This journal still exists so I should post something, right? (-_-;;)
I'm going with my sister tomorrow to the TLA to see Dawes, opening with Blitzen Trapper! I was waaaaay more excited about them than Dawes, though I like Dawes and all, but Blitzen has been on my radar since my KEXP podcast feed introduced them to me years ago. Should be great, except since we're taking the train down and back, we might have to leave early so as not to miss the last train home. Hate doing that. Don't want to be stranded in Philly either, though...
Friday we're going to Finnagans Wake for their Halloween Masquerade Bash. Gonna be about-to-be-dissected!Our Olivia from S3 of Fringe.
This one:
It will be fun (?) to explain. (I believe very few people there will know of Fringe anyway, though I'm putting a glyph on my scrubs to intimate that. Might rev a sci-fi fan's memory. Secret code! ...So geeky.) Tried to get my brother to go as Walter White, but he refused =P He wasn't going to have to shave his head or anything. Wanted him to carry around a lily of the valley - would have been perfect. Really hope there's somebody dressed up as him there.
Had been thinking of going to the Art Museum's party, but at Finnagans Wake there will be a coffin of candy, a free buffet, a costume contest, cheap beer and music from an oldie's rock station everybody enjoys. Plus, doesn't end at 8:45.
Just hope we don't get lost driving down there. Most of the Halloween parties in Philly are on Saturday, so it shouldn't be too crazy, though it's Philly so you never know. Should be fun!