Happy birthday to me yesterday. :3 20th years old... Mou hatachi?O___o xD =D >D I didn't know what to react ne. ^^
Cindy, my bestmate at my japanese class, draw me 2 cute manga-like characters.
She drew a pic of me and her wore kimono! GAH u girl, TALENTSSS!! I am so happy i recieve her DIY birthday card, a present and 2 manga drawing~<33333
THANK YOU BESTIE, i do hope when u move to a new place next week, u will never forget me ne?I didn't expect u will leave me too soon, but its fate.
I will miss u, Cindy. *sobs*
Yuki senpai messaged me one day earlier, HUGEEE thanks for the wishes Onni!*hugs*
Aini, my super duper cousin, thank u fo your thoughts! Study hard ne?<3 u!
Okay, today i got my JLPT(Japanese Language Profiency Test) results. I failed on Level 3 with 215mark out of 400.(passing mark=260)^^" I will revise more this year and take level 3 and 2. GAMBAREEE! Level 4?i got 315 marks. O__O it was a basic level ne. ^^ My father and mother didn't mad at me. Phew. YOSHI!
I met Cindy, Natchan and Penny at morn class. I WILL miss Penny and Cindy coz, Penny; she's studying in KL while Cindy will move to a new home. Natchan and Cindy also failed on their paper. Guess last year was tough eh?><"
ohhh i wanna share all my f-lists my birthday cake~douzooo!
Raspberry Cheesecake is <3333
and pardon me for the mess at the side of the cake. I was driving horrifiedly i admit it, im a bad driver. But i can't help it since my father ask me to go home asap! sumimasen.. ><
I MISS SPAZZING WITH U ALL! i dunno wth wireless always cutting me down. Gomen nasai. ><"
*huggles and lots of love to f-lists*
ps:I sang 'Only Love' with Mary Onni and Linh Omma. These 2 girls rawk!
kiite kudasai. ^^/ Linh Omma's rap... *dies* SUGEEE NA OMMA!Maryyyyya! *dies*