Shiny Happy Links for July 24, 2003

Jul 24, 2003 10:50

A Lone Woman Testifies to Iraq's Order of Terror
Horrifying, but you must read this.

The Museum of Burnt Food
Mmmmm. Tasty.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods to Eat on the Road
Speaking of culinary disasters...

Those Nigerian scam emails aren't just annoying anymore: they're an opportunity for home-grown entertainment!

The US Military Force Workout
This is cool! I've been doing the Navy Seal Ultimate Aerobic Workout (Scott Helvenston consistently kicks my ass, and that's a good thing), but I might now add weight training to the mix.

Welcome to the Big Darkness - Hunter S. Thompson
Dr. Gonzo gives 'em hell. The Baby Boomers can suck it.

Hacker Outs Spammers
He found out who was ordering spam services and published all their identity info on the web - including their credit card numbers. Heh.

Today's Reasons to Party
Having trouble coming up with justifications for getting trashed. Let Sotally Tober help you out!

The United States Beer Drinking Team

The Crap Machine
Gross, but funny in a scatological sort of a way.

Crazy Milk!
Those wild and wacky Latvians.

Survivor's Art Foundation
Bad shit happens to people. People then make art. Some of it is even relatively interesting.

Women Are From Bras: Men Are From Penus
"This book tells it like it is, giving you invaluable tips and insights into the bizarre, illogical, self-serving, self-absorbed, often deranged behavioral patterns of the opposite sex -- which is, of course, what attracted us in the first place."

Bonehead of the Day
Awards for future Darwin Award candidates who haven't managed to remove themselves from the gene pool just yet.
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