Well, I finally activated my new cell phone, and am having a ball installing all sorts of JR ringtones to them.
JR ringtones? - yeah, you know, the jingles you hear in a JR station? (if you don't know what I'm talking about, go to
this page, which is a condensed version of the sounds of the Yamanote line; you'll hear some of the jingles there.)
I've been wanting to put these on my phone forever and a century, and while I had the chance to do it in Japan (but couldn't), I had to wait years for US cell technology to be able to support this. Needless to say, I am stoked. Needless to also say, I must be pretty pathetic to have ringtones as a coveted item. ^_^;;;
But I'm happy, because when my wife calls, I can hear the Tokyo JR chime. When some of my old Navy buddies call, they get the Yokosuka JR chime. Family? haven't decided that one yet. Other friends? Haven't figured that one out either. I'll probably use the Akihabara chime for the AUSA crowd. As for work and calls I don't want - that's easy. They get regular ringtones, which will discourage me from answering the phone, of course. ^_^
Oh, and in case any of you want any of these chimes, there's a great place that I know of to get them: