May 19, 2011 17:35
In the interests of getting my goals achieved, I am listing here exactly what it is that I'm looking for in the job and housing departments. Please feel free to contact me or pass along my phone number, email, and resume to appropriate people. Those of you I've expressed an intention to send my resume to will get it by Monday, I apologize for the technical issues that have delayed its updating. This document is crossposted.
work parameters
REQUIRE: working mostly in the greater Boston metro area (traveling is fine, though)
DESIRE: starting work in August or September, outdoors in summer/sunshine/warmth, plants, children, animals, human beings, technology, helping others/society/those in need (e.g. Best Friends, Planned Parenthood), making people happy (e.g. tech support, swimming pools), earning considerable sums of money (e.g. not minimum wage, full-time work), short-ish commute, working with interesting people (e.g. crafts stores, indie coffee shops, cool workplace cultures)
DON’T CARE ABOUT: travel, dress code, working occasionally starting now (though I will have to be in Troy on Thursdays and Fridays)
WOULD PREFER TO AVOID: working early in the morning, working every weekend, working with people in crisis, working with unhappy people (e.g. insurance claims department, hospitals), working in cold places
REFUSE TO DEAL WITH: running, lifting things over 50lbs (knees go ow), being unhelpful to society/working with people whose values I actively oppose (e.g. British Petroleum, Focus On The Family)
housing parameters
REQUIRE: greater Boston metro area starting 9/1/2011 at latest and mid-August at best, good TMo phone signal or internet,
DESIRE: inexpensive-ish, access to public transit, cool people/friends, not a lot of early morning noise, yard/porch/plant-friendly outside space, pet-friendly housing, sunlight, somewhat social-gathering-friendly (I like people), bathtub, ethernet, gorgeous architecture
DON’T CARE ABOUT: music, noise, laundry, gaming systems/television, landline phone, presence of furniture, house-wide kosher, halal, or vegetarian restrictions,
WOULD PREFER TO AVOID: sharing a bedroom with anyone, lots of alcohol (esp. red wine), lack of privacy (e.g. first floor), lots of mess, people who despise any mess, extremely tiny space, lots of dead animals all the time (I am not a carnivore), very strict veganism (I love dairy products), insect/pest issues, people who dislike me or any set I belong to (poly, queer, geeky, LARPer, female, talkative, etc.)
REFUSE TO DEAL WITH: sharing a bedroom with a cat, terrible people, sharing a bedroom with a couple
about me,
hello world,