Fringe "Entrada"

Dec 03, 2010 01:42

Let's get to it! (Finals week begins in 10 days, so can still do this. Better - and easier - than sleeping.)

I have this one pic of Ten from The End of Time Pt II that I got off tumblr before I ever saw the scene

this one -->

I named it “His life sucked a lot.”

The past couple weeks, I've just been thinking the same thing about Our Girl's life, though in the present tense still, thank the cosmos. I spent half the episode worrying that they actually would kill off the show's main character, 'cause they've got a spare now. LOST killed off so many of my favorite characters - pretty much all of them save Desmond & Penny - that I am now scarred for all future TV watching. No one is safe in sci-fi. Peter's “tragic love story” comment last week did not leave me with a lot of hope either.

I could see AltLiv falling for Peter, he was quite a charming boyfriend, but I hope it's not an all out gonna-fight-ya-for-him love because, god damn it, show. (Also, totally thought we were gonna get another Dunham vs Dunham fight. Did not happen. Saving it, I guess. ::sigh:: That would have been so awesome. Although, after Our Olivia learns all that's gone down without her - universe-killing machine assembly, innocents killed, Peter sexing - she's gonna want to kick her double's ass so fucking much, that it creates a tiny sliver of light there. i don't know if I could ever really take a Dunham death well, though. Any Dunham =| Perhaps that will change. As long as Our Girl's okay, then maybe...)

She's gonna develop some feelings for him, it certainly wouldn't have seemed so natural to him for her not to, she couldn't be that great of an actress, so it's probably somewhat real. Though, really, they were kinda poking us in the eye with the “she is just not as bright as Our Girl” with the picking up of the wrong laptop. The numbers flub-up in 3x04 hadn't helped her case, but this episode just stabbed you with it, and throughout, made you really, really dislike her. I just wanted to see Our Olivia so fucking much this episode. I least I didn't cry, really thought I might, based on that preview on hulu.

Those photobooth pics, that was overdoing it with the cuteness, 'cause I didn't buy it. It did, however, veritably SCREAM of something I don't think Our Girl would have done with Peter. I just cannot see Our Olivia doing that, or acting that way. It's not her, it's too over the top. I firmly believe she loves him, she'd want to do fun, possibly silly things with him (see bar/card-trick scene in “Safe”), but I feel like it would be watching cheesy sci-fi movies and crazy drinking games they'd bar Walter from (and that she would always win ^__^).

Back to the Doctor Who parallel. Now, Ten's parade of sadness was partially of his own making: not fighting BlueBoy ♥ for Rose, pushing various companions away/abandoning them/wiping their memories >=(, angsting his way to the bank, etc. Our Girl's is so not her fault there should be one of those floating text things the show loves so much over her with “WE'RE SORRY THE UNIVERSE(S) HAVE IT OUT FOR YOU" about 15 times an episode. (see also, onion story: universe apologizes to man)

She hid/wouldn't share her feelings (see “What Lies Below”) out of a sense of protection, her own invisible security blanket she carried about he person (very easy to relate to, not just 'cause I had a beloved security blanket for a very long time). Considering her history of abuse, of losing so very many people whom she loved and cared for, who could blame her? And now, this.

Jesus, she only trusted one person, and now she's going to find out he unknowingly cheated on her for two months, trusted the other implicitly - this is the person whose memory kept her fucking alive. It's just stab, stab, stab, “Have any blood left or should we keep going?”

Looking at Walter without shuddering is going to be difficult, remembering Scarlie is going to be difficult, looking at Broyles after discovering what happened to his double is going to be awful. Basically, her life is awful right now, like Ten's was as he got closer and closer to becoming Eleven, and I think she should take two weeks off, abandon her apartment and spend a long Bishop- and Fringe-division free period of time  with Rachel and Ella (who I refuse to believe live in Chicago. She got that apartment in Boston, Vision!Peter. You must have been trying to get Our Girl to correct you with the truth. I mean of course Rachel would hate Chicago now, Greg lives there.) Also, she could/should/totally will drink some of that hard liqueur her double's memories told her she couldn't tolerate. God, does she deserve it.

Hey, awesome comedies are awesome: Watched the new Glee, really liked that one too =) Evita, of course XD Brittany and Mike's dance was ridiculously cool. Now, for Christmas! And claymation Community =D

doctor who, ten, television, lost, fringe, glee, olivia dunham rocks my socks off, entrada

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