Shiny Happy Links Political Propaganda Edition

Feb 13, 2004 15:15

Some political stuff. 'Tis the season. Fa la la.

Just Imagine... - Victor Davis Hanson
Certain people are living in a make-believe world right now.

Knowing the Enemy Isn't Enough - Book Review
A review of John Keegan's latest book: "Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to Al-Qaeda." For those not familiar with Keegan, he is arguably the world's formemost military historian.

Theresa Heinz Kerry: Bag Lady for the Radical Left - Ben Johnson
John Kerry's (second) heiress wife is a major supporter of the Tides Foundation: an extreme leftist activism organization which also allows anonymous pass-through donation for people who want to give large chunks of money to radical organizations without having their names attached to the donation.

Kerry Won't Scare any of the Big Beasts - Mark Steyn
"Vietnam was a 'war of choice.' But, once you chose to go in, there was no choice but to win. America's failure of will had terrible consequences. The Seventies - the Kerry decade - was the only point in the Cold War in which the eventual result seemed in doubt. The Communists seized real estate all over the globe, in part because they calculated that the post-Vietnam, Kerrified America would never respond. In the final indignity, when the proto-Islamist regime in Teheran seized the embassy hostages, they too shrewdly understood how thoroughly Kerrified America was."

Found: A Smoking Gun - William Safire (NYT)
Conclusive evidence of a link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda has been found in the form of a CD-ROM containing memos from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

My Life With the Academic Left - Dr. Frances Cogan
Dr. Cogan is a professor of history in the Honors College at the University of Oregon (and a former professor of my wife's when she was there). This is an excellent article.

All Against Bush: Whom should the Democrats nominate? - Christopher Hitchens
"Since the editors at Slate have been good enough to ask me for my Democratic pick, I hasten to share the experience of an ill-spent political lifetime. The only shard of wisdom I have acquired over the years is this: Personalities count for much more than issues."

Lost the Plot - The Guardian
Author Phillip Pullman has a few choice words on the subject of teaching reading and testing.

Primary Democrats Find Perfect Vessel in John Kerry - Daniel Henninger (WSJ)
"The Democrats, from day one of Terry McAuliffe's year-long nomination rondo, wanted a liberal who would be cast in their own likeness."

Students React as Clark Withdraws
The Kerry Campaign and the Harvard Crimson come to blows.
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