Just read this phrase on Slashdot, with a guy who is asking them about legal advice regarding his business. Not as in, "what's your opinion?" along the lines of skipping having to pay a lawyer 70 bucks for a consultation. Anyways, while the usual crowd was doing their typical schtick ("Open source software or nothing!" "Why should I you and your servers when I can bit torrent the files for free?"), one intelligent person did have this to say:
"Hi, this is Bob from Smith, Smith and Wendell returning your call. I'm afraid we're not interested in advising you on matters of software licensing and distribution, but have you considered asking a few hundred thousand opinionated geeks in a public forum? Because that's what we advise most of our potential clients to try first. Here, let me get the URL for you..."
So next time when I have a bunch of vital, potentially fortune-altering questions that are going to matter to Megami, I'm not going to talk to an attorney, or even hit up my very knowledgeable friend
vallaugh...no, I'm just going to drink from the firehose and hope to hell someone knows what they're talking about. XD