You know what's annoying? I got this kick ass shirt from with Cerberus on the front, and everyone thinks it's Fluffy from the HP movies. Yes, Fluffy was a three-headed dog, but why would he be chewing on souls? ::grumbles rather unfairly, but still::
Title: Untitled
Fandom: HIMYM
Characters: Marshall
Warnings: None
Everyone was at a Halloween party (a series of them, a la that New Year's ep with Not!Moby); this was the third. Marshall was Harry Potter, Lily a witch, Ted an astronaut, Robin and Barney sailors.
Title: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in LOST Cosplay
Fandoms: Sherlock Holmes and LOST
Characters: Holmes and Watson
Warnings: Spoils characters in LOST S6's ep "Across the Sea"
Click picture to enlarge.
Watson as XXBC/AD Jacob and Holmes as little brother Man in Black (or "Samuel" as he was known on set, apparently). After that ep aired, I wanted to draw the twins soooo bad (okay, really just MiB), but I decided to just dress H&W up as them instead. ::shrugs::
The bit of Japanese text says "smoke".
There was originally much more Japanese in this, but I'm beginning to think this bit of eccentricity might be less than useful, when displayed publicly. My header does warn of that facet of my personality, but...I just kinda feel bad about it now.
I'm reminded of the fact that I thought, in a rather egocentric way, that most people were aware, at the very least, that Japanese is written from top to bottom. I discovered that my own classmates were unaware of that for a good deal of the two years we took Japanese together, so obviously I need to consider these things a bit more.