Nov 28, 2009 01:40
Coming home for Thanksgiving was so refreshing. I spent approximately three hours just talking with my grandma and mom. It's so weird when I think about it because I can still remember clearly considering things we were talking about "adult conversation" when I was little and staying out of it and now, I'm right in the middle of it. So weird, but so nice.
Got my new phone today, since mine was up for renewal as of Thanksgiving. Upgraded to a Samsung Rogue, meaning full keyboard and touch screen, hell yeah. 8) Not that I'm going to use half the features the phone has, but I can valiantly try and pretend like I know what I'm doing when I mess with the more complex functions.
Heading back to my apartment tomorrow, where I will hopefully get some homework done. I also need to steal some turkey leftovers, since my mom made a gigantic bird, the sole reason being because she could. So much damn turkey leftover. I better go eat a sandwich now and do my part to reduce its numbers. 8|