Title: Partners: Tsuzuki and Hisoka
Author: Brigdh
Spoilers: Not really.
Email: Brigdh@yahoo.com
Personal Website:
nextdooruniverse Hisoka: Wanna hear our fortune from this morning?
Tsuzuki: Tell me! Tell me!
Hisoka: Our compatibility is...
Tsuzuki: Yeah? Yeah?
Hisoka: Positively and absolutely... zero.
Tsuzuki: How mean.
Hisoka: But I don't
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Comments 98
YnM is my second favourite anime - I have lots of them, but even in the long list of Favourite Series, YnM is usually at the top, albeit second at the top --but whatever lol-- and I think you did a wonderful job at describing those two particular characters and this really interesting pairing, indeed.
My only 'problem' with this pairing is that I'm a firm believer in uke!Tsuzuki and the dynamic I usually find is TsuzukixHisoka instead of the other way around... which usually makes me sulk lol Another reason is that I usually root for TatsumixTsuzuki with some MurakixTsuzuki thrown in the midst because I love angst and twisted relationships lol
And I agree with you about the uke thing, but that's more of a problem with the fandom than the characters themselves. And you can find Hisoka/Tsuzuki when you want to; nearly all of the smut I rec'd is that way, as are my own fics. And heh. If you like Muraki/Tsuzuki, just wait. That essay's coming on Sunday, and I know the girl writing will do a wonderful job. I don't know if anyone's got Tatsumi/Tsuzuki, though.
My favourite anime ever is Please, Save my Earth *g* YnM or X --and lots of others, I have a pretty strong addictive personality lol-- come right after, but PSME has been at the top of the list since I first watched it around four years ago, and for some reason it never lost its First Place - yes, in capital letter, too lol
There's just something about that anime that totally speaks to me, I guess *g*
And oh joy, another one who believes in Hisoka/Tsuzuki! *high fives* So you mean most of the fics you rec'ced in your essay follow that dynamic? *bouncing*
I was pretty impatient to read the essay on Muraki/Tsuzuki already, but now thanks to you, I'm even more curious to see it!
So far, I don't think anyone picked Tatsumi/Tsuzuki, unfortunately... though there's an essay on Tatsumi/Tsuzuki/Hisoka coming up during the OT3 week *g*
And *high fives* Hisoka/Tsuzuki is the way to go. Back when I first got into the fandom, it was nearly nonexistent. I think I and another girl wrote the first ones, and our fics came out right about the same time. We got some of the weirdest comments. Sometimes I just want to say 'duh.'
And yeah, they all tend to follow that dynamic, though not all of them have smut, and the ones that do don't always go that far. But there's definetly nothing in there with a helpless, five-year-old-girl version of Hisoka or the scarily self-confident and agressive Tsuzuki you see all the time on ff.net. Those fics make my muses cry.
Well, then, you should do Tatsumi/Tsuzuki! I was so surprised no one had claimed it yet, and I'd love to see an essay for it.
My first contact with Yami was, too, trough a vid, but my immediate reaction was 'I want more of that fuda guy kicking ass! Oh, and more of that pretty boy with eyes so big they correspond to half his head.'
And ohmigod, woman, you rule. *loves*
And awwww. #^^# Thanks.
I had to give away that Tsuzuki killed himself, though, because it's hard to talk about him with being aware of that, and in retrospect it's so obvious. I'd guessed it long before I actually got up to the scene where Muraki confirms it.
But, um, thanks!
Wonderful essay, lady. *g*
And thank you for asking me to do this. It was really fun, once I got over being nervous about it. *laughs*
Particularly this: He's touchy-feely and clingy and just wants to become very bestest friends with everyone he meets. He's far too sensitive. He can't stand to hurt anyone or anything and has no respect for himself. - just, yes, that's my Tsuzuki.
Sometimes I get a little flattened by fandom
I know exactly what you mean. It seems strange to me, coming out of a fandom like Buffy, which has seven years of canon, over 150 episodes, plus five years of Angel- to end up here, where there's just 13 episodes or a little over 11 books. I mean, you can watch the entire series in less than six hours. And considering how much time I spend online, of course the fandom starts to outweigh the canon. Sometimes it seems weird- there's so many people who see radically different interpretations of the characters than I do, particularly if I go on ff.net, that I start to reconsider things. You know: Am I wrong? Did I miss something? Why do so many people see things I didn't? I mean, Hisoka isn't weepy and helpless, but surely if so many people write him that way, there has to be something to it...
But I'm glad you liked this; I'm glad it worked for you.
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