28 Days: a movie review

Jun 16, 2010 01:39

Just goes to show how lazy/weird I am, posting about a movie I've just watched for the first time rather than, yanno, the Serenity event, graduation or that awesome Mafia game that just finished or anything like that.

28 Days was a pretty great movie, and exceeded all expectations I had of it, and then some.

So anyways. I've had this movie sitting around for months now and never got around to it, so my sister and I watched it a few hours ago (it's rather short for a movie, 1:42 or something) and I absolutely loved it. Have to admit, the only reason I even had interest it was because of Alan Tudyk's (sadly) shorter role in it. All I knew was that it was about a rehab center, and he and Sandra Bullock were in it. Huge surprise when I saw Jude Law AND Viggo Mortensen in it too. AND KURT'S DAD FROM GLEE MADE ME LOL.

This is the part of my post where I ramble about how underappreciated and hilarious and talented Alan Tudyk is. He's comic gold in this whole thing, and made all the funny scenes HILARIOUS. The accent + outfit is awesome (first thought being that he looks like a gay version of Mark from RENT), but basically anything he said put my sister and I into a laughing fit.

The movie itself was very good, although it could have been longer and you'd hear no complaints from me. It's a great mix of comedy and drama - at least once, it went straight from a funny moment to a serious one with no breathing room, but I don't think that really detracted from anything. Some of it seemed a bit cheesy, and in some scenes you could tell where it was going, but it was all quite good overall - it's very much a character-based movie rather than plot-based, and the character development didn't just apply to the main characters or even the secondary characters - anyone who had more than five lines had some change, even if just a little bit, and in a believable way, rather than just being obnoxiously in-your-face about it. It helped that the characters have relatability (yep, just made that word up), and they were portrayed very realistically, as far as I could see.

Favorite moment to look for (unanimous vote with my sister): Alan Tudyk's fork monologue. HILARIOUS.

F-list, have you seen this? If not, shame on you, and go watch it now.
If you have, I'd LOVE to hear what you think.

movie: 28 days, review, thoughts

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