Because I can't help but brag. This never happens to me. XD

Sep 19, 2010 01:09

So I went to play a game of laser tag with my BF at our nearest LaserQuest. The first game, it was a pretty even mix of pre-teens/teens. We decided to team up just for fun, since I hadn't played in two years and he hadn't played in even longer. It's allowed, although it's technically a solo game so friendly fire can happen.

So I'm wearing my black Doctor Who t-shirt with "exterminate" and a Dalek on it in red print, ducking and dodging the laser beams and shooting everything in sight. (man, that really does sound badass.)

By this point I'm pretty sure my bf is acting like this is either a FPS or he's part of the Secret Service, or a bit of both, which made me laugh to no end. And we're clearing through rooms and fighting our way to this dead-end zone on the third level where basically it's like crazy gang warring in this teeny narrow bridge area and very little cover. And we take some hits but manage to clear it and then just run for it while trying to shoot the incoming wave.

So after the 40ish minutes are up, we head out to see the scores. My handle was "Kat", half because it was the first thing I could come up with and half because it made sense, obvs. And the woman handing out the paper scorecards called my name and was like "...and she tagged so many people that we had to print out a second sheet for her."

And as if that wasn't epic enough: I counted how many people I shot. Total was 32. There were 33 people in the whole game. Meaning the only person I didn't hit was myself. (Yes, it does mean I accidentally shot my BF once when I couldn't see who it was. I wasn't intentionally doing any of this - it's a darkened 8000 square feet tri-level maze filled with foggy smoke and corridors and even some mirrors. I just happen to be this awesome, apparently.)


fun story

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