Title: Bizarrely Cute Author: archica Fandom: Death Note Pairing: L/Misa Spoilers: All of the first half of the manga. If you don't know how far that extends, you probably shouldn't read. XD
This is certainly a novel concept, L/Misa, and while I don't personally ship it, I think you've presented an interesting essay on the two of them. I certainly could support L having some kind of social-misfit crush on the cool popular girl -- even if he does seem to obsess more on the fact that she may be the second Kira than he does on wanting to actually date her himself -- but for me it's a stretch to imagine her with more than a passing interest in L, since she is so utterly consumed with Light-Kira.
You're absolutely correct that this series deserves all the attention it receives; I love the manga, and actually think that for once the anime is even better than the source material. The voice acting is superb, the art moody and dramatic, and the story compelling. Now I want to see the live action movie!
Thanks! Yeah, I was careful not to say that Misa is in love with L or would easily fall in love with him. But I personally think she easily latches onto others (she supposedly fell in love with Raito within minutes) and if for some reason Raito was removed from the picture without it being L's fault (like he had just suddenly died of a heart attack XD) she could have then latched onto L and fallen for him. At least I like to think so.
I haven't seen the anime yet. I'm waiting for there to be enough episodes to fill a DVD set of some sort so I can get it on ebay. XD
Comments 10
You're absolutely correct that this series deserves all the attention it receives; I love the manga, and actually think that for once the anime is even better than the source material. The voice acting is superb, the art moody and dramatic, and the story compelling. Now I want to see the live action movie!
I haven't seen the anime yet. I'm waiting for there to be enough episodes to fill a DVD set of some sort so I can get it on ebay. XD
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And yeah, it's sad but I have plenty of theories for L still being alive. XDD
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But a threesome is fine too.
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