I can think of a few good ways to ruin a work-out: freak rain/snow storm (I swear the forecast made no mention of rain); a disobedient dog (my arm no longer can take it); and lastly, a suddenly-dead iPod battery. The latter occurred today, though it's not a permanent death, thank god (though the thing's two years old about); did manage to make for a quiet last mile, and reminded me of Monday's HIMYM and Ted's own iPod experience.
Anyway, gonna see if I can get this to work:
Title: Jack the Showoff
Pairing and/or Characters: implied Nine/Rose, Jack
Rating: PG
Warnings: Jack's in his underwear, which is probably an aberration anyhow
Notes: I drew this back in early September, inking and coloring completely with my tablet for the first time. Happy with the Doctor, but feel Jack isn't obviously Jack (what I get for inadequate practice with him); I'm all right with Rose, but again, not happy with the likeness, so I'm a bit dissatisfied. Just got me to draw more, though, so all ends well.
(click to enlarge)
Title: Aftermath
Pairings and/or Characters: Nine/Rose
Rating: PG
Warnings: Um, there's a couple beer bottles in the pic?
Notes: I went back and forth on this pic, changing positions and abandoning it for a while to work on other stuff, but I did complete it at last, even coloring it, which is something I felt it deserved, having neglected it so. Of course, now I see the obvious proportion problems once I've stopped zooming in so. There's that thing one gets when you focus on something for too long, miss the mistakes, you know. I like the coloring, though, and the likenesses are definitely there. The banner in the background references this little Heroes crossover I had rattling around in my head, somewhat related to another pic I drew, wherein Claude was welcomed back to England by some friends whom Jack also knew. (Nine and Claude are distinct, unrelated persons.)
(click to enlarge)
Pretty much everything I draw has a little (well, usually long and drawn-out) story behind it, something I piece together before I go to sleep, as it can take quite a while to reach unconsciousness. Apparently (according to my mother), I've always had a hard time with bedtime; first grade was difficult in terms of waking for it (luckily we lived in walking distance of the school). As far as I know, though, making up stories - original or otherwise - can be traced back to ten or eleven years ago; that's when I first remember actively doing it. Not as distracting as a radio or iPod either; good for when you actually do need sleep for the next day (exams).
Also, I'm still stuck in Nine>Ten mode in that I've barely tried to draw Ten (Nine is obviously superior anyway, in my opinion); hopefully will rectify that, though Claude and Bennet - :D - are at last exhibiting some influence upon me, artistically speaking. And yeah, I know about the S4 Who spoiler; just as in X-Files, couldn't keep myself away from it. ::somewhat ashamed:: I didn't like S3, so I'm excited and anxious at the same time. Billie Piper's smart and a good actress, so I'll hope for the best (and for some decent writing).
Spent an hour after one Wisdom Gem - didn't get it >:(; no longer care. Got my 20 Power Gems, my unexpected ultra Spin, gonna kill myself a Bellum. Pretty sure I'm never gonna play FF XII again, too. (-_-;) When's the DS remake of IV come out again?