Basically what's been happening the last few weeks:
-Laptop is now fixed, since Dell sent us a new harddrive. Don't have everything I had on the old one, but I have all the important things. Few programs still need to be installed and then it's about where it was before.
-I now have a journal for Tex (
crankypsychoex) and have learned she is great fun to play.
-LAST DAY OF WORK WAS LAST FRIDAY, HAHA. Until I have to get a job for the school year, bah.
-Just got back from being kidnapped by my future roomie who lives a couple hours away. Many shenanigans were had. :>
I finally have a few days of freedom. Sunday I move back into my dorm and then the 27th is when classes start. I need to find a job, but I'm kind of hoping I can weasel out of it, since we're paying all of my housing for this semester up front. Doubt it's gonna happen, though. 8D;