Battlestar Galactica you are slowly killing me inside

Sep 22, 2011 00:28

I've been powering through the last two seasons of BSG thanks to Netflix, with average of like 4-6 episodes a week on good weeks, and I have eight left and then it's over. ;_____;

Spoilers for Season 4, mainly about episode 13.
Because I've gotten THIS far without being spoiled and why spoil it for others.

Shit is getting real, omg.
- After shipping it like crazy for four seasons, Roslin/Adama finally happens and I don't even know how I feel about it. It takes an entire episode for me to adjust to that and then I'm like D'AWWW THEY ARE SO CUTE.

- Tigh comes into Adama's study room area to update him and mid-sentence Roslin walks in wearing a robe which I'm fairly sure is Adama's and is all GOOD MORNING :D and Tigh's face is just priceless.

- Gaeta, who I've always liked, who has stuck up for Galactica and the President and Adama at the risk of his own life several times, is now committing insane amounts of treason with orchestrating a ship-wide mutiny. Fortunately, Adama and Tigh don't go quietly and they're badass enough to get the weapons of their captors once they've been led off.

- Zarek's still an ass. Baltar's been randomly absent for a while but he seems more and more like he's playing a part and not quite believing what he's saying.

- Baltar also gives the best awkward hugs in the history of television.

- Minor moment, but still. All this heartbreak with Callie's murder a while ago and suddenly we find out the baby isn't Tirell's after all was bad enough, but HOTDOG?! Whaaat how I don't even see it nothing makes sense anymore. I would have choked on a drink were I drinking something at the time.

- Adama striding up to Roslin before the ship leaves to get her to safety, and they're passionately kissing in front of everyone, and Lee looks at Kara and they're both resolutely not looking at them and it's hilarious.

- And then the cliffhanger, Adama and Tigh with some guns having a last stand against like six or more armed men who have a grenade and are using it. ;_______; You know when someone in military says "It's an honor to have served with you" that shit is getting real. Especially this show where Anyone Can Die. Because yeah.

Also, the acting is seriously brilliant. Tigh's revealing he's a Cylon to Adama was one of the most emotionally-packed moments this whole season. First the denial, then insane amounts of rage and fury and getting really drunk and having a massive fight and then complete and utter breakdown when he realizes that executing his best friend is probably what will be going on and poor Lee steps up to the plate.

And I hear the next episode will be awesome solely on the factor that Romo Lampkin's back. :DD

recap, bsg, omg why am i up so late, television overdose

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