Since I'm actually writing at the moment, think I'll do this meme, which I so wonderfully appropriated from
Paste in the first paragraph from 9 (I'll make it ten, as it's a nice round figure) of your stories.
1. The shuttle cleared hyperspace, flanked by its escort fighters.
2. It was a typical winter day, and after having had another flurry of snow, patches could be seen throughout the whole of the campus.
3. In July of 1864, with the nation of Japan on the brink of war, Kyoto was an epicenter for the conflict that was to come.
4. It is said in the tales and myths of Japan that one should never go to a festival alone, for demons lurk about.
5. “You idiot! How the hell could you do this to me?”
6. The Past, on a cold Christmas day in December:
7. Hiroyuki wiped the sweat from his forehead with a bare arm caked with the soot of a day’s work, leaving a blackened smear across his brow.
8. As the bright light surrounded her, she knew it was time to return home to Earth, to leave the war behind and follow her own destiny.
9. I remember when my mother and my father used to talk about how close they were, as two hearts that beat in unity; especially puzzling were Mother’s comments that she and Father always needed each other in their lives before they ever loved each other, that they were intimate far before they were even friends, much less lovers.
10. Digging for clues on computers was not Kei's strong point; in fact, anything that didn’t require brute force wasn’t really her strong point.