so i says...

Jul 31, 2009 15:40

to him, i says, "i really miss being 17. i didn't give a shit about anything, but living life."

time passing is so fast approaching always, that it takes someone you used to spend every second with to remind you of the good times. i really have no regrets, and the only shred of regret i do hold is that i can't live it all over again. why regret the impossible?

oh, 15, come and visit me sometime.

i have something fun to share with you all. i am going to be a bridesmaid. with the wedding about a month away, i am getting all gay for it. erica has bestowed a great honor upon me, and i feel...enlightened. even though she is making me wear a pink dress and silver shoes, i love her for it. i don't have many girlfriends, and most of us aren't getting married any time soon. i have a feeling this will be my only chance to dabble in the ways of a lady. i intend on going all out. getting my nails and toes done, tanning, the whole sha-bang.

i've already been told that there will be mass amounts of pictures taken of me because it's a monumental event. i'm not too happy about this, considering i feel like a hoss as of late. though, i am really past the point of caring which is a good sign. perhaps i need to let myself go to truely feel comfortable about myself and my person. only then will i be able to get past all the bullshit, suck it up, and be healthy. at least i hope that's how it will all work out.

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