Miroku/Kagome - A Surprising Love

May 14, 2006 16:15

Title: A Surprising Love
Author: tragicamente
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Miroku/Kagome
Spoilers: Up to around episode 60 in the anime, but nothing really, no plot or anything.
Notes: If you feel I've missed anything out, or would like to put your opinion of Miroku/Kagome in the essay, feel free to email me or leave a comment. Feedback is very much appreciated :)

Miroku/Kagome - A Surprising Love
two really pretty people getting together

Miroku/Kagome is met by many people with repulse, terror and cries of: ‘but Miroku/Sango…Inuyasha/Kagome!’ The overriding response seems to be the last one and that of shock. Not many people tend to even consider these two as a pairing. Those who cried out, fear not, I love Inuyasha/Kagome just as much as the next Inu/Kag fan and though I’m not a great fan of Miroku/Sango I still appreciate it - I can’t help digging Sango. So I’m not disregarding your pairings, ship them as you want - I’m actually totally in favour of Inu/Kag, Mir/San and Mir/Kag fics all in one with a lot of jealousy thrown in. Alas, nobody really has the penchant for a good old-fashioned healthy dose of jealousy as much as I do.

I have to admit the first time I started watching Inuyasha I had already been tainted by fandom. People on my friends list where talking about it excitedly, about how Inuyasha/Kagome are one true love or how Inuyasha/Kikyou was how it was mean’t to be, so I went into the first episode looking out for these characters and trying to find out just who the hell they were.

By episode two I was hooked and I managed to get through 75 episodes in a surprisingly short amount of time. By episode 75 I was a manic shipper, I placed that little slash sign anywhere I could. I was a major fan of Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Rin, Sango/Kohaku with their dark, intricately entangled psychological mess but that’s a whole other essay entirely, and let’s not forget Kouga/Kagome. So at first watch, I wasn’t even thinking Miroku/Kagome as a possibility - even though I was loving on the pretty monk and shipping Kagome with anything that moved really.

However, on a second watching (as I only have up to episode 75 on DVD. Woe.), I discovered so much more.

The could-be love triangle of Inuyasha/Kagome/Miroku, the splendid team dynamic, the countless possibilities that could arise as Miroku and Kagome seemed to find themselves continuously alone… it was a wealth of shipping glory that allowed me to psychoanalyse the characters, dig deep into probably meaningless looks and screen cap insanely in the hope of finding more glorious moments between them.

Before I go into the nitty gritty of why this pairing kicks ass, I will give a very brief introduction to the characters:

Miroku - the lecherous monk cursed with a wind tunnel in his right hand by Naraku that widens constantly and one day threatens to end his life. He is obsessed with wanting to father a male heir so that, should he die, there is someone to continue hunting down Naraku to end the curse. He is wise, perverted, a trickster and can usually be quite jovial. He tends to be the thinker of the group.

Kagome - the young heroine who falls down the bone-eater’s well on her 15th birthday into feudal Japan. She is the one who awakened Inuyasha and broke the jewel into a thousand itty-bitty pieces, but she is also the one who is willing to get them all back. She is determined, optimistic and resilient.

Together they could make a fantastic pair as they’re both so determined, Miroku’s reason complements Kagome’s resourcefulness and his calm is exactly what is needed to help Kagome bring out her massive inner strength. Miroku places enough self-confidence in Kagome for her to realise that she is an amazing woman, with flaws, but still an amazing woman - and Kagome is quirky enough to provide amusement, intelligent enough to be able to talk and sensitive enough to be able to discuss things together.

Miroku is also an incredibly sensitive character; he shows surprising moments of insight to women despite his blatant disregard of their personal space. Miroku is always the one giving advice to Inuyasha on how he should be handling the situation, and Miroku is the one to notice the choice Kagome has made in episode 48 after Inuyasha sees Kikyou. In turn Kagome notices when Miroku is preoccupied and she places great trust in his abilities. It is this understanding that gives foundation to a strong friendship and the potential for a romantic relationship.

Miroku is also bold enough to make the first move as I believe Kagome would be far too shy/confused to be the one to initiate it - but then she is down-to-earth enough to accept what she is feeling and act upon it.

Miroku has a dark, violent side of him that is not often seen but lingers beneath the surface. He threatens Hachii (spelling) with violence countless of times and I’m not sure his training to be a monk involved martial arts. Either way Kagome’s gentle side is enough to quench this; it is also through Kagome that we see his gentle side. Miroku is introduced firstly as someone trying to gather the shikon jewel shards as well and so far all people gathering jewel shards, bar Shippou, have been villains. Yet Kagome can sense his kindness and he closes the wind tunnel to save her, resulting in a lovely compromising position of Kagome right on top of Miroku. Brilliant.

Let me play with their moments together now.

Canon Evidence
how much can I read into things?

The first time Miroku sees Kagome, she is naked - very appropriate, considering Miroku’s primary intent is always based on sexual attraction. He is obviously intrigued by her, (and the shikon jewel) and is midly upset by the fact that she is travelling with Inuyasha. Miroku proceeds to kidnap Kagome and the relationship starts:

K: What do you think you’re doing?

M: Fear not young lady, you have no reason to doubt my intentions; I am but a simple monk. A monk who desired a jewel shard and got himself a young woman in the process.

K: What am I? A consolation prize!

There is no denying that Kagome wants to be seen as an attractive girl and she even wants this kind of attention from Miroku. Is this because she also finds him attractive? The confirmation that Miroku finds her attractive is repeated many times.

M: I’m so glad you’re here. It’s too good to be true, you’re a real sight for sore eyes.

Miroku seems to have already made Kagome rather smitten with his affections:

M: Was it that beautiful companion of yours that called you by name or the young fox?

K: Uh, he can’t be all bad if he has such good taste..

Later on it is Kagome who seems to be the only one who sees through Miroku at the beginning and recognises that he is a kind man.

K: He stopped the assault on his own, meaning he can’t be all that bad.

Furthermore, she is the one that suggests he should be part of their group:

K: I wouldn’t have done it if I had any doubts. With a hand that powerful he could have killed us a long time ago if he had wanted to. Let’s at least give him a chance, maybe he can lend us a hand?

Notice also how after she has fallen on top of him she doesn't shift from his side, she continues staying near him checking that he is alright and leaning close to his face until he gropes her. Yet, even after he has groped her she invites him into the group:

K: Let’s search for the jewel shards together.

K: What do you say?

M: I’ve always been more of a solitary man, preferring to work on my own rather than in the company of others.

K: Yeah, but if we don’t work fast you won’t even have your own company to enjoy.

M: Dear Kagome, are you troubled by this wretched fate of mine?

K: sort of.

M: Then do me this good turn, I wish for you to bear my a son.

K: and why would I do that?

During this entire process, Kagome does seem genuinely concerned for Miroku. Also, when he takes her hands, she doesn't pull away. Neither does she specifically say no to bearing his child. Heh. Mini Mirokus and mini Kagomes would be so cute, and Kagome even says herself: Miroku is a lot nicer than Inuyasha.

Soon after Miroku joins their group you can see that Miroku and Kagome are comfortable with each other. Even though Kagome had begun to 'suspect herself' that Miroku was gaining their evening lodgings through deciet she hadn't raised the issue and, previously, when Inuyasha wanted him gone Kagome tried to reason with him to get Miroku to stay.

Once they meet up again as Miroku runs off to find a demon on Kagome's bicycle, Kagome shouts after him "Wait! I'll come with you!". There is a clear relationship of some sort forming between them. Later on Miroku even calls Kagome 'amazing' and when he tells them he is going to stay with the group, Kagome is more than delighted:

K: Really, you’ll come with us?

M: Gladly, journeying in the company of a pretty woman is so much more enjoyable.

Kagome giggles and blushes.

During fights Kagome is comfortable being with either Inuyasha or Miroku, showing she has great trust in his ability to protect her (not to mention she trusts herself too, but focusing on the males here) and she cheers Miroku on saying: 'You're the best, Miroku!'.

When Miroku gets poisoned by the insects Kagome immediately rushes to his side, clearly worried.

Their friendship forms beautifully as they protect and care for each other and many times when Miroku and Kagome are walking ahead on their own talking quite amiably. They exchange smiles and do not mind standing or being close to one another.

There are even some moments where one or the other just looks, which can be interpreted in a meaningful way:

Now, my theory is that Miroku was the first to 'fall' for Kagome as he watches her from the beginning of the quest, first admiring her beauty then letting it slip into friendship, which allows the perfect foundation for something more. Than Kagome follows suit:

The above is one of my favourite caps, Miroku is saving Kagome as they leap off Shippou's bubble form to safety. Kagome's look is one of surprise and it seems as if she's looking at Miroku for the first time. After their fall, Miroku does not remove his arm immediately. Now in those times this sort of contact was seen as romantic or at least as showing a very close relationship, which is obviously what these two have established.

This comes through very well in Episode 48, Return to the Place Where We Met, where Inuyasha has chosen Kikyou over Kagome and has to tell Kagome that he can't see her again. Miroku is the one to understand what Kagome is feeling and tries to think what is in her best interests:

Sango: Miroku, Kagome looked really depressed.

M: Yes, well, I can guess why she’s feeling that way.

'It would be even crueller to ask Kagome to come back.'

The truth is you’re not the one having a hard time about this, Kagome is!

Miroku and Kagome help each other a great deal throughout the series, their concern for each other and the way they always understand one another is one of the aspects that draws me to them. They are never cruel or tactless and are always looking out for the best interests of the other person. It's an adorable relationship that, coupled with Miroku's lechery, can become unbelievably sexy as well.

There are plenty more moments between them that are just begging to be played around with, alas that would take forever and I just don't have the time. I hope you've enjoyed reading this meagre essay of mine and I'm just going to leave with other people's views of the pairing:

As a writer, Miroku/Kagome was a huge challenge because of the difficulty in
creating a realistic situation. But that just makes me appreciate good MK fics
all the more. The pairing of such personalities is certainly not conventional
(barring the fact that it's an alt-pairing) and this makes for unconventional
fics. With Inu/K, there's more of a hero/maiden kind of relationship (mostly),
whereas with MK, we have two people who can connect on a more thoughtful level.
It's not obvious, since MK isn't a canon pairing after all. I don't think it's
their spirtual abilities that draw them together but their thoughtfulness. Both,
also, have a very strong sense of the worst that could happen to them, yet they
still continue trying to achieve their goals, undeterred. In fact, it seems like
it is this worst outcome that drives them on. They can relate to each other in
this way. I think you can draw a lot of connections between them because of
this. - dawnsama

I like Miroku and Kagome together because they're equally immature, but have equal possibility for depth. Inuyasha and Sango match each other much better with the ANGST and BITTERNESS thing they have going on. Miroku and Kagome, the happy people, just end up depressed when they hang around those two for too long. ^_^ Joking aside, I really do think that their personalities are very compatible and that they'd make a great married couple. - empath_eia

I like the mere fact that it's NOT Mir/San or Inu/Kag. I like the dynamics between them as a couple (and this might be partly due to negative experiences with the repeated 'Sango slapping Miroku, Miroku is nothing but a pervert' fics), and I love the fact that they're so versatile. They could be fluffy, they could be dirty, they could be angsty. It's awesome. And miroku is sexy. - fluffyfledgling

Their Future
The Brilliant Fandom of Miroku/Kagome

Obviously this pairing can never happen in canon for the simple reason that canon is Sango/Miroku and Inuyasha/Kagome. However that does not mean one cannot dream or fabricate stories where Miroku and Kagome can get together.

I mean they just have so much chemistry and anyone who’s ever shared any kind of journey with someone, least of all something so epic, will know the kind of bond that forms.

And then, to be honest, they’re aesthetically pleasing when they’re together. Let’s not forget Kagome is in a hormonal prime and Miroku is typically tall, dark and handsome - there is bound to be some sexual attraction there.

The monk and the miko - spiritually and physically suited, Miroku/Kagome - a surprising love.

Bear in mind these lists below are by no means extensive. These are just a few cherry-pickings from the fandom - so enjoy rummaging around in it as well!


Chasing Methuselah. R. It will suck you in and make you believe in this pairing.
Once Upon a Snowstorm. R. WIP. A funny, good read.
Fides. PG-13 by insanely_poetic
Dark and Sweet. NC-17. Drabble length, but still lovely.
Untitled. PG-13 by fluffyfledgling.
In Conversation. PG-13 by dawnsama.
For a Brief Moment. PG-13 by ash_grey_sky
Sometimes. PG, drabble by _morbidity
Just Today. R by _morbidity.
Layers. PG-13.
Touch Me Nots. PG-13,
Imagine. PG-13 by insanely_poetic
For Now. PG-13 by insanely_poetic
Cursed Touch PG-13.
Oddity R. Sadly this is a WIP.

Don't forget to visit the C2 Miroku/Kagome.

I have contributed weakly to the fandom as well: my Miroku/Kagome stories.

Graphics and Art

5 Icons by waveless.
I posted my M/K icons over at mirokuxkagome.
Hard Candy - Art for the fanfiction Hard Candy, which, alas, I have been unable to locate.
Truth Tears
Untitled - not exactly M/K but it's cool.
Snowball Fight



#anime/animation, inuyasha

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