I have GOT to keep myself on track this week or I will be dead. (LIIIIISTS)

Apr 05, 2011 01:18

Mostly a list for me to refer back to (I like ticky boxes!) but also you guys can poke me and prod me and make sure I'm not on here until I've accomplished my goals for the day. So yeah.

Major priority: have at least 15-20 puppets done by the morning of Saturday, April 9 (the due date). 'Cause the more I make, the more I have to sell!
Ideally I'd like to see 25, meaning I'd need to complete five per day (aka something like ~ 8-10 hours of work per day - which I really don't see happening). x_X I have three completely done now, two bodies done minus parts, and one body ready to be assembled. So basically by tomorrow I'll have six done. YES I AM A BODY FACTORY WHY DO YOU ASK.

I think I could easily do three a day, though, if I'm working on them all throughout the day and not just in one clump that would make me want to scream.

April 5 - take mom and grandpa on errands (yay driving, I actually enjoy it), go see friend and streak my hair pink with her (yes you heard me right, pink) and be awesome in general, finish the 3 puppets, make at least 3 more puppets (and listen to Lucie audios!)

April 6 - make sure I do my pimpage for whedonland, start on brb_gallifrey anniversary shenanigans, continue w/puppets and audios. Also go get bus tickets reserved. (They're super chill about everything, whee ghetto bus, I think the bus was like maybe 3/4 filled last time? Plus we had people just sort of showing up and paying and getting on that night.)

April 7 - continue on brb_g sekkrit stuffs, puppets, editing and finishing list of things to pack for NYC (and other roadtrip I should hopefully be going on a day after I get back)

April 8 - PUPPETS LIKE WHOA HI THERE. Get as many as completed as possible and at least make a bunch of bodies to work on at the festival (adding parts doesn't take as long)

April 9 - Alpaca festival! Working there, hopefully selling some knitted things (sadly, not taking my jewelry with me) and the puppets should do really well, and then crashing when I get home. And then starting on packing.

April 10 - PAAAACK. After all, I'm leaving that night/Monday at 12:30am for NYC! :D


project, challenge, sekkrit, knitting, incomprehensible, work, comms, alpacas are awesome!, roadtrip, lists are my friends, audiobooks are fun, i am a crazy person

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