Oh man.. I just... I'm drained.

May 18, 2011 20:38

Between marathoning Dollhouse 2x04 through 2x13 in less than a day with chibichimera (we stayed up until almost 7am to finish, woo) and the roller coaster ride of awesome, but having all of that emotional drainage with Mellie and Boyd and Topher oh Topher *hugs icon*, then coming home and watching the Castle season finale which ripped me open just as easily, and then House and seeing that ending, it's like...

I need to stop feeling for a while cause it hurts. I tend to have immediate visceral reactions to things and the Dollhouse finale drains me slowly and emotionally until the last moment but House.. watching him do the self-surgery, I was clutching my leg and trying to hold my breath and not look at the television. My leg is still twinging from thinking about it too much.

Now to try and do my whedonland fandom scavenger hunt before the deadline, since I won't be here tomorrow to do it. They're just piling on challenges! XD

made of pure awesome, actors need love too, dollhouse, joss whedon, television overdose, tv: house, whedonland

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