meticulously put together, and Katara/Aang is a great example of that.

It's such an integral part of the show, on the whole. Many of Avatar's themes are very much exhibited within Katara and Aang's relationship. Harmony is very much present within the story; it is, obviously, a quest to bring balance to the worlds. The way Katara and Aang complement each other would definitely be an example of this.

Another important theme within Avatar itself that is very much prevalent within Katara and Aang's relationship is choice. There are numerous references within the show to how fate does not control you and how you are defined by the choices you make. Katara made a specific choice to follow Aang, she keeps making the choice to stay with him. Also, she helps Aang stick to his choice of not running from his duty as Avatar. And then, of course, how 'The Fortuneteller' specifically highlighted their relationship as a conscious choice by Aang.

As far as healthy relationships go, they are probably the epitome. I understand the appeal of dark and unhealthy ships with angst and tragedy (in fact, I have a few); however, the way these two are so hopelessly devoted to each other and such perfect fits makes me melt in a completely different way than the way I enjoy pairings with dark intensity. It's a different kind of love, but I find my enjoyment just as strong.

Truthfully, until 'The Waterbending Scroll', I was in the group of "oh, you guys are cute, but not exceptionally interesting", but then they bended together and their connection in that sense just had me sold. Also, I adore how their conflicts make one or both of them face their issues and grow up a little. In that episode, it's Katara being jealous of Aang; in resolving the problem between the two of them, Katara was forced to confront the fact that she was being immature. In general, these two just have such a positive effect on each other, and I really enjoy seeing that happen. They help each other grow. That also is very essential within Avatar on the whole as it is a coming of age story, and it's about Aang and Katara (and Zuko and Sokka and Toph) growing up and becoming adults. Katara and Aang help each other achieve this.

Their personalities just mesh perfectly. Katara's temper bounces off Aang with his zen and calm demeanor and, when she snaps at him in 'The Waterbending Scroll', his hurt look is enough to keep her in check. Aang finds someone to confide to in Katara, and the stability and understanding she provides for him works especially well because he is the Avatar. And, with that, they love each other for who they are. They accept the flaws and insecurities and issues and help each other overcome them, and I think another fairly prevalent theme in Avatar is the whole idea that being perfect just isn't possible.

They'll do anything for each other. Katara has fought to save Aang on numerous occasions; Aang can't handle the thought of losing her. Their love is epic and saves the world and they save each other. They communicate and love each other so deeply and, at the same time, are completely real and bicker every so often and have moments of being cute, awkward teenagers.

I love the pairing because there is an intensity there. It isn't the intensity of dark, angsty, love-hate relationships, it's the intensity of two people who are completely and utterly devoted to each other and would do anything to keep the other happy and safe and alive. It's the intensity of two people who found each other in the middle of a war and have to save the world together.

It's epic and world-saving and deep and true and cute and adolescent and mature and fluffy and everything in between.

art by Kashalicious at devart

Avatar's fandom tends to largely ignore or hate Katara/Aang; there is a medium-sized fanbase scattered around various Avatar forums (and, honestly, some of the fans are a bit insane), but the vast majority of fandom ships Zuko/Katara. So, unfortunately, this section won't be as big as it should be, considering the very, very canon status of the ship.

General Links

aangxkatara, the Aang/Katara Livejournal community.
Fifth Element, the Aang/Katara fanlisting.
Kataang Forever, an Aang/Katara forum.


As far as fic goes, I am horribly picky about my Katara/Aang. The relationship is handled so perfectly in canon that fic has issues measuring up. And, honestly, the quality of a lot of Aang/Katara fic is subpar, so this is probably one of the absolute saddest rec section for a ship of this prominence.

That said, any fic reccs you have for me to add would be greatly appreciated.

author recs:
artemisrae's Aang/Katara fic
a-white-rain's Aang/Katara fic
nanthimus's Aang/Katara fic

and then check out:
Thought the Mountains Would Crumble by rawles
and a rec list I agree with.

Why the Fans Ship Aang/Katara

Two words: "Unreasonably Adorable".


I think the reason this pairing is so appealing to me is that it is one built on the strong foundations that all relationships need. Aang and Katara communicate, they have a strong understanding of each other, and a strong underlying friendship. Their weaknesses do not detract from their relationship and their strengths only enhance it. They almost in many ways complete each other, i.e. Katara is more serious and responsible whereas Aang is many times more playful.

They just always seem like a team. One can totally picture them being married with kids, being an old couple still madly in love, and age Aang and Katara a few years and it isn't hard to see a passionate and intense love affair.

And besides, they are just aborable together.

I love Kataang because it has a magic that not that many pairings in stories have these days. You have Aang, the adorable good-hearted hero and Katara, the independant protector. They're each other's rock. They're always willing to go the extra-mile for one another. They both made it possible for the other's dream to come true. To fly higher than they ever possibly could image. Aang showed Katara the world, happiness and fun. Katara in return, showed him love and tenderness and gave him a family again.

This pairing has no many possiblities. It's not just a "fluff and kiddie" pairing. It's dramatic! It's romantic! It's perfect.


I fell for Aang/Katara as the relationship grew. What I love about it most is that they're best friends, and that everything they do is oozing with love . . . everything right on down to the way they FIGHT in unison. And of course, post-season 2 finale, I can't help but love it for how epic it is, Aang loving Katara with the strength of an extinct culture.


Because it's canon; no, I don't always ship canon nor think a pairing is better simply because it's canon. But when it comes to Avatar, it being canon is why I love it. The show is not subtle about it being canon, they don't focus on the 'will they or won't they?' element, but when will they? and what that means and how it will affect and change them both and that's why it's such a joy to watch.


At heart, I've always been a shipper. I'm not very girly or romantic, but in fiction - be it TV, a good book, or movie - I find myself letting those romantic sighs and daydreams out to play. I know right away who I ship, I just know, and Kataang was one of those 'duh' things for me.

I'll admit that I am a sucker for the nice-guy hero gets the girl, but I'd say it's more than that for these two with me. I do love Aang's character to bits, it's a great balance off that quirky feel-good freedom and dark troubles. Drama is good, but emo is not. So, with my attachment to him of course I'd want to see him with the person he openly, admitedly loves. That isn't to say that I don't like Katara's character just as much, I just wish someone would bonk her on the head.

What it really comes down to is the long run. Affairs come in many flavors, but when the big things come into play - marriage, family, growing old - you want someone who has always been there without having ever been asked to. That's what they do. Zutara can have their steam, Taang can have their dominance-tango.

Right now Aang and Katara have their friendship, the ship is about taking that and, with some time, having something that will be full, fruitful, and healthy. Maybe it's just me, but I find that sort of thing much more satisfying and passionate than anything else. They're the kind of personalities that make love, versus a far more vulgar verb ;)


The reason I love Kataang is because it's actually built off of a very strong friendship. There's none of this 'instant love affair without any character development' nonsense. They're friends first.


#anime/animation, avatar: the last airbender

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