I've been busy moving down to my brother's house in South Carolina and I've also been busy looking for a job. It's going, but I really hope I find a job soon. I'm being stubborn and I don't want to settle for a $20,000 annual salary. I'm sorry, but I went to school to earn more than that annually. In any case, my brother is being really cool about the whole thing and he's letting me stay here with him until I can get off my feet. I get my own bathroom and my own bedroom. I haven't had my own bathroom in a while considering I've been sharing one with Mom and Jim for ever so long.
Jim is going to bring down my desk and some more of my stuff this weekend because I couldn't fit it all in the trips I made. I came down last Friday with my grandmother in my mom's van with a load of stuff. I got a new mattress delivered on Saturday. The new bed totally kicks ass. I went back to Charleston on Sunday and drove back down here to South Carolina on Tuesday. Bleh! That's a lot of driving!
Anyway, my brother's dog enjoys dragging miscellaneous junk under the bed, so when we removed the old one, there was a pile of shredded trash under the bed. We were cleaning it up when my brother informed me that his sweeper was broken. So what do you use when you don't have a sweeper? A landscaping rake.
For pictures of my brother raking the carpet:
http://www.growliepants.com/galleryLogin: room
Password: smurf