Drabble game

Nov 16, 2008 19:21

Sometime in the future... I will rewrite this bunch.

Title: Shrimp in alcohol
Word Count: 126 (sorry, lynn!)
Prompt: Isumi, Yang Hai,Chinese food. From readerofasaph .


“What's that?”

Yang Hai's lips quirk upwards. “Shrimp in alcohol.”

“Um... it's alive!”

“And fresh. They were swimming in that container five minutes ago.” Yang Hai jerks his thumb towards a white container which is filled with dozens of prawns.

“H-how do you eat this?”

“Geez, just eat it normally.” Yang Hai takes a shrimp and places it on his plate. Deftly, he removes the head and sucks up the flesh, making slurping sounds. Isumi looks slightly disturbed.

“Your turn,” says Yang Hai, placing another half-alive shrimp on Isumi's plate.

Gory images filling his mind, Isumi wonders whether allowing Yang Hai to take him out for 'authentic Chinese cuisine' was a good idea.

“You came to China to regain your confidence, right? Start with this.”

Title: -
Word Count: 125 (sorry, lynn, phoenix!)
Prompt: Tsuyoshi (Yamamoto's father) and changes. From thephoenixboy.

"I've left the Vongola."


“I don't want Takeshi to be involved in all this killing. I'm an unofficial spy now.”

“Damn, Yamamoto. I wish I could do the same. Nana will give birth soon.”

“The Vongola's blood runs in you, Sawada. You can't just leave.”

A sigh. “I know.” Pause. “You're lucky.”

* * * * *

Fifteen years later, Takeshi returns home with a tale of mafia gangs, home tutors and guns. Suddenly, Tsuyoshi just wants to take Takeshi far away - somewhere where the mafia can't taint his son. But then, he sees how Takeshi interacts with the rest of Tsuna's 'family', and he hopes that maybe, maybe, their children can somehow survive this. He doesn't want them to become repeats of their fathers. Young, powerful and jaded.

Title: -
Word Count: 202 (I fail at writing 100 words)
Prompt: Sai, ages. From thephoenixboy

Drifting from age to age might not be really living, but Sai doesn't care. Anything is better than being trapped in heaven, unable to play Go. He grows listless, retreating into himself. Time seems to melt and blur together, connected only by his desire to continue playing. He tries to become reconciled to his fate, but  how can he, when things on Earth are still unfinished?

In desperation, he requests one last favour. It is granted. He waits for the opportune time. Days later, (or is it weeks? Months? Years? Heaven has no real time.) Hikaru has finally played against Touya.

He watches Hikaru fall asleep and slips into Hikaru's dream. He tries to speak, but no words come out. It was not in the agreement, but Sai has lived for a thousand years by bending rules. He can't bend any of Heaven's, it seems.

He hands over his fan. 'Carry on the legacy, Hikaru,' he thinks, as hard as possible. Is it possible to transmit thoughts?

Some time later, he sees Hikaru carrying a fan just like his own. He learns about the Hokuto Cup.

For the first time since he disappeared, he doesn't rail against the perceived injustice.
Uh... concrit = loved. ^^
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