L A S T . P E R S O N.
1. You said I love you to? Probably dad, or Brae. *blink*
2. Rode in a car with? Kat and Joanie, who gave me a lift down to Nineways to catch a bus. Because I'm lazy.
3. Person you text? Most likely Emily. I don't text too many people.
4. Went to the mall with? .. uhhh. Sadly enough probably Brae + my parents + his parents like a month ago. I don't go out much.
W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R.
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Neither. Don't plan on piercing, ever. (If not a choice, nose--tongue would just be wtf..)
2. Be serious or be funny?: Eh, depends on the situation. Probably funny. ^^;
3. Drink whole or skim milk?: Lactose-free whole milk plzkthx.
4. Die in a fire or get shot?: Getting shot as I often tell people to "die in a fire" and it'd be too ironic.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents! .. not that I have any enemies.. oO
A N S W E R . T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone? I like you.
2. Sun or Moon?: Moon, definitely. If only for the fact my Moon God was just sweet and awesome.
3. Winter or Fall? Autumn, if only for my birthday. Plus there's a lot of storms. And pretty leavs.
4. Left or Right?: Right.
5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends? Two best friends, definitely.
6. Sunny or rain? Rain, as I love it, and storms are gorgeous.
A B O U T . Y O U
1. Name? Hailey
2. Middle name? Lynda.
3. Where do you wanna live? Uhm. No idea. Somewhere that's not horrid and rural.
4. How many kids do you want? Zero.
5. Do you want to get married?: Only on Talk Like a Pirate Day. In full pirate garb. Without warning the guests. ... And have it interrupted by a roving band of Ninjas.
6. Do you twirl your spagetti or cut it? .. I just dig my fork under and lift it up. Not really either. D:
7. Have you ever eaten spam? Nah.
8. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? Like 2?
10. Do you cook? If by "cook" you mean "set kitchens alight", then yes.
11. Current mood? Stressed, worried, tired, annoyed, bored, romantic.
I N . T H E . L A S T . 48 H O U R S . H A V E . Y O U.
1. Kissed some one?: No.
2. Sang?: Yes.
3. Been hugged? Yes.
4. Felt stupid?: When don't I?
5. Missed someone?: See above.
8. Gotten your hair cut? Nah.
9. Cried? Thankfully no.
10. Lied?: Well, lying on my English exam about the relevancy of certain scenes in Spirited Away doesn't count.
. S T U F F .
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? No.
2. Do you have a Dog?: ... no. ;___;
3. When's the last time you've been sledding? Like years ago. If by sledding you mean sliding down sanddunes on coardboard boxes.
4. Would you rather sleep near someone else, or sleep alone? Probably near someone else, as it's warmer. :3
5. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Ghosts are creepy.
6. Do you consider yourself creative? I would hope so!
7. Who did you copy this from? Nikki