Snapshots (Harry Potter - Draco/Hermione)

Oct 13, 2007 18:59

First complete Draco/Hermione fic! *does not like this nervous feeling about posting in comms for the first time*

Title: Snapshots
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all it's characters are property of JK Rowling.
Summary: Dramione in 50 sentences. Contains some spoilers for Deathly Hallows.
Notes: Written for
1sentence . Unfortunately, the person who claimed this pairing hasn't completed her claim yet, so.. Thinking of expanding this, but currently not sure. Self-betaed only, I'm afraid. Comments = ♥.

#03 - Young
When he was young, he learnt to despise Muggle-borns but he had subconsciously unlearnt this since the day she slapped him.

#34 - Sing
"I need to find a hex that’ll make Malfoy sing non-stop - that’ll teach him to come up with stupid lines like ‘Weasley is our King,” mutters Hermione, fiddling with her wand.

#02 - Cool
“That's the coolest thing I've ever heard - I’ll be booking front-row tickets to watch Malfoy get hexed,” responds Ron grinning, while Harry worries about Quidditch practice times.

#09 - King
Fed up of hearing Malfoy say “Weasley is our King” over and over and unable to come up with a suitable hex, Hermione confronts him after the Gryffindor-Slytherin match.

#14 - Command
“Since you said that Ron is your king, listen to his command - which is shut up and get lost!” she snaps and for once, Draco Malfoy is at a loss for words.

#13 - Change
“We’ve changed the chant, it’s now "Weasley helps the opposition,” Draco informs her, smirking.

#31 - Book
“Granger, have you ever weighed your bag to see how heavy all your books are?” he asks her, sneering as he purposely tugs on her bag and she glares at him, snapping that it's none of his business.

#05 - Wrong
The fact that Draco is better than her at reciting the entire Greek alphabet backwards is infuriating - it’s just so wrong.

#35 - Sudden
The confession that she is involved in a relationship with Draco comes suddenly, and Harry and Ron are left trying to pick their jaws off the ground while the potions essay they were discussing lies on the floor, abandoned.

#37 - Time
“I can't believe you didn’t suspect they were together - it was only a matter of time,” laughs Ginny as both Harry and Ron look even more flabbergasted.

#21 - Fool
“Only fools get involved with people who tormented them just a few years ago,” mutters Hermione to Harry, who says nothing while Ron mumbles something under his breath about ‘killing Malfoy for hurting Hermione.'

#25 - Shadow
He hates being in Potter and Weasley’s shadow - hates it that she is forever comparing his actions and thoughts to theirs.

#11 - Blur
As he accelerates his broomstick towards that blur of gold, he wonders whether she is rooting for him or for Potter.

#27 - Hide
“I think I’ll hide in the Room of Requirement - the one that the know-it-all used as the meeting place for Dumbledore’s Army,” he tells Snape as they plan how to kill Dumbledore.

#43 - God
He kneels down and prays that he can be saved from having to kill Dumbledore, and that she will come out of this war alive.

#41 - Power
The sudden loss of power in the face of Fiendfyre scares him as he grips Goyle's hand tightly, hoping and praying that she will somehow manage to persuade Potter to save their lives.

#42 - Bother
“Bother my life debt to Potter,” he mutters, picking himself up from the floor as he watches her run off with Potter and Weasley to check the war raging at Hogwarts’ walls.

#24 - Now
It’s the aftermath of the war now, and she comes to him as he stands there uncertainly with his parents.

#40 - History
“Will you ever forget our history?” he asks her, taking her hand.

#15 - Hold
“No,” she says, and he releases his hold.

#47 - Harm
She looks at him, remembering their times together, remembering what he did during the war, remembering that Harry saw him being forced to torture and harm others.

#39 - Torn
He’s torn between wanting to thank Potter for saving his life and maintaining his I-hate-Potter stand, so he is relieved when she agrees to thank Potter on his behalf.

#06 - Gentle
The touch of her hand is gentle as she says softly, “When you feel up to it, I want to know what you went through during the war.”

#49 - Hunger
Narcissa watches her son frequently after the war, and is struck by the hunger in his eyes whenever he sees a group of teenagers walking together laughing and talking, but the hunger becomes more pronounced whenever he sees the Granger girl, and she wonders what he is longing for.

#32 - Eye
The first time he looked her in the eye and smiled was the day she agreed to meet him in Diagon Alley to get a drink together.

#48 - Precious
Later, he tells her that his most precious memory of the war was of his mother making so many sacrifices for his sake.

#01 - Motion
“Controlling the motion of a broomstick is not hard, but you can’t do it by theory alone - a great part of flying is instinct, of which you have none, I'm afraid,” he informs her, laughing as she tries to turn left and ends up almost crashing to the ground.

#12 - Wait
“…Just you wait, I’ll prove to you that flying on a broomstick can be done with theory alone and without instinct!” she yells back at him, trying control the bundle of twigs she is sitting on.

#29 - Safe
She feels safe learning how to fly a broomstick because she knows that he will never allow her to get seriously injured, though she wouldn't put it past him to let her end up with slight bruises.

#30 - Ghost
He makes his Patronus appear behind her, and has the satisfaction of hearing her scream because she thought it was a ghost.

#20 - Picture
The moment Draco enters her parents’ home, he starts laughing uproariously at her baby photos hung up on the wall.

#23 - Child
“Take care of my child,” says Mr Granger to Draco, who glances over at Hermione and nods.

#18 - Attention
She catches her mother’s attention while Draco is talking with her father, and sees her mother nod slightly, smiling.

#22 - Mad
“It was worth taking me to see your parents, right?” he asks her, and she can’t find it in her to be mad at him although he laughed at her (admittedly) embarrassing baby pictures

#38 - Wash
He always wears long sleeves when meeting her because no matter how many times he scrubs and washes his left forearm, the scar never disappears.

#44 - Wall
There seems to be a wall between them nowadays, and she doesn’t know why.

#08 - Thousand
He is holding her hand, but she realizes his thoughts are a thousand miles away from her and once again she wonders why he hardly speaks to her anymore, why he keeps pulling himself away from her.

#16 - Need
There is a need for him to let her know every single thing he did during the final year of the war, but he doesn't know how to start.

#50 - Believe
He tries to believe that once he has told her the things he did and why he did them, she will understand.

#07 - One
“I need a proper one-to-one talk with him but he won’t even speak to me,” snaps Hermione as Ginny falls silent, trying to comfort her.

#26 - Goodbye
Finally, he tells her everything, even though he knows it will break their relationship.

#33 - Never
“I will never be good enough for you,” he says, wrapping his cold fingers around her hand.

#36 - Stop
“I still love you,” she breathes and time stops then and there for him - he will never let her know how much her words mean to him.

#10 - Learn
“Teach me,” he murmurs brokenly and she slowly helps him to learn to come to terms with his Hogwarts years, especially their seventh year.

#46 - Drive
They return to their daily routines and once a week, she takes him out on a drive, enjoying herself as he stares in befuddlement at the number of buttons and levers in her car.

#45 - Naked
He sees her looking sadly at the naked tree branches in the garden and attempts to soothe her by reminding her that come March, the trees will be covered with leaves and flowers again.

#19 - Soul
“The soul of what you fought for - equality and justice, will live,” he says as she glares at the note from a senior minister insisting that the ‘measures she has proposed to increase the living standard of house elves cannot be implemented because of severe objections from several notable families.’

#28 - Fortune
He smirks up at her, saying “The Muggle horoscopes say that today will bring me exceptional good fortune, so will you make it come true by agreeing to marry me?”

#17 - Vision
Her vision blurs for a few seconds and her breath catches in her throat before she manages to say yes.

#04 - Last
He was the last person to call her by her maiden name - Hermione Granger and he was the first person to call her by her married name - Hermione Malfoy.


Also, if it's not a bother, is anyone willing to beta a fic I'll be writing for 
dmhgficexchange ? It isn't completed yet, just about halfway. Thanks.

writing, harry potter

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