It's been too long... but here's something cool to look at.

Nov 03, 2011 20:53

..cause I've been frikkin busy. 3 weeks in a row, I'm clocking 25 hours of work a week and 13 credit hours. So every spare moment of my life is taken up. On the plus side, my paycheck tomorrow (before taxes) is $412.

HEY GUESS WHAT. I went to the chiropractor last Monday! I already feel amazing although I need to go ideally 2x a week for 4 months or so - and my schedule barely lets me go 1x a week and that's in-between classes even. Definitely a stretch. Fortunately my new class schedule for second semester means I don't have super long days anymore and all last classes end at 1pm!

That paper I'm supposed to turn in tomorrow about my future career, for that class that told me last week how to write resumes and do job interviews/applications? Yeah, I haven't done it yet. Cause I've been working all the time. Hi, irony. You're looking sharp today.

Last week I used every tiny second to finish my first actual cross-stitch project, which I proudly present here.
Took me 5 months off-and-on, but 2/3rds of it was done by month three. The face was about.. 15-20ish hours to do, just the outline of the hand/flower was about three hours and probably 6-10 to color in, words take about 2-4 to stitch and color... I lost count after that. x_x
Start date: June 6 - End date: September 25ish.

I'm also thinking about doing some cross-stitch gifts for Christmas. Probably sticking with bookmarks and stuff since it's easier, depending on my work schedule during my college break. x___x;

project, i am a zombie, geeky, pain is not fun, update, cross-stitchery is not for grannies anym, i am a crazy person

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