Report cards? OH NOES!

Apr 20, 2005 20:29

So yea, they came out today. Only class I'm really worried about it Geometry, but all I need to do is get a 'C' and I pass. Which basically means do what I've been doing all year: some of the work, some of the time. Hey that's a pretty good motto to live life by. I do believe I'll adopt it... at least until I come up with something better.

I'd have to say the best part of today was seeing a car flip over while on the bus home from school. It was just so cool. The car was all "SCREEEE!!" and then like... a flipping sound or something. It was cool, trust me.

But Jesus it's hot outside. It needs to stay like it was about a week ago, then it was NICE outside. Not ball sweat hot. I don't like ball sweat hot. They stick to my leg.


Randy and I are mad philosiphors (Jesus I can't spell). And here's our latest discovery:

MeatWadMan06: its fuckin hot as balls dude
SHInyquarTerman: I know
SHInyquarTerman: Ball sweat hot man
MeatWadMan06: its gonna cool off tomorrow tho
SHInyquarTerman: Oh yeah?
MeatWadMan06: thats what the new pop said...hes german he knows
MeatWadMan06: *pope
SHInyquarTerman: He's Nazi
SHInyquarTerman: He knows how to burn Jews
SHInyquarTerman: Burning is hot
MeatWadMan06: yeap, the catholic religion as we know it will no longer exist..its now the Naziic religion
SHInyquarTerman: Oh shit, you may be right
SHInyquarTerman: Pope makes a speech about how only blonde haird people with blue eyes will go to heaven...
SHInyquarTerman: Then the revolts
MeatWadMan06: yes
MeatWadMan06: and then the world will collapse and cease to exist
MeatWadMan06: but 5 things will be left
SHInyquarTerman: Rosie O'Donnell
SHInyquarTerman: Cockroaches
SHInyquarTerman: Elmo
MeatWadMan06: Roaches, Twinkies, Bruce Willis, Sean Connery, and jamie nix's vagina
SHInyquarTerman: And thos other things
MeatWadMan06: maybe
MeatWadMan06: but definatly bruce willis and sean connery
SHInyquarTerman: Of course
SHInyquarTerman: And they... have sex with Nix's vagina and start live anew
MeatWadMan06: yes...dear god thats sickening
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