New Who 4x08

May 31, 2008 21:45

So, I've been really sick lately and LOST rocks and this post is about DW.

I remained completely unspoiled for this; I could see regretting that, but what's the use now ?

Creepy as hell 51st century - give us Jack, damn it! Don't tempt us with "Volcano Day" in the Pompeii ep and then travel to his century and see no hopefully-naked conman.

Donna's outfit is awesome and reminds me of Rose from Tooth and Claw. The Doctor wears the blue suit and it sucks :P

Donna can kick down my door any day of the week.

Psychic message with a...kiss? Lonely being it seems.

The Doctor's apology was less than believable ::rolls eyes:: The Others! Quick, find Locke and befriend him before it's
too late! :3

Don't get fresh with the ginger, Doc.

Anybody called Indiana amongst the exposition team? What's with the girl, though? Looks too young to be doing this.

The Doctor appears to be doing a yoga pose right now; think it had to do with a cat - a counterpart
to Downward-facing Dog. Very comfortable, I remember.

Hey wait - if she's from the 51st century, doesn't that mean she's as flexible as Jack? That-that could
get kinda interesting.

Exactly the reason Nine would not like Ten - the "pretty" nature of 'im. Hey, Nine'll always have my vote
of confidence (and anything else he wants). ^__^

Oh god no, not some sorta future love story... Here's hoping they don't have kids at least.

Though, if everyone is inside that kid-camera's head - like that show St. Elsewhere with the autistic boy
and the snowglobe ::eyes roll so far back into my head I cease to have irises:: - maybe it is *just* a
story with no real ramifications. (Unless he meets her in the Moffatt years - though I hear varying
reports as to whether Tennant is a part of s5 at least. Be a bit difficult to recognize him if it's 11 and
she never met 10...)

If it was anybody else - or any show I didn't have a ship on, really - I wouldn't care, but Rose is so close...

Donna seems to be awfully left out. And if the girl's an idjit, why the hell is she doing *this* kinda
work? Now *that* is stupid; you're endangering your entire crew. -- And now she's dead. God, that data
thing is creepy-horrible.

Oh well, not a story then. Her nightmares are the real world.

But what of Rose? She doesn't know of Rose? - Oh just fucking great - is she intimating that Donna
really *does* die in a most not-natural way? >:-( And if she knows about Donna, how can she
*not* know of Rose? They meet up and do something awesome together (I assume) after all. Guess, if
we're talking lovers, though (I really don't like even *thinking* that), it's a pretty good idea not to mention a previous
one, so...

I am sighing way too much this episode.

Oh do not ruin dust motes for me, Doctor, just don't. :P

Was it the X-Files where I saw a killer made of/in the shadows. Read it in a fic by dark-aegis recently,
but I've seen it before. common, I guess, when you really think about it. But I *know* I've seen this
before. ::grumbles at inability to locate memory::

Don't be rude to Donna! Kick him!

A sonic screwdriver! No, she doesn't get one! Time Lord only! Damn it, no fair! Least make it a laser one.

No, no, no, do not separate, this will end in a most unspectacular way! D: God, will he ever learn to *not*
make decisions for his companions without their expicit consent? Bastard.

--But wait, Donna alone in TARDIS could mean Rose! Light at end of tunnel sighted! --Okay, definitely not good.

She shops where Jack shops - but, wait, he blew up the factory. He went back to let her grab another...gun?? Or
battery for a *gun*? Why's she still got one?

The handhold hurts.

The girl can change history. Huh.

Seriously, Doc, it's *obvious* who she is, and if you're just gonna seal the memory later she might as
well give you a picture of your whatever ceremony now.

Emergency Programme One, hmm? Hopefully updated to refer to the current companion. - I know she's fine,
but it's still eerie seeing her face on that post.

This has made me an angry fangirl. And I probably shouldn't care as much as I do, but I want it to all go away
at the moment. Could be hundreds of years later, we don't know how long this regeneration lasts or how long
he can keep a body (heard he actually wore his first to the limit). I mean, if *somehow* he
and Rose share her forever together, after she's gone, he...I suppose shouldn't close off his heart for the rest
of his life, but...

It infriges on the Valient Child's especial especialness. That was what this New WHo did
to differ itself from Old Who, right? The Companion became so much more - rather a *specific* Companion
became so much more. I wanted her to remain so very special for - for as long as *I* watched, I guess.
For her to be unique amongst them all - really, really unique - for always. ()

Just a selfish fan desire, but I've come to realize that I was only watching for their relationship - it's the only
reason I cared so much for the show, or got interested initially, if I'm honest. I see myself detaching once it is
actually dead and in the ground. It's like with The Office - if Pam and Jim were to go, so very much of my interest
would go with them. But hey, still got two seasons of LOST left and I only hard ship Desmond/Penny so my other
sci-fi love can sustain me (and the X-Files movie this summer - they better be together, damn it!)

::One final sad sigh::

Though, who knows, maybe none of it will happen. Could actually *not* be part of some big plan. ::holds onto hope::

Now for pick-me-ups!

First Eccleston 'cause I loooove him.

General cute:

I want this ball.

"Huh," says Rose.

There can only be one Bad Wolf.

I adore the tenderness here:

Rose's unexpected long-lost hot uncle:

Ten era:

Rose ain't listening to this BS.

Skeptical Ten ain't buying it either.

Do you feel Rose's love? I do.

Good-natured Jackie-teasing is encouraged here and in any AU that may prove necessary.

Finally, I watched Revengers Tragedy with CE yesterday. it's like Romeo + Juliet, Old English
set in a modernish world. And his hair is even shorter than in Who:

But god is he sexy.

It was an okay movie; weird, and had at least two other future Who people (came out in 2002): Prof Yana and nearly naked Elton. Worse ways to kill two hours. I just tend to like my Old English to be set in the proper time period. Just kinda have to remind yourself of the source material. ::shrugs::

Now, to watch Bones.

doctor who, picspam, grr, christopher eccleston

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