Wednesday night, I was making tuna helper and trying to keep the cats out of the kitchen, right, but had to go outside for some milk (our inside fridge was fried when the power went out during the hurricane). The door to our kitchen is also our back door, and in my haste to keep the cat out, slammed the door on the middle part of my left pointer finger. Hurt like a mother, swelled and I had this purple crease in my finger. I started to freak out.
I live in the US, don't have health insurance but can go to a clinic nearby. But at 9pm, that wouldn't have been an option. I wasn't about to go to the emergency room; anyhow, it's only a finger and it wasn't obviously broken, so I was icing it, testing its flexibility (it could move all right, wasn't oddly shaped, just swollen and red). Splinted it, then buddy-taped it, took some pain reliever and eventually got to bed.
My brother was really helpful in keeping me occupied, distracted, so that I stopped hyperventilating and watched TDS/TCR and then the Conan doc. Afterward, found the scene on youtube where Colbert, Stewart, and Conan have the dance-off XD "Can I have 11 o'clock?" XD
Studiously avoided webmd/the net for as long as I could. Thursday morning it was bruised something ugly, but not swollen really. Didn't have a lot of flexibility to it, but I also was rather reluctant to try messing with it much. After spending time reading over finger injuries, really wanted to have it seen by a doctor, fearful of losing mobility once it healed if it really were broken. Thought of urgent care centers, 'cause the clinic is frequently busy and I wasn't sure if they could do x-rays or dealt with fractures.
I really want the Affordable Care Act to go into effect NOW, 'cause all of the worry and waiting could be avoided if we had anything approaching a functional health care system >=(
Was thankfully able to see a doctor today at the clinic and she had some x-rays taken. It's not broken, and the splinting and fear probably contributed more to the limited range of motion than the injury. When I hold it too my side it will hurt something awful sometimes, but she told me it's because gravity induces swelling and to just keep it elevated. It'll heal, I just have to be patient, careful, and keep it unsplinted/taped unless I really, really want it to be (if I'm more comfortable). A part of me does, 'cause now that I know it's not broken, I'm more bold in trying to use it, which obviously is painful 'cause it needs to heal. Typing now with it raised, so my L middle finger is learning a new skill =)
You guys know Ryan Gosling is in a band? With a children's choir? It's called Dead Man's Bones and is pretty awesome. All the songs concern romance about ghosts and monsters 'cause he and his co-founder are obsessed with ghosts. Highly recommend
checking them out (live version of In the Room Where You Sleep)!