Oct 27, 2004 21:37
"What a beautiful day" I said to myself..I woke up early morning with a smiley face..did what I had to do and then left home to school. For some reasons, I don't know why, I thought it would be a better idea to stop by the gas station get full gas, since I still have enough time toget to school... (terrible idea). As coming off from the gas station, I was suddenly hitted by a damn crazy Indian and then BOOOOOOMM! Didn't what know exactly what or how he magically shifted to my lane . Mais Dieu merci, rien ne s'est arrive a moi..
L'ecole etait terrible...I had to attend Dr. Venovski's boring class..this teacher is mentally sick...I guess she is one of those people who're suffering from some cognitive problems..( sounds real retarded), can't stand her ugly face..and nasty voice or her thick accent (she does not even shave her under-arm) that is so gross!! I hate her...I can't wait to tell her..look stupid teacher: You are are just stupid, ugly, nasty, and rude..Go back to from where you come, learn some good manners, learn how to teach in American schools and then come back to the States..I am not racist, but Ijust hate that lady..I moved all the way from my beloved country, which I miss so much, to get a better education in the States, and all of the sudden find my self facing the same exact problem..European educational system!!! Hate it too much!
I miss you my beloved country. I miss you so much..I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my home. I miss my school. I miss my neighborhood. I miss everyone and everything. Why am I here?? Why I am not there?? why me ??? (I wanna go back so bad)...I wanna be my mom's little kid...oh mama, can't tell you how much I miss you..I miss you so so so so so so so so so so much...I miss our long conversations (some of them were boring though, but I enjoyed listening to you all the time)..ohh especially when you call me really loudly to ask me some stupid questions or to talk to me about your students, school, colleagues...I miss when you call us in French les enfants ca va?..Oh dad..you are my best boy friend...not really...but still...you are the one who can hide all my toubles..I know I was a headache for you...Dad, I have to go to...and then to..., dad can you take me to there...Dad, I need this book, I checked all the bookstores in the area but couldn't find it,,,can you ,dad, go check other bookstores for me...Dad, please wake me up around 3:30 am, I gotta study for my chemistry exam...Miss you dad so much...( les enfants debarrassey la table..Les enfants comment ca va l'ecole...ohhhh miss these sentences so much)
Jihane, remember when we keep listening to Bayt Saddaka every single night around midnight. Unforgettable nights..remember our converstations and gossips about our neighbors, the new married couples, about the guys in the neighborhood: Mohssine, Simo, Mehdi, Rabie, Mehdi, and that damn drunk Souffiane..I won't say anything about my girl friends: tima, Zineb, Wafaa,....... bc I am sure sooner or later they will check my journal...(don't wanna put my self in a bad position)..
Oh lamia, I miss you so much. Where is your strength and resistance, where are your ambitious dreams, where is your strong personality, where is your class European look---> I am tired, sick of thinking about school, scholarships, this and that.......I want to be free! I do not want to worry about anything...I want to be Lamia of Morocco. Lamia the most wisest girl in the whole neighborhood, Lamia who would everyone come to get her advices...I just want to be myself...Where am I?????