Bruce Wayne (Batman)/ Diana (Wonder Woman) (DC Comics)

Jul 29, 2005 16:29

Title: Torn Between The Darkness And The Light
Author: faith_of_borg
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Diana (Batman/Wonder Woman)
Spoilers: All of Justice League Unlimited, and, just to be safe, anything in the JLA comics.
Notes: Thanks to canonistas, where I found some of Wonder Woman’s back history. Thanks also go out to purplestarzzz for the banner after the introduction. And finally, thanks go out to my beta readers: marag, seandc, and __marcelo.

"These warriors fight with such honor...passion...The Universe has lain two signs before me. I need but The Undeniable Third for truth...Yet the path still lies cluttered..."
--Narration during The Obsidian Age, as Bruce and Diana fight a final battle.


At a glance, Bruce Wayne and Diana of Themiscyra appear to have absolutely nothing in common. After all, she is an immortal princess of an Amazon nation, while he is a crime fighter by night, and billionaire entrepreneur by day. (And a bit of a playboy for the media.) However, they are equals-in both skill, and willpower. While he may never approach her level of power, they respect each other’s abilities. And I first fell for this pairing long before I had ever thought of Bruce/Selina. They simply seemed like a good pairing-albeit one with a lot of issues to work through before they can survive together. The fact that Batman normally keeps people at arms length never seemed to really hurt their friendship-it simply created an obstacle to get around.

Batman/Bruce Wayne

"And I’m a rich kid with issues--lots of issues."
--Batman to Wonder Woman, in This Little Piggy (Justice League Unlimited.)

This is the way Batman describes himself to Diana, and he is essentially correct. Batman is essentially an overgrown child when it comes to emotional issues. The trauma of witnessing his parents gunned down by a mugger led him to become Batman, and at the core of his being, that is a trauma that has scarred his soul. Despite the despair that he carries within him, he continues on. He spent years of his life searching for a way to become a creature that criminals would fear-searching for a symbol that would be dreaded.

As criminals are, in his mind "a superstitious and cowardly lot,"--he searched for a sign. When a bat flew through his window, he took it as a sign-and he took on the mantle of the bat. He uses that mask-out of many-to continuously beat down the criminal element. Using only his fists, and his keen detective’s mind. He is also the only powerless member of the Justice League-something that is more than likely seen as a blessing rather than a curse in his mind.

Batman uses those "issues" of his to keep himself motivated in his war on crime. He has very little tolerance for those who are emotional in the heat of battle. However, working with Diana seems to bring out a kinder side to him. But is there room for love in his dark life? I’m sure that many hope so. And Diana may be just the person strong enough to tear through the walls he has constructed throughout his life.

Wonder Woman/Princess Diana

Wonder Woman’s life is a long and complex history. I will do my best to sum things up within this section. Since Crisis on Infinite Earths and Zero Hour happened things have become slightly easier to understand.

Also known as Princess Diana of Themiscyra, Wonder Woman came to life after being fashioned from clay by her mother, Queen Hippolyta. The Greek Gods whom the Amazons worship imbued her with life, and granted her a few gifts. Hermes bestowed superhuman speed and flight; Athena, wisdom; Aphrodite, compassion; Artemis, an empathy with animals and an observant eye. To sum up an often-convoluted life story--once she proved herself in battle, she was sent to Man’s World as a diplomat. The Gods also granted Wonder Woman the Lasso of Truth--any trapped within its coils would be forced to tell the truth. It was impossible not to.

Wonder Woman is the opposite side of the coin from Batman. She refuses to lie or deceive. She is, in essence, a goddess of truth. And she actually was the Goddess of Truth for a brief time after she died at one point.

Her first meeting with Batman was fraught with tension. Her first impression of him was that he was a man who was cruel and pig-headed. This is due to the fact that the first time she saw him, he was hanging a man upside down off of a tall building, in order to get information. It really didn’t help matters when, later on, he visited Themiscyra himself. He caught Diana unawares as she bathed, grabbed her, and kissed her. (The story in question is Trinity.) She punched him, throwing him a good distance, and was not happy at all. Thus, began an extremely complicated history between these two heroes.

Together In The Comics

Batman and Wonder Woman have an uncanny bond between them. Even extending to his being possessed or devolved by magic-even when she has been transformed into other forms. (A pig in the JLU universe-a demonic creature with spikes on her back in the JLA: Scary Monsters miniseries.) They trust each other implicitly and believe in each other. They guard each other's backs-never intentionally allowing an enemy to get through to the other. They even train together, to help correct each others fighting flaws. (And their sparring sessions are filled to the brim with UST-unresolved sexual tension.) Bruce and Diana will not allow each other to come to harm. (Well, except for everything that went on in Tower of Babel--those were extenuating circumstances since Ra’s Al Ghul had stolen Batman’s protocols, and used them to take down the JLA.)

If one is devastated by the loss of a loved one, the other will come to their aid. Witness Diana’s grieving for Donna Troy. (Donna was killed during Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day.) Batman stayed with Diana until her tears stopped. They provided each other with comfort. He didn’t want to see her in pain, since he knew exactly what she was feeling. Grief is a familiar emotion to him, and he doesn’t want anyone else to feel that kind of pain. On Diana’s side, she obviously feels safe with him-safe enough to let down her barriers around him. After everything they’ve been through together-all the emotional turmoil and chaos over the years-he is one of the people she feels safest around. And vice versa.

Diana (about Superman): He feels responsible somehow.
Batman: Do you?
Diana: I should have been there to protect her. I should’ve sensed that she needed me. She was my sister.
*They both look at each other for a long moment, until Diana starts to cry.*
Diana: She was a part of my soul...
*As she starts crying more, Batman holds her, and wraps his cape around the two of them.*

During The Obsidian Age, Diana took care of a severely ill Bruce while they were trapped in the past. While he had a fever, he admitted some of his feelings and said she was "not perfect...beautiful." More than likely, he does not recollect this. Although, before the final battle, he managed to struggle to the battlefield and fought to his last breath at Diana’s side.

Following their last stand in The Obsidian Age era, their relationship grew ever more complicated. The last thing they had done before their death was kiss-as they died, they held hands, so each would know someone was with the other. In the aftermath, Diana wondered what it had been. And what her feelings actually were at that point. It took a lot of conflict-his protocols being stolen, being evicted from the team, and coming back-but eventually Diana, at least, had the time to think about what had happened between them.

Wonder Woman: He’s brilliant. He's driven. A warrior in the classic sense. He’s also terrifying. Borderline obsessed. Thriving in a darkness I forsook ages ago. He is stubborn, rude, and ruthless, and when we’re working side by side, I find myself...fighting even harder. Always as an equal. Then...that kiss. That stupid kiss, literally 'before dying'...that has plagued us both. Was it simply a moment shared by warriors on the battlefield? Or a desperate attempt to reconcile years of emotion in a fleeting heartbeat? It’s time for an answer.
--from JLA #90.

To attempt to figure out what her feelings really are towards Bruce, Diana goes into a dream machine created by J’onn. Somehow it creates scenarios based on what she thinks might happen if they ever got together, and stayed together. These range from Bruce growing old with her and dying, to them teaming up more, and even to them cleaning up Gotham City after being married. One scenario even shows how Bruce and Diana might react if they were married but couldn’t have children-even after they had begged the gods for it to be possible.

Diana: I wanted us to have children.
Bruce: I know...can you imagine? Alfred would give his leg to hear a child laughing in the manor. To change a diaper--
Diana: I want to see you change a diaper. I--are you disappointed?
Bruce: Of course, but not in you.
---JLA #90, during a dream sequence.

Unfortunately, once she wakes up things aren’t much clearer than they were before. After a lot of talking between the two of them, they decide that being together could either be wonderful or have an "equal potential for utter disaster." Neither is willing to risk destroying a great friendship. For now, the relationship is on hold.

Maybe things will be clearer for them in the future. She is good for him, and vice versa.

Other Media

Justice League Unlimited is the best place to find this couple in other media. They have had their ups and downs since they first met, but they seem to be going in the direction of becoming a couple. And Batman has grown a lot since he uttered the pitiful (but funny) reasons why they shouldn’t date.

Wonder Woman: No, no dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.
Batman: One--dating within the team always leads to disaster. Two--you’re a princess from a society of immortal warriors, I'm a rich kid with issues--lots of issues. And three, if my enemies knew I had someone special, they wouldn't rest until they'd gotten to me through her.
--from This Little Piggy (Justice League Unlimited.)

By the end of season 2 of Justice League Unlimited (actually season 4-the first two seasons were just called Justice League), Diana basically had Bruce wrapped around her finger. When Batman has lunch with John Stewart at the Watchtower during The Once and Future Thing, he is pressed for information about what is going on between Bruce and Diana. The result is this funny scene.

Batman: I don’t have time for a relationship. Diana and I are only colleagues. She’s a respected teammate, she’s an amazing woman, she’s...standing right behind me, isn’t she? *Green Lantern smirks.*
Diana: *looking amused as she leans over his shoulder.* Don’t mind me, keep digging.

There are many other episodes where you can see their interest for one another. Included among these is Brave and the Bold Part 2. When Diana is buried in the rubble after a missile’s destruction is averted, Batman panics. He tries to dig her out himself, but can’t reach her. After she digs herself out, she spots the dirt on his hands-he hides them underneath his cape. She then smirks, and kisses him on the cheek. In a cute moment, he seems slightly stunned, and simply stands there.

In Starcrossed, Bruce and Diana (without their costumes) are hunted by the Thanagarians. To blend in, they quickly hide in plain sight as a regular couple at a restaurant. To keep themselves from being noticed, they kiss. Other episodes where you can see them as a couple include Maid of Honor, (in which they end up sharing a dance together--in the end Diana says that Bruce owes her a dance.) This Little Piggy, (in which Batman has to save Diana’s life after she is turned into a pig-the price is going into a nightclub, and singing “Am I Blue”-a wonderful scene.) Kid Stuff, (in which everyone is turned to children due to a spell-everyone assumes Diana is his girlfriend, and someone even says, "Your girlfriend is bossy." Batman’s response? "Shut up!" Very cute.) and the previously mentioned The Once and Future Thing.

The storylines of this series are epic, and always worth watching.

My Interest In This Pairing (And Why I Love It):

Batman/Wonder Woman. I fell for this pairing long before I had even considered (or heard of) the pairing of Batman/Catwoman. I enjoy them equally as much, however. At first, Bruce and Diana seem like an unlikely couple, as he is situated firmly in darkness and can only be extricated through force, while she remains in the light. However, Diana seems to be one of the few people who can penetrate the Batman persona, and reach the man within. She is able to bring out his humanity, while simultaneously not losing faith or trust in others. She has the gift of being able to look past the grimness, and past the "I am vengeance, I am the night" veneer, and see a human being in pain. If need be, she’ll even drag him out of his brooding spells kicking and screaming.

She can help get around those little trust issues of his. He can firmly believe that she would not lie to him--she was even the Goddess of Truth at one point in the course of her long life.

On her side, he can show her that things are not always black and white, and there are always, always shades of gray--or shadows, in Bruce's case. He helps her learn more about humanity as a whole, and that not all men are dangerous creatures. And after living on an island of female Amazon warriors her entire life, she had a natural distrust of men. This was a bit of an issue between them in the beginning.

Regarding similarities in personality-they have both overcome great tragedy in the course of their lives. Diana sees Batman as a warrior who could more than likely hold his own against any foe-including an Amazon. Likewise, Batman knows Diana can hold her own in battle. Each has fought and conquered enemies that would have defeated many of the Justice League. Both have been accused of rashness and, at times, of being less than understanding. This is mainly when many lives are stake, and timing is critical. They do what must be done to win the battle.

Neither Bruce nor Diana has time for a life-Bruce, because of being both Batman and a "playboy"; Diana, due to juggling her many diplomatic duties, as well as her tenure as a member of the JLA. Many personal things tend to come second for Bruce and Diana. However, in times when there aren’t many battles to fight, they are able to discuss some issues between the two of them. Even if super villains attacking or alien invasions have interrupted in times past.

Diana has always believed in Bruce, even when he hasn't believed in himself. He will put his life on the line to save her, and she will likewise do the same. There is evidence of this throughout Justice League Unlimited, as well as the comics. He has even followed her into death. If that’s not devotion to someone, I don’t know what is.

Recommended Trade Paperbacks And Comics

Wonder Woman: Gods of Gotham: After a few ancient Greek Gods take over Gotham City (and one eventually possesses Batman), Wonder Woman helps to free everyone. Afterwards, Batman and Diana discuss a little of their feelings for one another. Both Donna Troy and Nightwing can see what’s between Bruce and Diana, and hope they can get through it all. The Gods of Gotham storyline is also republished in Wonder Woman: Paradise Lost.

JLA: The Obsidian Age Volumes 1 and 2: The Justice League go back in time in order to prevent Atlantis from being destroyed in the present. In the past, everyone is killed. Wonder Woman and Batman fight until the end. Before they die, Batman kisses her-they hold hands as they die.

Batman/Wonder Woman/Superman: Trinity: Technically, this is the first meeting of Batman and Wonder Woman. Batman is attracted to Diana. At one point, he seems entranced, grabs her, and kisses her. Her reaction is to punch him, since she barely knows him. (Superman joking around with Batman about his feelings for her is equally funny. Batman was not amused in the least.)

JLA: Primeval: This story involves everyone on the team being devolved into whatever their species has evolved from. Batman becomes a caveman, and Wonder Woman manages to get through to him. He then does whatever she wants him to do.

JLA #90: This issue deals with the feelings that are going on between Batman and Wonder Woman. The artwork is horrific, however. Just a small warning there, so people aren’t traumatized. The story itself is good, once you get past the artwork.

Batman/Superman Generations III: Currently, this story is not in trade paperback form; however, since the first two are it should be eventually. Specifically, issues 5 and 7 revolve around Batman/Wonder Woman as a couple. (It's also where the scene at the end of this essay is from.)

JLA Secret Files and Origins: Issue #3 relates to the couple.

Wonder Woman: The Hiketia: Wonder Woman puts a woman on the run for murder into her protection. Batman is on the girl’s trail. Interesting interaction between the two.

The 18th Letter: I have been informed that this is not included in trade paperback form as of yet. It is included in an issue of Legends of the DC Universe. However, if you go to the Batman/Wonder Woman Image Gallery linked to in the Websites section of this essay, you can read two pages from it.

JLA: Golden Perfect: There is a training scene between Batman and Wonder Woman in the beginning of this trade. They nearly kiss, but are interrupted by Batman’s beeper. His exact words are "Beeper of the Gods. No offense." Her response: "None taken...oh, fragile mortal."


Fanfic Related
Haunted. Written by Ugly-Girl, this is simply a wonderful story. When Batman is cursed, Diana ends up trying to save him from the spirits of the dead.

Kidnapping And Coffee. Written by Shahrazhad. Diana tries to spend time with Bruce-but he refuses to stop working. The solution? Decaf. A very funny story.

Bliss. Written by eilandesq, this is a post-For The Man Who Has Everything fanfic. (Meaning Justice League Unlimited universe.) It shows a different version of Bruce’s fantasy, and how it affected him. Sad, but sweet at the same time.

In Darkest Light. Written by Meljean Brook; Batman and Wonder Woman are put under a spell, and fall in love. Through a series of strange incidents, they end up going to the Underworld to stop The Joker. They run into trouble. This is all I can say without giving away some major plot points. This is a spectacular story.

Inbetween Day. Written by killertrees. This is a story set during a time when the world doesn’t need saving, and Bruce and Diana can just be together.

The Revelation, written by Heybats. A wonderful story that starts during the JLU episode This Little Piggy, and goes into what would have happened if, instead of being forced to sing, Batman had been forced to reveal his identity to the world. Wonderfully written, and the ramifications are what you wouldn’t expect.

When Arrogance Met Adorability. Written by DC Luder. This story takes place shortly after The Obsidian Age. Bruce and Diana have been having nightmares after the their temporary deaths. Very well-written.

The Last Arkham: A Batman and Wonder Woman Archive.

Hesitation Change, written by Mara Greengrass. A short story involving Batman and Diana discussing their feelings, and Diana asking for one last dance. The sequel to this story is You're Only Human, Second Wind.

Diana/Bruce Drabble. Written by kerithwyn. A drabble about Diana’s thoughts as she and Bruce died during The Obsidian Age--set right after they kissed.

Keeping a Straight Face. Written by smittywing. This story is set shortly after This Little Piggy. Zatanna and Diana have a discussion about Bruce; Zatanna tells her about how he sang for her. This is wonderfully written, and provides a great epilogue to the episode.

Their Hearts’ Desires. Written by paulasj, this story involves Alfred helping Diana to understand what Bruce has went through as a child. A very powerful story.

Imminent Domain. Written by Heybats. A different version of The Once And Future Thing.

Man’s World. This story is written by Artemis1088, and is one of my personal favorites. It takes place after the JLU episode entitled Secret Origins. The story contains tons of humor, and Bruce and Diana going out on a date-which ends in Diana punching Bruce in the nose. She doesn’t know that he is actually Batman until shortly after that moment. This is definitely worth reading. There are sequels to this story. They include: Ladies Night, Male Bonding, and Working Girls.

An Unusual Mission. This story is written by Adrian Tullberg. Bruce can’t get a date, and exhausts every single option he has. Eventually, he asks Diana.’s C2 Archive For Batman And Wonder Woman Stories.

As you can obviously tell by this point, there are tons of great Batman/Wonder Woman stories out there. If I listed them all, the links would end up taking up more room than the essay.


This post over at jla_watchtower. It includes wonderful interaction between Wonder Woman and Batman.

Batman and Wonder Woman Image Gallery.

Wikipedia entry on Wonder Woman.

A very accurate bio of Wonder Woman.


Hidden Depths: The Batman and Wonder Woman Fanlisting.
In Brightest Day: The Justice League Unlimited Fanlisting.
Betrayal: The Starcrossed Fanlisting.

Batman/Wonder Woman Related Groups


batman, #manga/comic, dc universe

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