Kyou/Tohru (Fruits Basket)

Jun 13, 2006 21:51

Title: Let’s Stay Together…Always
Author: sari_15
Pairing: Kyou Sohma and Tohru Honda
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Spoilers: Through about manga chapter 114…I tried to stay away from end of series…but there might be a little.

Let's Stay Together...Always

A Manifesto for Kyou and Tohru

When I first picked up Fruits Basket, I wasn't sure what to expect. The friend of mine who recommended (okay...forced) that I read it only told me that I would love it. As I began to read, I really enjoyed the characters and thought that it was a great comedy to read. The further I read, the more I realized how in depth the series is. My initial thoughts on this series were very misleading, the series is one of the most amazing stories I have read. I constantly find myself rereading to find things that I missed when I first read it and haven't gotten tired of it yet.

A series that makes you fall in love with every single character in it is rare to find, but this was one such series. We always have our favorites though, and mine captured my heart right away.

The Ever Optimistic Onigiri (riceball) and The Angry Emo Kitty
(a.k.a. Tohru Honda and Kyou Sohma)

The Girl

As they played the game, I waited for someone to call ‘onigiri’. But no one called. I was very little then. I had almost forgotten about that. There would never be room for an Onigiri…in a Fruits Basket.

Tohru Honda is a fifteen-year-old girl who has pitched a tent to live in while her Grandfather's house is undergoing renovations. She lost her mother four months ago in a traffic accident and is determined to finish high school, as she promised her mother she would. Unwilling to burden those who do care about her, (which number a total of three at this moment); Tohru is determined to live on her own in the woods.

Tohru first meets the Sohma family while she is walking to school one morning. She stumbles upon a Jyuunishi (zodiac) set that someone had set out to dry and comments about the lack of the cat. She quickly discovers that the house belongs to Shigure Sohma and he lives there with his younger cousin, Yuki Sohma. Yuki is one of Tohru's classmates and the most popular boy in her school.

Later that evening, they discover that Tohru has been living on their land for the past week. The two invite her to stay with them until the renovations are finished at her Grandfathers in return for doing some housekeeping around the home.

After a landslide destroys her home, she agrees, since it should only be a few weeks.
The Boy

And the cat, unable to attend the banquet, was angry that he had been deceived and was always trying to catch the rat.

Cursed with the spirit of the Nekozuki, scorned, looked down upon and neglected, Kyou Sohma is the outcast of the Sohma family. His history is revealed throughout the series but his basic 'groundwork' reveals that presumably, his mother committed suicide because she couldn't handle raising 'the cat'. Rejected by his biological father, Kyou was invited to live with Kazuma Sohma, a single man who ran a martial arts dojo. Kazuma's grandfather was the previous holder of Kyou's curse and although he took in Kyou to atone for things he did in the past, he raised Kyou as his own. The only real relationship in his life, the bond between Kyou and Kazuma is extremely strong and full of love.

We first meet Kyou as he crashes through the roof to attack his nemesis, Yuki Sohma. Staying true to the fable, the cat is bitter and angry for being tricked by the rat and blames him for everything that has gone wrong in his life. Missing for four months, Kyou returns determined to finally beat the rat, a feat in all of his martial arts training has never happened.

He hadn't realized there was a girl standing behind him though. Tohru quickly tries to intercept Kyou from attacking her new friend, but finds herself holding a cat. Moments later, as well as the emergence of a dog and a rat, Tohru discovers the Sohma family secret. In a surprising move by the head of the family, Tohru is allowed to stay but Kyou is forced to move into the house as punishment for his disappearing act and transfer schools to Yuki's as well.

He spent those four months training in the woods with Kazuma so he could defeat Yuki...

At least, that's what he tells everyone.

The Truth of the Love Triangle

Fruits Basket is well known for its love triangle between Yuki, Tohru and Kyou. Tohru had two wonderful boys that she loved and cared for but couldn't chose between. Kyou emerged as the winner in canon later in the series, but there are countless fan fictions with the three of them together, many fans still love that aspect of the series. There is just one problem with that situation...

It was an illusion.

Yuki competed with Kyou for Tohru's affection from the very beginning, but backed out gracefully toward the middle of the series. He was able to see something that neither Kyou nor Tohru had realized at the time, they were in love. According to legend, had Yuki not backed off he probably would have been successful in winning Tohru's love. Yuki did try; his results were successful when he put in the effort. Tohru would stammer, blush and even lose her balance when Yuki would try to be affectionate with her. There was just one problem. Yuki had to try and it forced him to compete with someone who got the exact same reaction without trying.

Tohru and Kyou were not looking for love, Tohru never fretted over making a choice and Kyou never tried to win her affection. For them, it just happened...Yuki had already made his exit by the time either of them acknowledged their feelings and the true love triangle in the series developed.

Year of the Cat Fan Club
(Part I--He hates me!)

Being as this pairing is 'canon', the evidence is everywhere as a large amount of the series revolves around the development of this couple. The first clue that our series will head in this direction comes in one of the first pages, before we ever meet our cat. When Tohru stumbles upon the Jyuunshi set that Shigure has made, she comments to him that he'd left out the cat and how she'd loved the fable as a child so much that she wanted to stop being the year of the dog, and be a cat. Shigure replies that he knew he felt a kinship to her (being the spirit of the dog) and that he wondered what 'he' would think when he heard he had a 'fan'.

After the initial transformation fiasco, Shigure quietly asks Tohru what she thought of the cat now and teases Kyou when she gets excited about him and wonders what he's like. Shigure makes comments about how terrible he is at martial arts even after all the training he's had, that he's never beat Yuki. Kyou ends up breaking the table out of frustration, yelling how a girl shouldn't be here but a part of the broken table hits Tohru in the head, breaking the skin and injuring her. The look of horror on the cat's face is quickly replaced as Yuki distracts him by giving Kyou what he wanted in the first place--a fight.

Seconds later, Kyou is sprawled out in the garden--defeated by Yuki. When Tohru returns from school that afternoon, she finds Kyou finishing repairs to her roof and he awkwardly tries to apologize but fails. During this time, Kyou is extremely on edge and the littlest things trigger his temper. There are a lot of slamming doors, rude comments, he refuses to eat, he sulks on the roof, he picks a lot of fights with Yuki and after being forced to go to school with Yuki and Tohru...the girls in the classroom upset him so much that he jumps from a second story window before running away. When Tohru stumbles across Yuki and Kyou after that occurrence, Kyou takes out his frustrations on her--telling her he can't stand to look at her.

Tohru naturally thinks Kyou hates her, she's been telling herself that for days and now he just completely let his temper off on her...but we cut to a scene with Shigure and Kyou and find out that isn't the case. Kyou feels bad for losing his temper with her, doesn't really understand why everything he says to her is mean. Shigure just smiles and tells him that hurting others is a part of life, but he knows that with a little work...Kyou will be fine.

Trying to apologize, Kyou meets Tohru as she's walking home from work and attempts to mend their fences. Happily, Tohru informs him that she loves him...well...the cat. That she wanted to be the year of the cat and that she's so happy to have met him. Kyou tells her that's stupid and the two of them walk home together.

Friendship is a two way street
(Part II--It's getting harder and harder for him to tell her no...)

That simple walk home set the groundwork for their relationship, it isn't easy but to the two of them, the rewards are worth it. Although Kyou is still stubborn, rude, brusque, and gets upset often...when it's Tohru...he quickly stammers out an apology. When he gets upset and goes to the roof, she finally starts to follow him and hears about his Shishou and martial arts and how much he hates having Kagura chase after him...

When Tohru's grandfather's house is finished and it's time for her to return home, both boys go after her to bring her back. As Yuki deals with her family, Kyou drags Tohru out of the house and proceeds to lecture her. The scene that follows is possibility one of the hints about what their relationship is turning into...and possibly the moment that Tohru really started to fall for the cat.

Telling her it was all right to get upset, to be selfish, and to ask for what you want--that she needed to do that might have been the biggest turning point in their relationship. Unlike the majority of the Sohma's that she's met, Kyou is the one that allows her to lean on him when she needs someone instead of needing her all the time. Their friendship forms a give and take relationship that she doesn't have with many others.

In this time period, we are able to watch these two characters grow and form a bond that is unique from the other bonds in their lives. Kyou takes care of Tohru when she's ill, Tohru comforts Kyou when he's hurting, Kyou befriends Tohru's friends, Tohru gives Kyou the acceptance and care he's always needed. It is obvious very early that Kyou has fallen for Tohru, though he isn't quite aware of it. When it comes to Tohru, Kyou can't say no...even if it means doing things he doesn't really want to do--just to see her happy.

We watch this bond form, while getting little hints of some darkness Kyou hides locked inside his heart. We also continue to see the strong bond Tohru had with her mother and how she still influences Tohru's thoughts and feelings. During this time, Kazuma reveals one of Kyou’s secrets to Tohru. The outcome is a result that if Kyou isn't head over heels in love with her already...pretty much cements his feelings.

At the end of this phase, several extremely important occurrences happen. First, Akito observes the two of them on the beach and decides to remind Kyou of his 'place'. Second, Akito isn't the only one that watches them, Yuki does too. In fact, he's been observing them for awhile now and notices the subtle differences in their interaction. Although it is hard for him, Yuki makes a big step in his own storyline, by breaking his romantic ties with Tohru to discover himself.

We quickly discover that Kyou made a bet with Akito, it is the cat's fate to spend his life confined in a room. Akito will be locking Kyou away after graduation if he is still unable to defeat Yuki. Akito also speaks badly of Tohru, when Kyou tries to defend her--Akito attacks him and asks Kyou if he loves Tohru. Kyou is stunned, realizing for the first time that he does love Tohru. . Surprisingly, Kyou breaks down sobbing, horrified for being so selfish, for wanting her with him, for loving her. The cat is said to destroy everything in his path, and apparently, Kyou believes this from his past experiences. Kyou denies his feelings to Akito, not wanting Tohru brought any further into the situation.

Tohru, on the other hand, gets her own visit from Akito where she meets the last of the Jyuunishi, the rooster, and discovers who Akito is to them--God. Tohru also discovers some things about the curse, including how Kyou will be imprisoned when he graduates and the rest of the Sohma will return to Akito's side...prompting Tohru to want to break the curse.

Kyou is still holding onto a secret that is slowly revealed as the series continues.

In volume four, Hana asks Kyou why he feels regret while they are visiting Tohru's mother's grave. Later that evening, Kyou stumbles across Tohru sleeping on the porch...after trying to wake her up and failing. He leans in close, and whispers an apology.

In volume six we get to meet Kazuma for the first time, we learn a little about Kyou's childhood and Kazuma uses Tohru to reveal Kyou's secret to her. As Tohru brings him home, Kyou comments to himself that this time...he wants to stay together. There is a picture of a smiling and young Tohru.

At the very end of this section as Kyou leaves his conversation with Akito, we witness a flashback to a young Kyou as he remembers details of a childhood friendship with...Kyoko Honda (Tohru's mother).

Obviously...we are receiving our first hints of the problems that sit in front of this couple...and the real love triangle of this series emerges.

Guilt and the Mother Complex
(Part III-Do I blame myself?)

Part II marks the end of the innocence of this relationship. Kyou realizes that he's head over heels in love with this girl, but for several reasons can't act on those feelings. Tohru sets out on her journey to break the curse as soon as they return from their trip. Uncomfortable going to anyone else, she turns to the one person who she feels comfortable discussing the darker aspects of the curse with--Kazuma Sohma, Kyou's foster father.

There isn't a lot in this section dealing with staggering changes in their relationship, it is more about watching them grow and see what this bond forms into. Tohru still has difficultly dealing with the loss of her mother, often panicking over being left behind, loved ones leaving and being alone in the world. These thoughts only begin to upset her more as slowly the faces she thinks about change as well, typically thinking of her mother...someone else's face starts to get included as she worries about them leaving her. The more Kyou enters her thoughts, the harder she clings to her mother's memory.

Tohru promised herself that she wouldn't lose her mother's memory after she died. That she wouldn't let her become 'forgotten' and would put her 'first' in her life forever. She really struggles with the issue when Isuzu questions her on why she's needs to 'free' them so badly. What is the most important thing to her that she risks everything for it? Tohru isn't ready to admit the answer to herself yet.

During this time, Kyou's personality undergoes a dramatic change as he finally acknowledges that he won't be able to beat Yuki and his fate is set for him. That his time left with Tohru is extremely limited and he needs to get the most from it. We see a much calmer, extremely emotional Kyou emerge. The physical aspect of their relationship undergoes a severe transformation as well. He's not thinking how she feels about him ever, so he's comfortable in just doing what he can do to support her. Seeing him grab her hand, wipe away tears, tease, affectionately play and even attempt to hold her are things that are common to see.

Kyou's history with Kyoko comes back to haunt him occasionally, replaying her covered in blood at the end as well as recalling stories she told him. Some of these stories link up so when Tohru mentions something to him, he begins to understand her like no one else does. She hides a lot inside, not wanting others to see a side that she considers bad...but Kyou.

Tohru is happy living this life of 'lies'...trying to hide her true feelings away. Never letting anyone see her pain, but she stumbles along the way. Overhearing a conversation, she gets emotional...interrupting Isuzu and Shigure as they discuss how the curse will most likely break eventually in their lifetime.

Tohru interrupts and insists it has to be before spring or...then quickly tries to lock her feelings inside-but fails. Soon after, Tohru goes to Isuzu and tells her everything. How the only reason she's trying to break the for Kyou. It has nothing to do with feeling sorry for him...but everything to do with not wanting to lose him. That if she can't have him...she doesn' t want anyone else having him. Her reasons are entirely selfish...she loves him and doesn't want to lose him. She attempts to tell him her feelings after a fight with Kagura (who overheard her conversation with Isuzu), but isn't able to gather her courage yet.

In the meantime, Kyou discovers that pretty much everyone around him can tell what his feelings for Tohru are, and much to his horror, that there is a strong chance those feelings are returned...

Relationship Quirks
(why I love them so...)

So far, I have given a little information on the aspects of Kyou and Tohru that I find so endearing. Tohru breaks through Kyou's wall in a matter of days ending the 'I hate you' phase he went through...though...that was just a way to protect himself. From that point on, he became extremely protective, telling her to stop doing things for everyone else. Even though that was one of the things he really respected about her, the fact that she cared for and treated everyone the same...Kyou worried that people would take advantage of that. He would give his 'advice' with a growl, yelling, and occasionally a rude endearment. His favorites to call her were Moron, Stupid, and Idiot.

The amount of yelling he did tended to fluctuate by his level of frustration with her. His complete lack of social skills aside, Kyou, it is obvious, truly cares for her. Underneath the frustration, the anger and the blustering is an extreme difference in the treatment of certain people in his life. Typically, Kyou broods, frowns, pouts, avoids others, and otherwise shows some antisocial tendencies. With Tohru, especially alone with Tohru, he smiles, teases, laughs and likes to make her laugh.

This difference is clear when Shishou/Kazuma comes to pay his first visit. He doesn't like to show his affection for his foster father around everyone else...but the moment they are alone Kyou breaks out into the biggest smile we have seen until that moment. He loves his father; his personality is completely different around him because he trusts the man impeccably. After Shishou places all of his hope and trust in Tohru, Kyou brings someone else into that small circle. Still around others, he has difficulty showing that affection but when they are alone we begin to see a Kyou that others don't ever get to experience. He is kind, caring, gentle, extremely playful, but still...Kyou. When he's with Tohru, it is easy to see that he is happy.

Tohru tends to be a little more difficult to read; throughout the series, she has done a nice job of locking her feelings up tightly. Where she seems to be at different 'levels' with all of the characters, playing the role of nurturing confidant, caregiver and friend there is a slight difference with her relationship with Kyou. She is extremely comfortable around him, able to talk about herself and her own personal problems with him; he too opens up and talks to her as well. He's probably the only one in the series that really can see the awkward, sad, lonely and determined person she tries to hide. Still...they hide many things from each other.

Exploring this relationship is a little difficult to do, as so many of the steps of their relationship are major plot points that aren't uncovered until late in the series. Tohru is probably one of the most giving people that could ever exist and treasured by almost all of the Sohma family. She seems to be almost 'too' perfect, but you learn as she begins to let her guard down with Kyou that her life hasn't been all fun and happiness. Slowly, from what he learned from whatever relationship he had with her mother and some of the things she confesses to him, the pieces of her 'real' life unfold in front of him. He knows the real pain she has gone through in her life, the things she doesn't want others to know, and her reasons for acting the way she does.

Flashbacks of Tohru's life show the many ups and downs with having Kyoko for a mother. As a young child, her father died from an illness and it affected her mother deeply, depressed Kyoko to the point where she almost committed suicide and neglected Tohru because she was so engrossed in her 'own' pain...she forgot about her daughter.

She did come out of it, finally, and turned around to become the caring and loving person that everyone else who encountered her, remembers her as. Tohru though, has trouble letting go of the fear of being abandoned and alone, and to survive...had to place the blame of her mothers pain on the person who 'abandoned' them and did things to make her mother happy and want to stay with her. She does things, so others are happy and won't leave her like her mother almost did. When she DID lose her mother a few years later in the car accident, Tohru promised herself never to put anyone else ahead of her mother in her heart. She didn't want to lose the memory of that time and clings to it to a degree that is almost frightening.

For most of the series, Tohru just isn't ready to acknowledge those feelings she has for Kyou and let go of her mother's memory and place in her heart. Not as clear or focused as Kyou's thoughts, Tohru does give several key clues throughout the series so when she finally does come out and admit her feelings to people around her; it's not a complete shock. Most of them are in her reactions to the things he does or says, both good and bad.
It's not that he means to hurt her feelings, sometimes he doesn't even realize he's doing it and most of the time she doesn't understand why she reacts this way. Simple comments that shouldn't bother her, such as telling her he'd support her when she got a boyfriend , him not wanting her to make up scenario's about the curse breaking, him commenting that having Isuzu living with Shishou might be a good thing so he's not lonely , all casually spoken in a way that shouldn't upset her.

All these crush her emotionally as she realizes his thoughts obviously don't include a 'future'--let alone one including her. That he won't even allow himself to dream or think about these things as possibilities. She's obviously worried, but can't talk to him about it. The more she thinks about the curse and what will happen because of it, the harder it is to cling to her mother's memory. She bottles all these emotions inside tightly and they continue to grow as she spends more time with him. The day does come when she can no longer let those feelings be locked away, knowing what it is that she needs to 'let go of'. This choice forces her to pluck up her courage and tell him how she feels about him.

Kyou's side of their relationship is a little different, as the harder he tries to back away from his emotions, the closer it brings him. He knows how he feels about her, and it literally crushes him emotionally because he knows that it is both something he doesn't want...and can't have even if he DID want it. One of the neatest things about this series is watching the changes in several of the characters. Kyou, in relation to Tohru, goes through some big changes as he discovers his feelings and falls for her more and more. This is shown in not only his attitude, but also his body language and other aspects of his expressions.

There is a HUGE difference in how he treats Tohru before his meeting with Akito and after the meeting.

Those cute little affectionate head taps he does to her? They magically disappear.

What about his nice little pet names, like stupid, moron and idiot? Yep, those are instantly gone too.

Suddenly, around her he's much softer, much kinder and his internal dialogue begins on a downward spiral toward angst. When he does touch her, it's typically not in a playful or teasing manner...there is a reason behind it. They all are things he does that even if he doesn't realize he is doing it, secures the bonds in their relationship. The only thing that goes through his head when his 'future' is discussed is that he wants to stay by her side until the end.

(Who needs please and thank you? They've got their own magic word.)

Shishou's first visit to Shigure's in volume six on first read comes off a little...strange. The further you get in the series, the more that entire situation begins to influence everything involving the two of them. You discover later in the series that if anyone else had been in Tohru's place...Kazuma wouldn't have done what he had. It's not an exaggeration that he placed Kyou's emotional well being in her hands because of who she is. Unknown to Tohru, Kazuma did this out of desperation and love to save his 'son'...he'd done everything he could up to that point. Only Tohru could be the one to bring back the Kyou he had been before their four-month disappearance.

Tohru, for her part, didn't want to lose Kyou and didn't understand what was going on--but knew if she didn't find him and get him to return home with her, he'd never return. Besides Kazuma, Tohru is probably the only one to 'go after him' when he ran away from an emotionally overwhelming situation for him. She didn't think about it, she just followed and refused to leave without him. Over and over telling him to come home and how she wanted to spend time with him 'together'. Finally, he tells her that's all he wants... to be with her 'together' then wraps her in an emotional hug.

Throughout the series, this word is used between the pair at some moments that really show how much they care about each other, making them stammer or blush when the other uses it. Wanting to stay be each other’s side, staying together, the idea and thought of that just makes them 'happy' even if they aren't sure how the other really feels.

I Want to be Together
(Part IV- I won’t be disillusioned)

The final section refers to the last several volumes, which are still in the process of being released in Japan. A large focus is put on Kyou and Tohru's relationship, discovering the truth about each others pasts and learning about the others true feelings. It's a hard fact for Kyou to handle, discovering her feelings for him and he has trouble accepting them due to all the guilt he harbors.

The ending, although it isn't finished yet, seems to be holding true to the heart of the series. Forgiveness, acceptance of others, as well as acceptance of oneself are all important themes in Fruits Basket. The closing of this series has not deviated from this; although the road seems to be quite rocky, things look somewhat promising for this couple.
Furuba-Rama: An active role play site with an active forum centered around Fruits Basket.
Yahoo Groups: Kyoru Mailing List For all fans of the pairing Kyou and Tohru
Rooftop Romance A C2 on filled with only Kyou/Tohru fictions
Kyou/Tohru Anime Fanlisting A cute shrine to the pairing.
My Mediaminer and accounts that hold several Kyou Tohru fan fictions.

#manga/comic, fruits basket

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