*isn't sleeping this weekend*

Mar 25, 2011 00:57

...and it hasn't even started. @___@ WHAT. UP.


Tomorrow morning I'm going back to the alpaca farm and *actually* sorting fleece for like five hours with a friend. It'll be lovely. :) Then in the evening if I don't get to go visit another wonderful friend of mine and watch new Doctor Who (to her) and catch up on life, I'll be making calls about getting a table to sell my things for the April 2 downtown Farmer's Market event, and knitting items for said event. Already I've worked a thin, short lacy scarf I made months ago into a gorgeous double-wrapped mobius cowl. I think it suits it better and doubling it before making it into a mobius strip was the best idea I've had in a looong time. When I get some good lighting/pictures I'll add them to Etsy and post some pics here. Right now, I have about 4 more pairs of earrings and at least 3-5 completed knitted things that aren't shown. Hopefully at least two more by this time next week.

Saturday from 9-4 is the free, one-day scifi convention at the library, which I'm psyched about. I do believe there's a costume contest, but unfortunately it's such short notice that I doubt I could put anything together. I will be wearing my Fivey celery, though! Afterwards I'm going straight to a dinner/storytelling night that a friend's hosting. :)

I decided to embark on making yet another RENT scarf, and I've already two friends interested in it. xDDD I guess that's what you get when you're the only person on the internets selling them. If I'm really on my game, I can make one in a week. WHICH IS CRAZY. Guess who's going to be listening to lots of Eighth Doctor audios soon? >:D

Whiiiich is also awesome, 'cause I've decided there's a reaally good chance I'm going up to NYC for a little while in a few weeks anyway, and having money is even better when there's a trip I can spend it on. If anything, it's an (excellent) excuse to visit meet visit a friend and get tons of walking and general exercise in. Oh yeah, and RSL's in a play. :D

In the fandom world, Lucie Miller (ohgodcrocodiles) has settled in nicely at brb_gallifrey and even met some new friends (and a sort-of adversary) and I'm super super excited. It's fun and addicting and totally keeps me up late at night.

Speaking of which. It's almost 1am and I have to get up at 7. Nnnnngh. @_____@

TL;DR: Don't expect to see me around the internet until like Monday. Except then I'll probably be sleeping or knitting to make up for the lost time on both. xD;

OH YEAH I FORGOT TO MENTION. MADAMA BUTTERFLY WAS EPIC. My first opera, and it's the one that's playing when the Doctor flatlines on the operating table in the TVM. I'm such a dork. And 'cause I promised some people, here's a pic.

tl;dr, geeky, knitting, incomprehensible, doctor who, alpacas are awesome!, nyc, idea

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