Killstuff, supplemental

Jan 21, 2009 12:48

I've done a decent amount of work to killstuff since I posted last.

Stuff that's currently done:
  • weapons and armor are now loaded from text files, allowing end-users to modify this data.
  • sprites for armor and weapons! woo! (my favorite is currently the bunny-suit from the greatest movie ever created)
  • Splash screens! They're completely pointless, but I love them anyway!

Stuff I want to finish before next release:
  • Vendor-trash items ('Shiny Nickel', for instance) loaded from files and showing sprites in inventory mode
  • Fix inventory mode to allow for more than about 10 items (e.g.: scroll)
  • Battle Animations
  • Main Menu
  • Fixing travel mode to allow maps bigger than 500x400px
  • Load Maps from data files and allow the connection of one map to another (like a town map linked from the main map)
  • Save Games
  • Use Items

Dev Notes:
I've reinstalled ubuntu on my (fairly ancient and frail) Dell Latitude D600. This was painless; which is a nice departure from past ubuntu installs on this machine. This allows me to sit on the couch and work on killstuff downstairs, far away from my desktop (Zed) which is where I was developing killstuff since returning to Florida.

I'm using Inkscape to create the sprites for items. The graphics artist that is creating the character sprites/animations is using Adobe Illustrator. You'll thank me for not creating a sprite for the big floppy donkey cock.

I've gotten MinGW to work on windows (ok, that was actually easy) but I'm having trouble compiling in windows.
My main issue is that, in linux, I use:
g++ *.cpp -o killstuff `sdl-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_image

that `sdl-config` is a shell script... which returns things that let [CURRENT_SYSTEM_WINDOWING_API] know where the main() function is hiding (amongst other things). Unfortunately, that doesn't work in windows. I could install MSYS and this problem would go away... but I want to be able to compile this from eclipse, damnit!
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